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Металлы и их свойства.doc
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6. Прочтите текст еще раз, постарайтесь ответить на вопросы, не заглядывая в текст

1) How are metals found in nature?

2) What is an ore?

3) How are metals produced from metal ores?

4) What science is metallurgy?

5) How is iron produced?

6) In what furnaces is cast iron produced?

7) In what furnaces is steel produced?

8) What can you say about the Bessemer process?

9) What kind of steel is produced in electrical furnaces?

10) What metals are produced by electrolysis?

11) Tell some words about the world's metallurgical industry.

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7. Перепишите в свои словари все новые слова и словосочетания из урока 4. Выучите их к следующему занятию.

8. Найдите в тексте D предложение с «in order to», переведите его.

9. Выпишите из текста все предложения со словами с инговым окончанием, проанализируйте и переведите их.

10. Выпишите из текста и переведите все «определительные группы из 2-х и 3-х слов» (2-х и 3-х – компонентные терминологические сочетания).

11. Прочтите самостоятельно дополнительные тексты по металлам и передайте их содержание на русском языке

Текст а

Diodorus (Диодор) tells us of iron-making in Roman times. He says there was on a certain island (остров) an ore that contained iron. This ore was melted in batches (шихта) to make metal. The workers first cut up a great mass of the ore. Then they put it into the furnace. When the heat had melted it they broke up what was left into blocks (слитки). Then they sold these blocks to the merchants (торговец) who traveled from village to village. And the merchants sold the ore again to blacksmiths (кузнец). The blacksmiths made it into all sorts of figures, birds, beasts (зверь) and, also, into tools (инструмент).

Текст в

Tin is used to make on alloy called bronze. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. The discovery (открытие) of Bronze was a very important event in history and the whole period was called the Вrоnze Age. Copper and tin are soft metals, and sо could not be widely used in pure state. But an alloy of copper and tin is a hard metal. Bronze consists of one part tin and nine parts copper. Bronze replaced (заменять) copper so quickly, that we do not speak of a copper age at all, as we do of the ages of Stone, Bronze and Iron tools.

Текст с

Aristotle (Аристотель) called mercury «liquid silver». Though (хотя) mercury had been known all through ancient history, no one in fact knew what it really was until the days of alchemists of Middle Ages. It was one of these alchemists – Albert le Grand (french) – who discovered pure, free mercury. In the Middle Age people thought there was something magic about mercury, so they were a little afraid of it. It is not difficult to see why they were afraid of it. Mercury is a curious (необычный) metal, almost like a thing alive. Its common name is quicksilver. We use mercury today in medicine, mirrors, colours, thermometers.

Lesson 5 metals as engineering materials