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Unit VI. The united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Task 1. Read and translate the text:

The United Kingdom, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is an island nation and constitutional monarchy in north-western Europe, member of the European Union (EU).

Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles. It comprises, together with numerous smaller islands, England and Scotland, and the principality of Wales. Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster, occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland.

The United Kingdom is bordered to the south by the English Channel, which separates it from continental Europe, to the East by the North Sea, and to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The only land border is between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 242,752 square kilometers. The capital and the largest city is London.

The names “United Kingdom”, “Great Britain”, and “England” are often used interchangeably. The use of “Great Britain”, often shortened to “Britain”, to describe the whole kingdom is common and widely accepted, although strictly it does not include Northern Ireland.

However, the use of “England” to mean the “United Kingdom” is not acceptable to members of the other constituent countries, especially the Scots and the Welsh.

England and Wales were united administratively, politically, and legally by 1543. The crowns of England and Scotland were united in 1603, but the two countries remained separate political entities until the 1707 Act of Union, which formed the Kingdom of Great Britain with a single legislature. From 1801, when Great Britain and Ireland were united, until the formal establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, the kingdom was officially designated the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

In the past the United Kingdom had many colonies all over the world. Later they became independent states. Hong Kong, which contains all but 200,000 of the 6 million combined population of the dependencies, was returned to China in 1997.

The maximum overall length of the United Kingdom is 1,264 km: the most northerly point is Out Stack in the Shetland Islands. The most southerly is St. Agnes in the Scilly Isles. The kingdom's maximum width is 670 km. The mainland of the island of Great Britain is 974 km at its longest and 531 km at its widest; however, the highly indented nature of the island's coastline means that nowhere is more than about 120 km from the sea.

Relative to its size, the scenery of the United Kingdom is very diverse and can change dramatically within short distances. This diversity reflects in part the underlying rocks, which range from the ancient mountains of the Highlands of Scotland to the recent deposits in eastern England.

All of the United Kingdom, except the area of England south of the Thames, was covered with ice during the ice age, and glaciation shaped its most spectacular scenery, including the English Lake District, the loughs of Northern Ireland, the Welsh valleys, and most of Scotland, including the lakes.

The climate of the United Kingdom is mild relative to its latitude, which is the same as that of Labrador in Canada. The mildness is an effect of the warm Gulf Stream. This current brings the prevailing south-westerly winds that moderate winter temperatures and bring the depressions which are the main day-to-day influence on the weather. The western side of the United Kingdom tends to be warmer than the eastern; the south is warmer than the north. The mean annual temperature is 6° С in the far north of Scotland; 11° С in the south-west of England. Winter temperatures seldom are below -10° С and summer temperatures rarely higher than 32° C. The sea winds also bring plenty of moisture; average annual precipitation is more than 1,000 mm.

Rain tends to fall throughout the year, frequently turning to snow in winter, especially in Scotland, the mountains of Wales, and northern England. The western side of Britain is much wetter than the eastern: average rainfall varies from more than 5,000 mm in the western Highlands of Scotland, to less than 500 mm in parts of East Anglia in England.

The population of United Kingdom is more than 56 million people, but it is one of the world's leading commercial and industrialized nations. In terms of gross national product (GNP) it ranks fifth in the world, with Italy, after the United States, Japan, Germany, and France (from Коваленко 2002).

Task 2. Translate the following words from English into Russian:

1) an island nation; 2) to comprise; 3) north-eastern part; 4) to border; 5) to mean; 6) separate; 7) establishment; 8) to return; 9) the most northerly point; 10) indented coastline; 11) ancient mountains; 12) annual temperature.

Task 3. In the text find equivalents to the following Russian words:

1) взаимозаменяемые; 2) княжество; 3) юридически; 4) единое законодательство; 5) колония; 6) общая протяженность; 7) пейзаж; 8) ледниковый период; 9) озера Северной Ирландии; 10) циклон; 11) среднегодовое количество осадков; 12) промышленно-развитая страна.

Task 4. Rewrite the following words in the whole:

1) mm; 2) EU; 3) the UK; 4) sq. km; 5) mln; 6) km; 7) St. 8) 11° С; 9) -10° С; 10) m; 11) GNP.

