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Английский язык. Сборник заданий.doc
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Упражнение 7

Скажите правдивы или ложны данные утверждения.

1. Economics includes macroeconomics, microeconomics and programming.

2. In macroeconomics the focus is on supply and demand of all goods and services produced by the economy.

3. Macroeconomics deals with the national and regional economy.

4. Macroeconomics looks at the economic decisions people take every day.

5. Economic growth depends on macroeconomic policies.

6. Microeconomics deals with people and private businesses.

7. Microeconomics looks at the economy of a country and that of the whole world.

8. All of our daily microeconomics decisions have an effect on the wider world around us.

Упражнение 8 Контрольная работа.

Переведите на русский язык.

Some facts about the history of economic thought.

The word “economies” came from the Greek for “oikos” (house) and nomos (custom or law) that is to say “rules of the household”. The English word economics first appeared in the 19th century. Long time ago people knew about Aristotle's writings. He did not use the word economics but he did write about economic ideas. Early economists thought that a nation without gold was poor. This simple view of the economy remained until medieval times. It was the period when economic thinking changed greatly. The new social class saw the economy as a way to make the state strong. They were still simple ideas but, daily experience also taught people many basic economic concepts. Modern economics was ready born in the 19th century. Adam Smith is the so-called father of Modern Economics. He realized that a nations wealth depended on its ability to produce goods. Smith and other classical economists thought that the value of goods depended on the cost of production. The cost of production depended on the cost of workers, raw materials and land. This was really the first example of macroeconomics.

Урок IV Упражнение №1

Прочитайте и запомните перевод данных слов:

tribe племя

property собственность

to consume потреблять

surplus избыток, излишек

to hunt охотиться

to survive выживать

drought засуха

trader торговец

employer работодатель

division of labour разделение труда

tool инструмент

benefit преимущество, выгода, польза

drawback недостаток

flood наводнение

hurricane ураган, буря

custom обычай

to rely on полагаться на

to store запасать, откладывать, хранить

to exist существовать

crop урожай, с/х культура

Упражнение №2.

Подберите нужный перевод слов и выражений:

benefit ураган

tool неразвитая экономика

drawback зависеть от природы

flood зарплата

tribe торговец

to die of disease наводнение

surplus недостаток

hurricane преимущество

to own property инструмент

an undeveloped economy владеть собственностью

division of labour избыток, излишек

to depend on nature прожиточный минимум

salary племя

trader умирать от болезни

drought засуха

Упражнение №3.

Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

an undeveloped economy, to rely on nature, to have no protection from disasters, to be in danger, to die from hunger and disease, to hunt animals, division of labour, benefits and drawbacks, to be replaced by, droughts and floods.

Упражнение №4.


Прочитайте и переведите данный текст.

The traditional economy exists in societies where there is no trade. It is an undeveloped economy. There are no shops, markets or traders. There are no employers, paid workers or salaries. In such a society people do not have money because they do not need it. In the traditional economy people rely on nature. They depend on it to survive because there is no technology. They have no protection from such disasters as droughts, floods, hurricanes. That is why people are always in danger and often die of hunger and disease. And it’s a great drawback of the traditional economy.

Traditional economy is the economy that is based on customs and traditions. The decisions are made by the community or family. Custom decides what jobs people do. Each person has a certain activity or job. Communities use primitive tools and methods to grow crops and hunt for food. Custom decides what jobs people do in the traditional economy. Division of labour between men and women is an important characteristic of this kind of the economy. The traditional economy also has its benefits. People are equally poor. They do not own any property and there is almost no surplus in these societies. People are peaceful in these societies, that is why war is almost unknown to them. And this is the most important advantage.

Today we can find traditional economic systems at work among Australian aborigines and some isolated tribes in the Amazon. They still exist in some parts of Asia, South America and Africa. In the past, they could be found everywhere – in the feudal agrarian villages of medieval Europe, for example. In developed nations traditional economies have been largely replaced by market and mixed economies

Упражнение №5.

Найдите пары слов с противоположным значением.

