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Module 2

Unit 1

1. Practice pronunciation and memorize basic vocabulary of Unit 1 (p. 168). You may use the following Internet resources:



2.Write a detailed report (100 150 words) to present the methodological aspects of your research. You should cover the following subjects:


-research methods;

-description of the main investigation stages.

3.Practise speaking about the scientific method in the following situation: you are asked the questions below. To assess your speaking skills you may use criteria on p. 181.

1. What do you think is methodology in scientific research? 2. What methods of research do you know?

3. What can you say about the methods that you use in your investigation?

4. Can you define the scientific method? 5. Will you describe the main steps of your research in detail?http://translate.google.ru/

Listening practice

http://www.brainpop.com/science/scientificinquiry/scientificmethod/preview. weml

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA86dYxrg4Q http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/scientificmethod

.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00pxshy


Online activities

http://www.hartnell.edu/tutorials/biology/scimethodquiz/scimethodquiz1.html http://www.quia.com/rd/7331.html http://quizlet.com/subject/scientific-method/ http://global.britannica.com/quiz/browse/topic/11/science http://global.britannica.com/quiz/browse/all http://www.funnelbrain.com/sid-284-research-methods.html


Unit 2

1. Practice pronunciation and memorize basic vocabulary of Unit 2 (p. 168). You may use the following Internet resources:



2.Write a detailed report (100 150 words) to present the methodological aspects of your research. You should cover the following points:

-research area;

-research topic;

-your motivation to study this topic;

-research question/problem, type of RQ;

-knowledge gap in your field;

-related problems;

-underlying practical problems;

-research objectives.

3.Practise speaking about methodological aspects of scientific research in

the following situation: you are asked the questions below. To assess your speaking skills you may use criteria on p. 181.http://translate.google.ru/

1.What do you think is a research field/topic/question?

2.What can you say about your research field/topic/question?

3.What practical problems does your investigation address?

4.What do you know about relevant research in your field?

5.Can you comment on your research objectives?

4.If you are at the very beginning of your investigation, discuss with your КНЯТsШr tСО “quКХТtв” ШП вШur RQ, topic, etc. Decide on the most appropri-

ate way to present the methodological aspects of your study in English.

Listening practice

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00yy5z2 http://www.upworthy.com/the-best-way-to-explain-what-scientists-do

Online activities

http://www.funnelbrain.com/sid-284-research-methods.html http://methods.fullerton.edu/practice_quizzes.html


Unit 3

1. Practice pronunciation and memorize basic vocabulary of Unit 3 (p. 168 169). You may use the following Internet resources:



2.Write a detailed report (100 150 words) to present the methodological aspects of your research. You should cover the following points:

-research hypothesis;



-results (if summarized).

3.Practise speaking about methodological aspects of scientific research in

the following situation: you are asked the questions below. To assess your speaking skills you may use criteria on p. 181.http://translate.google.ru/

1.What is specific about scientific hypotheses?

2.What is your hypothesis? Does it meet the requirements?

3.Can you comment on the variables?

4.What can you say about the design of your experiment?

5.Comment on the research data and methods/tools of experimental study.

6.Have you obtained any results at the current stage of your investigation?

4.If you are at the very beginning of your investigation, discuss with your advi- sШr tСО “quКХТtв” ШП вШur СвpШtСОsТs, ОбpОrТЦОЧt НОsТРЧ, ОtМ. DОМТНО ШЧ tСО ЦШst

appropriate way to present the methodological aspects of your study in English.

Listening practice

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals- podcasts/interviewing-techniques http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-continuum- hypothesis/11240.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6wahEi_IQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnvt5tXAvM8

Online activities



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