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3. A guarantee of the rights of citizens on a labour safety

3.1 At drawing up of the labour contract the citizen should be informed by the proprietor on receipt:

o About working conditions at the enterprise and its workplace;

o About dangerous both harmful production factors and their influence on health;

o About the rights to privileges and indemnifications at performance of works in harmful conditions.

3.2 Rights working on a labour safety during work at the enterprise:

Working conditions on workplaces, safety of technological processes and the industrial equipment, a condition of means of complex protection and means of an individual defence should meet the requirements of normative documents on a labour safety.

Means of collective protection - means of collective protection which provide decrease in danger by 2-nd and more working simultaneously.

Means of an individual defence - means of an individual defence which reduce dangers to one working (overalls, спецобувь, protective gloves).

Working have the right to refuse the charged work if the situation dangerous to a life and its health most, of the associates or an environment is created; for the period of idle time average earnings working in this case is kept.

Working has the right to terminate the labour contract at own will if the owner does not carry out positions of the legislation on a labour safety.

Working to which on a state of health necessary granting of easier work, the owner is obliged to give such work.

All working are a subject to obligatory social insurance from accidents and occupational diseases.

3.3 All working are a subject to obligatory social insurance from accidents and occupational diseases.

3.4 Rights working on privileges and indemnifications for difficult and harmful working conditions.

Working, borrowed on robots with difficult and harmful working conditions have the right:

Free of charge to be provided with a treatment-and-prophylactic feed or milk, equivalent products and the aerated added some salt water.

On reduction of duration of working hours, additional paid holiday, preferential pension, a payment in the raised size (surcharge up to 24 %).

On works with harmful and dangerous conditions and the works connected with pollution, adverse temperature conditions, to workers the overalls, special footwear

and others means of an individual defence, and also washing and neutralizing means free of charge stands out.

The owner is obliged to compensate working the loss, caused to their health at performance of their duties in the form of the lost earnings, and also to pay to the victim or its family a lump sum. The size of this help is established by the collective agreement.

If in the victim, according to a medical conclusion the established proof disability, this help should make not less the sums of monthly average earnings for each percent of loss of professional work capacity.

In case of death of the victim, the size of the help should make not less five years' earnings on its family and not less annual earnings on each dependent, and also on its child who was born after death. If accident took place as a result of default by the victim of statutory acts on a labour safety the size of this help can be reduced up to 50 %.

The owner compensates to the victim of an expense for treatment, including sanatorium, prosthetics, etc., and also helps invalids to solve social problems.

For working which have lost working capacity as a result of accident or occupational diseases, the place of work and average earnings for all period of restoration of work capacity or a recognition is kept by their invalids. In case of impossibility of performance by victims of the previous work, the owner is obliged to provide its retraining and employment.

The owner also should compensate the moral loss.

The moral loss is understood as the suffering, received working in consequence of physical or mental influence which deterioration of mutual relations with surrounding or other negative consequences of moral character has led to deterioration or deprivation of an opportunity of realization of the habits by it or desires.

3.4 Labour safety of women

It is forbidden to use work of women on tough jobs and works with harmful and dangerous working conditions, and also on underground works (except for not physical). The list of these works is established by Ministry of Health.

3.5 Labour safety of minors (till 18 years)

Too, as for women, but it is in addition forbidden to involve them in works at night, overtime and on the days off. Minors can be employed only after obligatory physical examination.

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