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If the answer to only one of these questions is 'yes' then you are not 100 per cent fit, and you could benefit from a controlled programme of regular daily exercises.

Skill Developing

Ex. 1 Work in pairs. Ask your partner the questions above, then change the roles.

Ex. 2 Draw your conclusion about your partner's fitness and tell the group. Prove your opinion by using the arguments from the partner's answer.

Why Exercise?

If you want to feel fit - and you should - then you have to make up your mind to set aside a little time each day for exercise. You do not have to embark on a three-hour programme of physical jerks straight away. (Indeed, you will probably harm yourself if you do.) With the help of the gradual exercise plan you can work up, at your own pace, to a programme which suits you. The vital thing about getting fit is getting started. So while you are busy deciding what you can do and when you can do it, try going for a walk. Then go for another ... and another. Sustained walks of 10 minutes or more, once, then two or three times a day, will soon help to build up your stamina. And if you are over 35 and rather out of condition, walking is just about the most comfortable and the safest way of getting back into shape.

Once you start to devote 10, 20 or 30 minutes a day to exercising you will begin to fee the benefits. You will feel less tired, more able to cope with the demands of a busy life and, miraculously, able to fit even more activities into each day. If you are young, you will stay feeling and looking young for longer. If you are older, you will start feeling truly youthful again. Those nagging everyday problems will fall into perspective and time-consuming minor aches and pains will become a thing of the past. If all this sounds too good to be true, just try it - you could be very surprised.

You may say you are conserving energy by not walking up the stairs or running for the bus. But is this an excuse? Do you use that energy for other things?

Ex. 3 Work in pairs. Give advice to your partner how to start exercising and not exhaust oneself.

Modus Vivendi

Lots of young people are not fit at all. They have already lost the energy and happiness tnat comes from feeling really well.

Fitness comes from the way you live all the time, not just from some exercises done "ow and then. Good eating habits, wise drinking habits, regular sleeping habits, and plenty 3f fresh air and exercise kept up during the week (and right through the year) are all impor-:ant parts of the way to keep fit.

Class Discussion

Here are some things you can do to be fit Which two do you think are the most important for you?

Not smoking

Taking regular exercise

Eating good quality food

Having regular check-ups

Dieting to keep your weight down

Not drinking alcohol

Complimenting People

These are typical conversation gambits, especially if you are making small talk with someone you haven't seen long.


- You do look well Kitty!

- Do I? I'm afraid I've gained some weight.

- Have you? A little walk, ! think, will help to keep you slim.

- Thank you! I'll follow your advice.


- You really look very nice, Pat!

- Oh, thank you. I'm just back from my holiday.

- That explains your beautiful tan. Had a good time there?

- Wonderful! I swam a lot, sunbathed, had short walking trips in the mountains. It was very pleasant indeed.


- Glad to see you looking so fit, my darling.

- Thank you. It's very pleasant to hear it.

- I'm not just being polite. Your complexion is really marvellous. How do you achieve this effect? It isn't make up, I believe.

- No, it isn't. I just spend a lot of time in the open air. I've been skiing every weekend this winter.

- How clever of you! I wish I could follow your example, but I've no time, I'm afraid.

Class Communication