Task 5. Choose the right variant of reading the dates:

1) 1543

  1. fifteen forty three

  2. one thousand five hundred and forty three

  3. fifteen hundred and forty three

  1. 1603

  1. sixteen and three

  2. sixteen “o” three

  3. sixteen hundred and three

  4. sixteen zero three

  1. 1707

  1. one thousand seven hundred and seven

  2. seventeen zero seven

  3. seventeen “o” seven

  1. 1922

  1. nineteen and twenty two

  2. nineteen twenty two

  3. ninety twenty two

  1. 1997

  1. nineteen ninety seven

  2. ninety ninety seven

  3. eighteen ninety seven

Task 6. Answer the questions:

1. Is the UK a federal republic?

2. What are the largest islands in the UK?

3. Where is the only land border in the UK?

4. The names “United Kingdom”, “Great Britain” and “England” are used interchangeably, aren’t they?

5. When were England and Scotland united?

6. Is Hong Kong a former British colony?

7. What does the diversity of British scenery reflect?

8. Why is the UK climate so mild?

9. What are the mean annual temperatures in different parts of the UK?

10. What is the wettest part of the UK?

11. What place does the UK occupy in terms of GNP?

Task 7. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements:

1. The overall length of the UK is 2,264 km.

2. All places in Great Britain are at the distance of 120 km from the sea.

3. The latitude of the UK is the same as that of Labrador in Canada.

4. The western part of the UK is warmer than eastern.

5. Rain tends to fall only in autumn.

6. The UK is one of the world’s leading commercial and industrialized nations.

Task 8. Write down the synonyms:

1) United Kingdom; 2) La Manche; 3) to contain; 4) colony; 5) legislatively; 6) subject; 7) trade; 8) state.

Task 9. Write down the words according to their definitions:

1. an area where the pressure of the air is low;

2. the total value of all the goods and services produced in the country, in one singular year;

3. any of several periods when ice covered many northern countries;

4. the average weather conditions at a particular place over a period of years;

5. a state ruled by a king or queen;

6. rain, snow, etc. which has fallen onto the ground.

Task 10. Make English proverbs from their parts in the left and right columns:

1. An Englishmen’s home…

a. home is best

2. There is no bad weather…

b. at home

3. In England there’s no climate…

c. just weather

4. It rains…

d. is his castle

5. Charity begins…

e. cats and dogs

6. After rains comes…

f. there are bad clothes

7. East or West…

g. fair weather

Task 11. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Соединенное Королевство является членом Европейского Союза и конституционной монархией.

2) Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия.

3) В прошлом у Великобритании было много колоний по всему миру.

4) Ледниковый период оказал большое влияние на формирование современного английского ландшафта.

5) Соединенное Королевство является ведущей мировой державой в сфере торговли и промышленности.

Task 12. Say whether the statements are true or false. Ask your group-mates. Analyse the results and use the phrases to sum everything up:

1. All British people drink tea at five o’clock because British climate is very damp and people want to be warmed by the tea.

2. The most famous British food is steak-and-kidney pies and fish and chips.

3. Today British Queen is Elizabeth I.

4. The tradition to decorate Christmas tree was brought to England from Germany.

5. In the building of British Parliament there are two statues of famous statesmen: Elizabeth II and Sir Winston Churchill.

6. For several periods in British history the country was ruled by the foreign invaders: 400 years Romans were masters of the UK, 600 years – Saxons, 500 years – Normans.

7. London, the capital of the UK, was founded by the Romans and was named Londinium.

8. Each part of the UK has its own coat-of-arms and flag, an emblem and a patron saint.

9. Stonehenge in England was used by ancient druids as a temple.

10. Dinosaurs are extinct all over the world but still live in the UK. The example of one of them is the Lough Ness monster.

11. Britain was always a monarchy: first an absolute, then constitutional.

12. Madam Tussaud’s is the most popular wax museum in London.

13. In England if a first person coming to the house in the New Year is tall and dark it will bring good luck to the house owners.

14. Robin Hood lived in Sherwood forest, he robbed poor people and gave money to the rich.

15. Jack London was born in London that’s why he took such a pen name.

16. English humour means that only Englishmen laugh but other nations don’t understand the meaning.

17. William Shakespeare didn’t write his masterpieces himself but stole the ideas from other writers.

18. King Arthur, according to the legend, established just and peaceful state. To keep law and order he organised the knights into the Round Table.

19. “The Beatles”, the most famous British musicians, were from Edinburgh, that’s why they were called “The Edinburgh four”.

Use these phrases to analyse the results:

1) My statement is …

2) I have asked … people.

3) … people agreed with the statement (said “Yes”).

4) … people disagreed (said “No”).

5) The majority said …

6) The minority said …

7) I think that the statement is true/false.

