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3 Blocks of Psychology

Psychology is since which consist scientific and practical knowledge. It studies mind and behavior, emotion and feelings of the human. It studies human, group of people from the different side. Psychology includes such division as children’s psychology, psychology of personality, medical psychology and many other.

In psychology, there are three main blocks - it's 3 schools of psychology - Psychoanalytic Psychology, Humanistic Psychology and Behavioral psychology.

1 School; Psychoanalysis was first modern psychotherapy, it’s father Sigmund Freud. Psychodynamic approaches is based on classic psychoanalysis. This approach has been developed Z Freud, K Ung amd A.Adler. The basic idea of psychoanalysis is that humans have unconscious needs related to sexual energy libido. Psychoanalysis includes free association, dream interpretation, role playing, hypnosis and guided fantasias techniques.

2 School: Humanistic Psychology approach has been developed Frankl, Masloy, Rogers and other. The basic idea of Humanistic Psychology is the study of all aspects of human personality.

In humanistic psychology as the main subjects of the analysis are: the highest values​​, self-actualization, creativity, love, freedom, and others. Humanistic Psychology include logotherapy, it’s founder Frankl. The main idea is to help people find meaning in life

3 School: Behavioral psychology approach has been developed Yotson, Torndaik, Ckiner and other. Behavioral psychology was founded Yotson. Behaviorists say that the subject matter of psychology is the behavior. One of the pioneers of behavioral psychology was Thorndike.

Applying psychotherapy

Any kind of therapy that attempts to relieve the symptoms of mental disorders or general emotional distress through psychological means.

Psychotherapy as a special kind of conversation between a therapist and a trouble person.

Psychotherapy applying in various fields of psychological and other disorders. It can be both psychological and physical disorders. By somatic disorders include such neurosis and hysteria. For the treatment of neurosis and hysteria applying by psychoanalysis, which was founded by Freud. For the treatment of neuroses and hysteria applying such basic techniques as free association, dream interpretation, role playing, hypnosis and guided fantasias.

The same psychotherapy is used for emotional disorders, children's fears, as well as stress, distress, depression and others. These disorders are treated with art therapy, cognitive therapy, and others. The term art therapy applies to visual art therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psycodrama. These therapy is an effective treatment for the patients with social, emotional, cognitive, psychological and other problems.

Also psychotherapy applying as a therapy for one person, it is called individual psychotherapy, and for groups of people, it is called a group psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is often effective. In offers real hope to persons with mental health problems. It is an appealing alternative to drug therapy, electroshock therapy and other somatic approaches.


We all experience stress occasionally . Today rapidly passed society creates stress for many of us. The people reactions to stressful events differ, it is can be painful emotions, depression and sometimes it can be psychological and physiological illnesses. Stress has become a popular topic. So what is stress? In general terms, stress occurs when people are faced with events they perceived as endangering their physical or psychological well-being. These events are usually referred to us stressors, and peoples reactions to them are stress responses. Countless events create stress , such events as wars, unclears, hard job and others. There are many ways to managing stress. One of the ways is meditation. It is very useful in everyday life. It can stop distractive thought process. To begin with sit quietly in silence and concentrate on your breathing .Try to think of nothing . Spend some time like this and youll feel relaxed.

In stress you need fruits , vegetables and salads. Vitamins C and B are one of the major distressing vitamins.

Another way to relaxation is yoga It treats the body, mind and soul together. Acupuncture is too effective way to relax your body.

Connecting with nature is too effective. Fresh air and quiet help your mind stop focuses on stressful situation . A brisk walk can help to burn off some of the physical energy .

Self-hypnosis. Choose a picture in your mind of somewhere that you feel secure and safe. Visualize as much detail of smell, color and so on as you can. Sounds can also be bright in. Push the relaxation down you neck , shoulders, arms until you ve done your whole body. Concentrate on the heat and heaviness you feel.

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