Flood, war, drawback, undeveloped, advantage, customer, to consume, to buy, drought, disadvantage, employers, benefit, trader, to produce, to sell, peace, developed, paid workers.

Упражнение №6.

Найдите слова одинаковые по смыслу (синонимы ).

Trader, custom, employees, to consume, to produce, merchant, to use, disadvantage, work, hurricane, to manufacture, tradition, drawback, advantage, labour, paid workers, benefit, storm.

Упражнение №7.

Выберите правильный перевод слова:

  1. benefits

  1. недостатки b) преимущества c) равенство

  1. surplus

  1. умеренность b) излишек с) достаток

  1. tribe

  1. народ b) племя с) этнос

  1. drawback

  1. равенство b) недостаток с) превосходство

  1. tool

  1. устройство b) инструмент с) деталь

  1. hunt

  1. выслеживать b) ловить рыбу с) охотиться

  1. custom

  1. таможня b) обычай с) привычка

  1. flood

  1. катаклизм b) наводнение с) засуха

  1. hurricane

a) тайфун b) цунами с) ураган


a) опасность b) болезнь с) голод

Упражнение №8.

Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What society does the traditional economy exist in?

    2. How do people live in such a society?

    3. What are the drawbacks of the traditional economy?

    4. What are the benefits of the traditional economy ?

    5. Where do traditional economic systems exist nowadays?

Упражнение №9.

Заполните пропуски словами и переведите предложения.

1. The traditional economy has its benefits and . . .

2. Because there is no . . . in the traditional economy, people depend on nature to survive.

3. Economic decisions are taken according to the . . . of the tribe.

4. In the traditional economy land is shared by all the . . .

5. The most important . . . of the traditional economy is that people are peaceful in such societies.

6. Communities use primitive tools and methods to . . . and . . . for food.

7. There is no . . . in the traditional economy.

8. People are often in danger and die of hunger and . . . .

Benefit, technology, drawbacks, tribe, hunt, customs, competition, disease, grow crops.

Control work

Переведите текст на русский язык.

The traditional economy is the oldest form of economy. It has existed for thousands of years, although today it has almost disappeared.

People in a traditional economy do not own property. They do not earn a salary and they do not pay taxes. In fact, there is no money. They use raw materials that the forest provides them. They don’t have any organized agriculture with farms and crops growing in fields. Instead, they gather wild fruit and vegetables or hunt wild animals. They eat most of the food they find, and may store some food for the winter, but they do not sell it. It is a difficult life. There are often shortages of food when there is not enough to eat. When this happens, the tribe must move on to another part of the forest.

Ролевая игра.

«Преимущества и недостатки традиционной экономики»

Список ролей:

Руководитель научной экспедиции.

Представитель племени (женщина).

Представитель племени (мужчина).

Эксперт в области экономики.


Официальная программа.

  1. Доклад руководителя экспедиции.

  2. Рассказ членов племени о своей повседневной жизни.

  3. Комментарии экспертов в области экономики.

  4. Вопросы репортёров после каждого доклада.

  5. Закрытие пресс-конференции.

Список вопросов, которые будут обсуждаться во время пресс-конференции:

  1. What do you think would be the most difficult task to grow or to catch all of the food that you ate?

  2. Do you think that would be easier or harder to do this then buying your food?

  3. What are the living conditions that exist in your region of the world?

  4. Do you lead very traditional life-style?

  5. What do you do for survival?

  6. What is your culture and economy based on?

  7. Is family important?

  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional economy?

Заключительная часть.

Выступление руководителя научной экспедиции.

Урок V

Упражнение №1.

Прочитайте и запомните перевод данных слов:

supply предложение

demand спрос

incentive стимул

freely set prices свободно установленные цены

to raise повышать

to reduce понижать, сокращать

to compete соревноваться, конкурировать

a competitor конкурент , соперник

competitive конкурирующий, соперничающий

competition конкуренция, соревнование

to make a profit получать прибыль

production costs издержки производства

consumer потребитель

to afford позволить себе

income доход

to employ давать работу, нанимать

an employer работодатель

to intervene вмешиваться

to charge for smth. назначать цену за