8) I agree with the majority.

Task 13. In the text find sentences with comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives. Translate them into Russian. Formulate the rules and usage of degrees of comparison of adjectives. Look through the theory and check yourself:

Прилагательные имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (hot), сравнительную (hotter) и превосходную (the hottest). Сравнительная степень используется при сравнении одного лица или предмета с другим лицом или предметом. Превосходная степень используется при сравнении одного лица или предмета с более чем одним лицом или предметом.

Односложные прилагательные и некоторые двусложные (оканчивающиеся на -y, -er, -ow, -le) образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления окончания -er, превосходную – путем прибавления окончания -est. Если прилагательное состоит из двух и более слогов, то сравнительная степень образуется путем прибавления слова more, превосходная – путем прибавления слова the most. Превосходная степень прилагательных всегда используется с определенным артиклем.

Существуют исключения из этого правила: good – better – the best, bad – worse – the worst, old – older/elder – the oldest/eldest, far – farther/further – the farthest/furthest, little – less – the least, many – more – the most. Прилагательные farther/further используются в отношении расстояния, further имеет также значение «дальнейший». Прилагательные elder/the eldest используются в отношении членов одной семьи. Прилагательные older/the oldest при сравнении людей или вещей.

Некоторые двусложные прилагательные могут иметь две формы сравнительной и превосходной степени: happy – happier/more happy – the happiest/the most happy, clever – cleverer/more clever – the cleverest/the most clever.

Task 14. Form comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:

Hot, large, narrow, simple, polite, beautiful, interesting, good, small, bad, much, old, lazy, uncomfortable, far, cozy, nice, late, busy, clever, little, many, low, significant, important, dark, old-fashioned, light-minded.

Task 15. Rewrite the sentences using comparative and superlative degrees where possible:

  1. His plays are well-known. (than his films) (of all Polynesian writers).

  2. Today is warm. (than it was yesterday) (day of spring).

  3. This park is cozy. (than that one) (in the town).

  4. Her hair is long. (than her sister’s) (I’ve ever seen).

  5. This blouse is expensive. (than a green blouse) (in the shop).

  6. Your composition is good. (than mine) (in the class).

Task 16. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Эта комната светлее, чем кухня.

  2. Сегодня у меня намного больше работы, чем вчера.

  3. Он сидит за самой дальней партой.

  4. У меня есть старший брат и младшая сестра.

  5. Этот перевод легче, чем тот, что мы писали на прошлой неделе.

  6. Ждите дальнейших указаний.

  7. Укажите наиболее важный вопрос, с него мы и начнем обсуждение.

  8. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал.

Task 17. Read and translate the text “London”:

London was founded in the first century AD by the Romans. They left London in the 5th century and the city was largely abandoned. By the 8th century London was again a busy trading centre, and in the 11th century it became the capital of England. Edward the Confessor built a palace and an abbey at Westminster. The Norman period saw the construction of the Tower, old St. Paul’s Cathedral and many churches and monasteries.

Medieval London grew in importance as a trading centre and in 1215 its citizens won the right to elect their own leader, or Lord Mayor. London began to spread beyond the city walls during the Tudor and Stuart periods.

The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed three-quarters of the city. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral and designed 51 churches. The rebuilding of London followed the medieval street plan, but the wooden houses were replaced by buildings of brick to reduce the future fire risk.

During the 19th century London spread rapidly into the suburbs. As a result of it new forms of transport were developed, including the underground railway system. Britain was then at the height of her Imperial power and this is expressed in buildings such as the Houses of Parliament and St. Pancras Station.

Large areas of London were destroyed by bombs during World War II and the rebuilding that followed was of mixed quality.

Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles and consists of 33 separate boroughs, including the City, the West End, the East End, and houses of 7 million people. The City extends over an area slightly greater than a square mile, its boundary being much the same as that of the Roman city of Londinium. About half a million people work there, but less than 6,000 live there. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and the Stock Exchange.

All the historical places and famous parks are in the West End. The West End, spreading from the political centre at Westminster includes the shopping area at Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden; it hosts museums and galleries, among them are the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the Portrait Gallery and the British Museum. In the West End there are Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. The best known streets are: Whitehall with important Governmental offices, Downing Street, №10 has been the Prime Minister’s official residence since the 18th century, and Fleet Street which has long been associated with printing and was until recently the home of many national newspapers.

The name “West End” is associated with wealth, luxury and goods of high quality (from Миньяр-Белоручева 1999).

