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IV. Complete each sentences with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

board. draw lap referee runner-up dive fun oar round whistle

1. While I was rowing across the lake I lost one ______.

2. Neither team deserved to lose and the match ended in a______.

3. Ruth was well out in front by the end of the fifth______.

4. After the rugby match David was attacked by an angry______.

5. Brian impressed everyone with his ______ into the pool.

6. Our gym teacher used to make us stop by blowing a ______.

7. During the chess game Carol knocked all the pieces off the ______.

8. Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second ______.

9. During the match one of the spectators offered the ______ his glasses.

10. Denise won the race and her sister was ______.



Focus Vocabulary


calorie controlled diet

low fat food


weight control

gain / lose weight




streamline shape



bad posture




active /sedentary lifestyle

Vitamin X

There's an essential "vitamin" that's almost extinct, though it's the secret to staying slim. It's vitamin X - vitamin X-ercise - and most of us are seriously deficient. We've cut out big and little sources, such as walking, raking leaves, hoisting garage doors by hand - even standing up to change TV channels. We all know the result: a national flab-idemic. Ten years ago one in four Americans was obese; today it's one in three! At last, even the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes that we can't tame our waistlines by heathy eating alone; we must get vitamin X, too.

Magic Steps To A Healthy Weight

Going up in the world may be the easiest way to get some vitamin X-ercise - If you climb by taking the stairs. Like a daily coin dropped in a bank, little by little those flights of stairs can help add up to a fitter, trimmer you. In a London subway station, some researchers posted these signs by the escalators: "Stay Healthy, Save \ Time, Use the Stairs." In the three weeks the signs were up, men's use of the stairs rose from 12 to 20 percent; women's use rose from 5 to 12 percent. So next time you have a choice between stairs and escalator - remember: "Stay Healthy, Save Time, Use the Stairs."

How fit are you?

If you have never considered that you needed to take exercise just consider these few simple questions:

1. Do you sometimes go to bed mentally exhausted but find that you are unable to sleep?

2. Do you automatically ride up and avoid the stairs when you are visiting someone in an office or multi-storey building - even when they are only on the first or second floor?

3. If you can just manage to catch your train or bus by running for it do you make the effort - or do you wait for the next one to come along?

4. If you have to undertake some unexpected strenuous physical exercise such as mowing the lawn or decorating the spare room, do you feel aching and exhausted the next day?

5. Do you ever suffer from backache or headaches?

6. Are you dissatisfied with your figure?

7. Is your holiday the only time when you feel really rested and invigorated?

8. In the evenings, at the end of another tiring day, do you sit, slumped and exhausted, with just a vague feeling that you are not getting as much out of life as you should?