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Political Parties

Today, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party represent the main interests of the country, and they have practically absorbed the Liberals. Conservative and Labour Party have to solve the same problems: Housing, Food, Social Security, Full Employment, etc.; but they disagree on what methods to use in order to achieve their common ends. The Conservatives believes in individual initiative and private enterprise, the Labour Party in State control and nationalisation.

The Conservative Party, often called the Tory Party, is one of those which can trace its roots back to the late seventeenth century. The Labour Party, formed in 1906 as a democratic socialist party, was the one which drew away working people’s support. It was founded by the Trade Unions.

The Party of Social and Liberal Democrats formed in 1988 from the Liberal Party is the third largest party.

The Mass Media

In Britain 609 copies of daily papers are sold to every 1,000 inhabitants or 14 million copies a day. There are 12 national daily newspapers. Newspapers in Britain are of two main types: quality papers or broadsheets and popular papers or tabloids. Newspapers with the world-wide reputation are the Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times. The popular dailies are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Sun.

Broadcasting in the United Kingdom is controlled by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The BBC receives its income from the government. There are two publicly-funded television channels and five national radio services.

Class Society

England preserves a class-system. Social differences are illustrated in manners and speech, and rend the nation in two classes: the Upper class and the Middle class. However, the old pattern of society is breaking up. The upper classes are crushed by heavy taxation. The working-classes enjoy better education and opportunities.

The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a free association of independent states, on an equal footing with Britain. The Queen is the Head of the Commonwealth. She is the only official link between nations.

The Commonwealth consists of the United Kingdom and various independent states, previously subjected to Great Britain. There are currently 49 members (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Republics of India and Pakistan, some African countries, etc.). Their Prime Ministers meet for a conference in London every two years to discuss common problems of defense and economic interests.



The UK


The official name:

  • long form: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • short Form: the United Kingdom (the UK)

Type of the state:

constitutional monarchy


  • 244, 820 sq km

  • Britain is just 1,000 km from the south coast to the north of Scotland and just under 500 km at the widest point

  • twice smaller than France, one fifth smaller than Spain


over 60 million people


Briton(s), the British

Ethnic groups:

English 81,5%, Scottish 9,6%, Irish 2,4%, Welsh

1,9%, Ulster 1,8%, Indian, Pakistani, and other 2,8%


  • English

  • Welsh (about 26% of the population of Wales)

  • Scottish form of Gaelic (about 60,000 in Scotland)

Longest river:

the Severn, 354 km long

Highest mountain:

Ben Nevis, in Scotland, 1,343 m


often changes, mild and temperate

Natural resources:

oil and natural gas, coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, sand, gravel, sandstone and some other minerals



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