Task 18. In the text “London” find the synonyms to the following words:

1) luxury; 2) sights of interest; 3) press; 4) district; 5) frontier; 6) 500,000; 7) to break; 8) Great Patriotic war; 9) subway; 10) ¾; 11) to plan; 12) commerce; 13) to go away; 14) to be deserted; 15) cathedral.

Task 19. In the text “London” find the antonyms to the following words:

1) B.C.; 2) to come into; 3) to collapse; 4) village; 5) local; 6) unified quality; 7) poverty; 8) to have rest; 9) more; 10) low quality; 11) unknown; 12) long ago.

Task 20. Choose the right variant of reading the numerals:

  1. year 1215

  1. twelve fifteen

  2. one thousand two hundred and fifteen

  3. twenty and fifteen

  1. 51 churches

  1. fivety one

  2. fifty one

  3. five hundred and one

  1. World War II

  1. World War twenty

  2. World War two

  3. World War the second

  1. 625 square miles

  1. six twenty five

  2. six two five

  3. six hundred twenty five

  4. six hundred and twenty five

  1. 200,000

  1. two hundred thousand

  2. two hundred million

  3. twenty thousand

  1. 33 boroughs

  1. three and three

  2. thirty and three

  3. thirty three

Task 21. Divide the nouns used with the definite article and nouns used without an article:

London, Roman, West End, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Edward Confessor, World War II, Knightsbridge, City, British Museum, Piccadilly Circus, Tate Gallery, Fleet Street, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, National Gallery, Tower, Westminster Abbey, Whitehall, England.

Task 22. In the text “London” find the sentences with proper nouns. Explain which of them are used with the definite article and which are used without an article. Look through the theory and check yourself:

С географическими названиями и именами собственными артикль, как правило, не употребляется, кроме следующих случаев:

  1. с названиями морей, рек, океанов, озер (the Pacific, the Black Sea, the Volga)

  2. с названиями горных хребтов (the Alps, но Mount McKinley)

  3. с названиями групп островов (the British Isles, the Canaries, но Sicily)

  4. с названиями некоторых стран (the United States, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, но Germany, Great Britain)

  5. перед собирательным именем семьи (the Smiths, the Petrovs)

Task 23. Translate the sentences into English:

1. В первом веке н.э. в Англии римляне основали город и назвали его Лондиниум.

2. К VIII веку Лондон вырос и стал торговым центром страны.

3. В средние века горожане получили право выбирать своего мэра.

4. Кристофер Рен спроектировал собор Святого Павла и руководил работами по его реконструкции.

5. На сегодняшний день около полумиллиона людей работают в финансовом сердце Лондона – Сити, и только 6 000 живут здесь.

6. Официальная резиденция премьер министра находится по адресу Даунинг Стрит, дом 10.

7. Название Вест Энд ассоциируется с богатством и роскошью.

Task 24. Connect the names of streets of London and their figurative meaning:

  1. Knightsbridge

a. medicine

  1. Westminster

b. shopping

  1. Whitehall

c. Prime Minister

  1. Downing Street

d. Parliament

  1. Fleet Street

e. Government

  1. Harley Street

f. newspapers

Task 25. Answer the questions:

1. When was London founded?

2. Did London become the capital of England in 12th century?

3. What did Edward the Confessor build in London?

4. How can you describe medieval London?

5. During what periods did London spread beyond the city walls?

6. When was the Great Fire of London? What happened at the same time?

7. Who rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral after the Great Fire?

8. Why did the builders use bricks instead of wood?

9. What was the new form of transport that appeared in London in the 19th century?

10. What was the effect of World War II in London?

11. How many boroughs are there in London?

12. What is the total area of the City?

13. Why do so many people work in the City and not live there?

14. What does the City comprise?

15. What are the historical places situated in the West End?

16. What is Whitehall famous for?

17. Who lives at Downing Street, 10?

18. Why isn’t Fleet Street the home of British newspapers now?

19. What is the West End associated with?

Task 26. In the crossword puzzle find the words from the text “London”. The words could be written down, across and diagonally, from the left to the right and backward, upward and downward:


























































































































Task 27. Put proper words into the blanks:

There are a … (lot of, lots, much) places of interest in London. Among them are: Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London.

Westminster, now the … (politician, political, politics) centre of London, was until the 11th century a sacred place. King Edward the Confessor decided … (build, built, to build) a great abbey church here. It was consecrated in 1065, but a week later the King died and was buried … (after, in, from) the abbey. His tomb became a popular place of pilgrimage. It still can be found at the heart of the … (presently, presents, present) Westminster Abbey. William the Conqueror was crowned in the Abbey and since then all coronations have taken place … (here, hair, higher).

