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Video (dvd): Kings and Queens (bbc) («Короли и королевы»)





  • Ancient Tribes of the British Isles

  • Britain Under the Romans

  • Britain in Anglo-Saxon Times

  • Scandinavian invasion

  • The Normans

About two thousand years ago the British Isles were inhabited by Celtic tribes. They fought against the Romans, Germans, and Scandinavians through their whole history.

The Romans came from Italy in 43 A.D. Their intention was to expand the boundaries of the Roman Empire. The Romans brought to Britain their way of life, their language and religion. They built large towns, constructed a network of roads and made Latin an official language of the country.

The Angles and Saxons came from Germany, Denmark. By the end of the sixth century they founded seven kingdoms, which gradually merged into one country – England.

The Scandinavian invasion began in the 8th century. They were good sailors and traders. They favoured the growth of towns and the development of trade in England.

The Normans invaded the British Isles from France in 1066. As a result of this invasion the English language changed greatly. The French was the official language of England for almost three centuries. The modern English has a lot of words of French origin.


Test your Knowledge

1. What ancient tribes inhabited the British Isles B.C.?

a) the Celts b) the Saxons c) the Angles

2. Against whom did the ancient tribes of the British Isles wage

endless wars?

a) the Germans b) the Romans c) the French

3. With what intention did the Romans invade the British Isles?

a) to build towns and roads

b) to expand the boundaries of the Roman Empire

c) to learn the English language

4. When was French the official language on the British Isles?

a) in the 6th century b) in the 12th century c) in the 15th century


Prepare presentation about: a) the most mysterious monument of the British past; b) how the Romans equipped their towns; c) what else except civilization the Romans brought to the British Isles; d) how Elizabeth I settled the problem of disagreement between the Catholics and Protestants; e) Francis Drake – the most famous English seamen that caused trouble to Spanish ships in the Atlantic Ocean.

Video (DVD): Как строилась Британия (BBC), часть 1 (Восток. Сердце Англии)



Britain in the 17th – 19th centuries


  • Britain in the 17th Century. British Fleet

  • The Colonial System of Britain

  • Three Stages of Economic Development of Britain

  • Britain Began to Lose its Industrial Supremacy

The British Isles are situated on the crossways of sea routes. That helped the British fleet to develop very early in history. In the 17th century became not only “the workshop of the world” but also “the mistress of the seas”. Its ships carried the products of British industries all over the world and brought back food and raw materials.

Large territories in India, Australia, America and Africa became dependent on the British Empire. Britain sent to these overseas lands soldiers and clerks to look after its property. Settlers from Britain moved to these new lands in search of riches.

Some colonies were self-governing, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Others like India, Africa were ruled by a governor appointed from Britain.

At the period of its prosperity the British Empire covered one quarter of the earth and had one quarter of the world’s population. Having many colonies, Britain controlled large areas of the world. The territory of the British Empire was so large that the British said, “The sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The colonial system of Britain was founded on the three principal stages of capitalist development – Merchant Capital, Industrial Capital and Finance Capital. Merchant Capital initiated and dominated the first period of large-scale overseas colonial expansion. This was the period of the conquest of newly discovered overseas territories, extermination of the original inhabitants and establishment of colonial settlements by migration. Colonies were direct source of wealth for the country.

Cheap raw materials were drawn from all over the world. The products of British machine industry dominated the markets of every country. British factories produced more than any other country in the world. British shipping dominated the world trade. The colonial system provided the main basis for the primary accumulation of capital which made possible the Industrial Revolution. The era of industrial capital had given place to the era of finance capital.

At the end of the 19th century Britain began to lose industrial supremacy. The direction of capital investment and accumulation more and more overseas has led to the decay of home industry. The colonial system and British economy entered into deepening crisis. The population of the colonies began to struggle against the British colonists and their struggle led to powerful national liberation movements. India, Pakistan and many colonies in Africa became independent. Britain lost military strength and employment for its population.

Britain has greatly weakened today by the pressure of the USA.

Topics for discussion:

  • The Age of Power and Prosperity

  • Decay of the British Empire

Video (DVD): Как строилась Британия (BBC), часть 2 (Шотландия. Запад); часть 3 (Север. Юг)



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