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Task 7. Read and translate the text “us University Education”:

There is no national university in the USA. Each state controls and supports at least one University. The National Government gives no direct financial aid to these state schools. The students do not go to the University free of charge. Everyone must pay a tuition fee. The amount differs from state to state. Students’ total expenses throughout the year are very high. And though each University offers a number of scholarships many of the students have to work to pay their expenses.

Most of the US Universities have a central campus. Colleges of Law, Business, Medicine, Engineering, Music, Journalism can be found on one campus. Thus a student can attend courses at various colleges.

The students do not take the same courses. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic field of study: English, Science, Modern Languages, History or Physical education.

After the first two years every student majors in one subject and minors in another. A student can major in History and minor in Sociality. In addition to these major and minor courses he can select other subjects according to his professional interest.

After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor’s Degree (either BA or BSc). With an additional year of study one may get a Master’s Degree and after two or three years of graduate work and writing of the dissertation it is possible to obtain a Doctoral degree.

For four years at the end of each year students have a final written examination. They take oral exams and write a dissertation only for advanced degree (from Миньяр-Белоручева 1999).

Task 8. In the text “US University Education” find antonyms to the following words:

1) international; 2) indirect; 3) private schools; 4) low; 5) the same; 6) minor; 7) oral exam.

Task 9. Choose the right word to complete the sentence:

  1. There is no … (national, nation, nationality) higher school in the USA.

  2. The National Government supports Universities … (directly, direct, indirect, indirectly).

  3. Higher education … (is, is not, doesn’t) free of charge.

  4. Students’ total costs are … (reasonable, high, low).

  5. Most of the US Universities are located as a … (city, country, campus).

  6. A student can attend courses at … (different, same, one) colleges of the University.

  7. First two years of study are dedicated to … (basic subjects, professional growth, clubbing).

  8. Last two years of study a student pays much attention to his … (minors, basic programme, majors).

  9. A student must study for … (additional year, four years, three years) to receive a BA.

  10. To receive a Doctoral Degree one should write a … (article, written exams, dissertation).

  11. At the … (end, beginning, middle) of each year students have written exams.

Task 10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary:

  1. The National Government does not provide any direct financial aid … the Universities.

  2. Student must … pay … his education.

  3. … state … state the amount of tuition fee varies greatly.

  4. Different colleges can be found … one and the same campus.

  5. Every student should select … several subjects … the basic complex.

  6. … five years of study a student can receive a Master’s Degree.

  7. Students should not take any oral exams … the BA Degree.

Task 11. In the text find the sentences with modal verbs. Analyse them. Look through the theory and study the usage of modal verbs “may” and “might” in the English language:

Модальный глаголmayобозначает:

  1. разрешение (можно) (May I borrow your book, please?)

  2. возможность (возможно, может быть) (He may come or he may not)

  3. надежду или цель (Let’s talk it over, so that we may come to a decision).

Модальный глагол mightиспользуется для обозначения:

  1. вероятности, возможности (меньшей, чем глагол may)(He might go to London but it is very unlikely)

  2. разрешения (более вежливого, чем may) (Might I open the window?)

  3. иронии или упрека (You might at least say “hello” when you see your former classmates).

Модальный глагол/ эквивалент

Настоящее время

Прошедшее время

Будущее время




Will be allowed to

To be allowed to (получить разрешение что-либо сделать)


Is +allowed to



+ allowed to


Task 12. Translate the sentences. Analyse the meaning of the verb “may”:

  1. May I go out?

  2. May I have a look at it?

  3. The earthquake forecast is not very good. There may be an earthquake in China.

  4. I don’t know where to go on my weekends. I may go to a picnic or a concert.

  5. You might at least say “thank you” when somebody helps you.

  6. He may not hear her in such a crowd.

  7. May we smoke here? – No, you can’t, smoking is prohibited here.

  8. You might have reminded me about her telephone call. This is very important for our firm.

Task 13. Translate the sentences into English. Use modal verb may/might:

  1. Вы, возможно, уже знакомы.

  2. Чем могу вам помочь?

  3. Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?

  4. Возможно, сегодня вечером пойдет дождь.

  5. Я сомневаюсь, что вы его застанете. Но, может быть, он еще в офисе.

  6. Ты мог бы и извиниться, за то, что наступил ей на ногу.

  7. Что посоветуете на завтрак? – Вы можете взять яичницу с беконом или салат из морепродуктов.

  8. Вы могли бы и не напоминать мне о домашнем задании.

  9. Нельзя пользоваться учебником на экзамене.

  10. Можно ли мне взять с собой маникюрный набор в самолет? – К сожалению, нет, это запрещено.

Task 14. Speak about the US system of education.

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