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13. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

Лондон занимает территорию; прекрасная церковь эпохи Возрождения; издательства газет, которые слились вместе; пытались разрушить; «одинокий порт»; первоначальное название; плотно населенный район; гордятся; похоронен на Хайгетском кладбище.

14. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Лондон – столица Великобритании и самый большой город в Европе – распо-ложен на реке Темзе.

2. Лондон занимает территорию в 400 кв. миль.

3. Древние кельты дали Лондону его название.

4. Лин-дин было первоначальное название поселения, которое означало «Одинокий порт».

5. Современный Лондон – это ряд городов, городков и деревень, которые слились вместе, чтобы образовать один огромный мегаполис.

6. Сити – старейшая и очень важная часть столицы, ее торговый и деловой центр.

7. Вест Энд – это символ богатства, самая богатая, фешенебельная и наиболее красивая часть Лондона.

8. Ист Энд – беднейший район Лондона, его промышленная часть.

9. Ист Энд – это очень плотно заселенный район.

10. Ист Энд – это руки Лондона.

11. Главными отраслями промышленности Лондона являются кораблестроение, машиностроение и текстильная промышленность.

15. Answer the following questions.

1. Is London the main political, commercial, transport centre of the country?

2. How old is London?

3. What are the main traditional parts of London?

4. What part of London is the oldest?

5. What offices are situated in the City?

6. What are the most interesting places of interest in the West End?

7. What people lave in the East End?

8. Where is the port of London?

9. What famous people live in London?

16. The information given below contains different points of view of the American students on some aspects of social life in Great Britain.

The British and the Americans speak the same language. But life in two nations can be very different....

'The police. They're very friendly and they don't carry guns.' Claude, Trenton.

'The weather is awful. You don't seem to get any summer heat. It's winter all year round.' Toni, San Francisco.

'The tourists! The streets are so crowded. I think you should do something about them. And 1 can't stand the litter everywhere. It's a very dirty place.' Jose, Washington.

'Walking and sitting on the grass in the parks, especially on a hot summer's day. Oh, and the green countryside. But why is the beer warm? Max, Houston.

'Well, they certainly seem rather unfriendly. Nobody ever talk on the buses. But maybe we haven't met any real English people yet' Eva, Niagara Falls.

'Feeling safe when you walk the streets. Oh, and the polite drivers who stop at a street crossing if they see someone waiting there.' Moon, Los Angeles.

'Driving on the left. It's very confusing. I keep looking the wrong way.' Paula, San Diego.

Speech practice

17. Use the following words to speak about:

а) London – the capital of Great Britain

the capital; the largest city in Europe; the main political; commercial centre; the biggest port; the population of 9 million; a number of towns; to be situated; to cover the territory; to grow together; to make one vast urban area.

b) the history of London:

a very old city; 20 million centuries old; the old Celts; the Romans; the Germanic invaders; the Normans; the original name Llyn-din; a «lonely port»; to give; to make the centre of the colony; to destroy; to mean; to make the capital.

c) the parts of London:

the main traditional parts; the City; the West End; the East End; banks; governmental offices; newspaper offices; a symbol of wealth; wide streets and fine theatres; cinemas and concert halls; workers; dockers; handicraftsmen; the smog; many plants; factories; workshops; to live; to be situated; to work; to hang; to produce the wealth.

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