The Abbey contains many royal tombs, memorials to eminent men and … (woman, women, womans). But the most popular … (ones, one, first) are those to writers, actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.

Alongside the Abbey, Edward the Confessor had a palace built. The Palace of … (Westminister, Westminster, West) was the royal … (to reside, resident, residence). Until the 19th century it was also the country’s main court of law, and Parliament has … (met, meet, meets) there since the 16th century.

Task 28. Read the text and choose proper answers to the questions:

The present Houses of Parliament were built after the old palace burnt down in 1834. The building contains the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two chambers where parliamentary business is debated. On the corner next to Westminster bridge stands St. Stephen’s Tower, which houses the famous bell, Big Ben, which chimes the hours. A light at the top of the tower at night indicates that parliament is sitting.

Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Built in 1702-1705 for the Duke of Buckingham, it was sold in 1761 to George III. The Palace was little used by royalty until Victoria’s accession to the throne in 1837. London’s most popular spectacle is Changing the Guard. It takes place in the forecourt and lasts about 30 minutes.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. It stands at the top of Ludgate Hill on a site where a Christian church has stood since the 7th century. The construction of the Cathedral started in 1675 and was not finished until 1709. The magnificent classical structure is crowned by the dome. Inside the Dome are scenes from the life of St. Paul. Here too is the famous Whispering Gallery. There are many memorials in the Cathedral including those to heroes such as Wellington and Nelson.

The Tower of London has been closely associated with many important events in English history. It has served as citadel, palace, prison, mint and menagerie. The White tower was built in 1078 by William the Conqueror to protect the city. The Tower is famous for its illustrious prisoners, such as Sir Thomas More and Guy Fawkes. Many notable people lost their heads on the executioner’s block. The Tower is guarded by the Yeoman Warders popularly known as “Beefeaters”, clad in their traditional Tudor uniforms (from Миньяр-Белоручева 1999).


1) What happened to the old Houses of Parliament in 1834?

  1. it was flooded

  2. it burnt down

  3. it was exploded

2) How many Chambers are there in British Parliament?

  1. There are two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons

  2. There are two chambers: House of Representatives and Senate

  3. There are two chambers: Council of Federation and State Duma

3) What does the light at the top of Big Ben indicate?

  1. The Queen is in the residence

  2. Prime Minister is speaking

  3. Parliament is sitting

4) What is Queen’s official London residence?

  1. Windsor Castle

  2. Westminster Abbey

  3. Buckingham Palace

5) What King bought Buckingham Palace from the Duke of Buckingham?

  1. George III

  2. George II

  3. Ivan the Terrible

6) What is the most famous London spectacle taking place at Buckingham Palace?

  1. festival

  2. Charging the Guards

  3. Ceremony of keys

7) How long does Changing the Guards last for?

  1. half a day

  2. half an hour

  3. an hour and a half

8) Who was the designer of modern St. Paul’s Cathedral?

  1. Elizabeth II

  2. Sir Walter Scott

  3. Sir Christopher Wren

9) Where does St. Paul’s Cathedral stand?

  1. at the bottom of Ludgate Hill

  2. at the top of Ludgate Hill

  3. at the top of the Hill

10) How long was the Cathedral built?

  1. 34 years

  2. 33 years

  3. 54 years

11) Where is the Whispering Gallery?

  1. at the Tower

  2. at Nelson’s Column

  3. inside the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral

12) When was the Tower built?

  1. 1066

  2. 1078

  3. 1147

13) Why was the Tower built?

  1. to conquer the city

  2. to protect the city

  3. to build the city

14) What is the name of guards at the Tower?

  1. Beefeaters

  2. Bees

  3. Meateaters

15) Are they uniformed?

  1. No, they are not

  2. Some of them are, others are not

  3. Yes, they are

Task 29. In the texts find the sentences with the Present/Past Simple Passive Tense. Explain the rules of its formation and usage in English. Check yourself and look through the theory:

Залог – это форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия, выраженного этим глаголом, к лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим предложения. Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, который сам совершает действие, то глагол – сказуемое стоит в действительном залоге. Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, над которым производится действие другим лицом или предметом, то глагол – сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге.

Форма страдательного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и третьей формы смыслового глагола.


Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple


He, she, it

We, you, they

Am asked

Is asked

Are asked

Was asked

Was asked

Were asked

Will be asked

В форме страдательного залога могут стоять только переходные глаголы. Под переходным понимается глагол, после которого в действительном залоге стоит прямое дополнение. Страдательный залог обычно употребляется тогда, когда неизвестно или не важно кто совершает действие. Важно лишь, какое действие совершается, и кто его испытывает. Чтобы указать, кто совершает действие, используется предлог by.

Task 30. Tick the correct sentences with Passive Voice:

1) a) This castle was built many centuries ago.

b) This castle were built many centuries ago.

2) a) The first monument was destroy by bombs.

b) The first monument was destroyed by bombs.

3) a) Things of metal are making by blacksmiths.

b) Things of metal are made by blacksmiths.

4) a) The work is well done.

b) The work done is well.

5) a) He wasn’t asked any questions.

b) He not was asked any questions.

6) a) He was told the news?

b) Was he told the news?

Task 31. Put the sentences into Passive:

  1. The typist prepares the text of the document.

  2. You should wash the apples before eating.

  3. Japanese eat a lot of sea-food.

  4. They sold beautiful carpets here. But now they are out of them.

  5. He writes Oriental poetry but he does not write fairy-tales.

  6. Did they take a credit in the bank to buy a new house?

  7. She did not tell him the truth.

Task 32. Translate the sentences into English. Use Passive Voice:

  1. Этот словарь был куплен на прошлой неделе.

  2. В Индии почти во все блюда добавляется соус карри.

  3. Моего брата ценят на работе.

  4. Машина отремонтирована. Можете ее забирать.

  5. План действий был утвержден.

  6. На него нельзя положиться.

  7. Детей часто водят в зоопарк.

  8. Когда было построено это здание?

  9. Мне не сказали, что нужно приходить на собрание в 6 часов.

Task 33. In the texts find sentences with the Present Perfect Tense, translate them into Russian. Explain the rules of its formation and usage in the English language. Look through the theory and check yourself:

Время Present Perfect обозначает завершенное действие, связанное с настоящим через результат, время действия значения не имеет. Например, I’ve lost my key. I can’t open the door now. Время Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have и третьей формы смыслового глагола.

Данное глагольное время обычно используется с наречиями ever, never, just, already, yet, of late, lately, recently (I have never been to Madagascar); со словами this morning/evening, today, this week/month/year, если данный промежуток времени не закончен к моменту речи (Have you spoken to her this morning?); с предлогами for, since (I haven’t seen him since last month).

Task 34. Choose the right variant of sentence with the Present Perfect Tense:

1) a) I have seen this film.

b) I has seen this film.

2) a) We’ve be to Paris. It’s wonderful.

b) We’ve been to Paris. It’s wonderful.

3) a) Have you ever done your homework in time?

b) You have ever done your homework in time?

4) a) She has already written the article but didn’t publish it.

b) She has already write an article but didn’t publish it.

5) a) When were you in London?

b) When have you been in London?

6) a) This is the first time I drive an airplane myself.

b) This is the first time I’ve driven an airplane myself.

Task 35. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect:

  1. I don’t know the accused person. I never (meet) him before.

  2. May I speak to Mr. Grey? – Sorry, you can’t. He just (go) out.

  3. What’s the time? – I don’t know. I (leave) my watch at home.

  4. She (write) the letter but didn’t post it.

  5. Mr. White is an excellent specialist on Shakespeare. He (read) all Shakespeare’s works several times.

Task 36. Write negative and interrogative sentences:

  1. Mother has already cooked the cake.

  2. I’ve already been on this concert.

  3. He has just finished repairing his bicycle.

  4. I’ve never seen Malevich’s paintings.

  5. I’ve never tasted Yorkshire pudding in my life.

  6. They have invited the Browns to the anniversary.

  7. The sportsmen have just arrived from the airport.

  8. It has snowed since early in the morning.

Task 37. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Я не видел его целую вечность.

  2. Катя только что вернулась из Северной Африки.

  3. Он уже давно не играл в футбол из-за травмы колена.

  4. Джон никогда не занимался дельтапланеризмом.

  5. Мы еще не провели тест.

  6. Вы уже переводили статьи, связанные с юриспруденцией, на китайский язык?

  7. Ивановы живут в Москве вот уже 10 лет.

  8. Ты видел Мэри сегодня утром?

  9. Они построили новый дом. Ты уже видел его?

  10. Ты слышал? Роберт недавно купил новую машину.

  11. Дождь идёт с восьми утра.

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