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Job in America

Many Americans change jobs during their lifetime. In fact, some Americans even change careers one or more times. For example, someone who has been a teacher for fifteen years might decide to quit that profession in order to begin a restaurant business. Or a banker might decide to go back to school to study law. You sometimes meet older Americans who have tried several careers in their lifetime.

The Small Business Administration is a US government agency established in 1953. It lends money to small business to help them grow. The Small Business Administration also helps small businesses receive government contracts.

Before World War II, most American women did not work outside the home. Between 1941 and 1945, more than 6 million women took jobs outside the home for the first time. Since then, the number of women in the workplace has greatly increased. In Most American families, both the husband and wife must work in order to afford a home or a college education for their children.

As recently as 1970, public opinion polls indicated that most American men did not want their wives to work outside the home. But today, most husbands approve of their wives having a job. In fact, the majority of American wives now work outside the home. About 60% of mothers with children under the age of six are now employed. And about 70% of mothers with school-age children are now working, too.

American teenagers often take job in the summer, when they are not going to school. Many teenagers work as counsellors in summer camps for young children. Some teens may work in supermarkets or in fast-food restaurants. Other have jobs as messengers, delivery people, or salesclerks. Occasionally teenagers work at some of these jobs during the school year as well as during the summer.

In the United States, about 5% of all jobs are in agriculture, fishing, and mining. About 25% are in manufacturing and construction. The rest of the jobs are in service professions, such as teaching, selling and medicine.

Many Americans retire at the age of 65. Some retire at a younger age and other choose never to retire. The federal government provides social security (money each month) for workers who retire.

There are many organization of retired persons in the United States. Some of the members of these groups volunteer their time to help people in a particular kind of business. Other groups of retired persons work for educational social, religious, or political causes.

(from "FamilyAlbum, USA" by Alvin Cooperman and George Lefferts)

to quit — кидати, залишати, припиняти

poll голосування, число голосів, опитування (громадської думки)

Text 17

Out of Work

1. In the United States a lot of people are out of work. Tracy Kowalsky is 19. She dropped out of high school two years ago and got a job as a check-out clerk in a supermarket. She was fired four months ago and hasn't been able to find another job yet.

"My old man just doesn't understand. He started working in the steel mill there in town when he was 16. Things are different now, but he thinks I should start bringing home some money. I'm on unemployment, but it isn't very much and I'm just fed up with standing in line to sign for it every other week. I hate having to ask my folks for money. My mom gives one a couple of dollars now and then, and she can't stand having me around the house all day. I've almost given up looking for a job. I look at the paper every day, but I'm really tired of going through the want ads. There are at least fifty people for every job. I was interested in becoming a receptionist for a dentist or a doctor because I like meeting people, but now I'd take any job that came along. People ask me why I don't move to California or maybe Houston, but I really don't want to leave my family and my friends. Anyway, I'd be scared of living all alone in a strange place."

Tracy went to the state employment office. She had to fill out a questionnaire. Here is part of it:


Do you want (check one)

a) full-time employment

b) part-time employment

What is most important for you? (number these from 1 to 5 in order of importance — 1 = most, 5 = least)

a) money

b) people

c) job security

d) job satisfaction

e) interesting job

Do you like (check "yes" or "no»)

a) meeting people?

b) working alone?

с) working with other people?

d) working with your hands?

e) travelling?

f) working outdoors?

2. George Hartman is 54. Until last year he was a foreman at an automobile plant in Michigan. He had worked for the same company since he graduated from high school. He had a good job and a comfortable life. When the company cut back production last year, George was laid oft.

"It's funny, you know. I don't feel old, but it isn't easy to start looking for a job at my age. I've been turned down so many times that now I'm afraid of applying for a job. All the interviewers are twenty years younger than me. You see, I'm interested in learning a new skill, but nobody wants to train me. 1 can see their point of view, you know. I'll have to retire in a few year's. It's just that... Well, I'm tired of sitting around the house. I've worked hard for over thirty-five years, and now I'm terrified of having nothing to do. When I was still with US Motors I was bored with doing the same thing day after day, but now I'd enjoy having a job again — any job. It's not just the money. I'm still on unemployment, and my wife has a good job. She makes more money than I ever did, but we have to be careful with expenses, and so I've given up smoking. But we're getting along. No, it's not just the money. I need to get out more and feel... useful, you know. Yeah, I guess I want to feel useful.''

(from "American Streamline ")

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