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Exercise № 4

Answer the following questions.

  1. When must you call a doctor?

  2. When do we go to the district doctor in the local polyclinic?

  3. How does the doctor examine?

  4. Who usually takes the temperature of the patient?

  5. What does a patient complain of if something wrong with his heart? stomach?

  6. What does the patient speak on the telephone with the receptionist in the policlinic?

  7. Many patients do not know the location of the spleen and pancreas. How would you explain it to a patient?

  8. You think a patient may have the flu. Think of three question you ask the patient to investigate further. Following terms help you: cough, cold in the head, temperature, the eyes are watering, nausea, vomiting.

  9. What do you do when you have toothache (when a tooth hurts)?

10. When do you go to the dentist?

11. Does the dentist always extract bad teeth?

12. What does the dentist do if a tooth has a cavity?

13. What does a dentist give his patient before extracting a tooth?

14. Will you get better if you do not obey the doctor’s orders?

15. What advice do you give people for keeping fit and well?

Short dialogues Mini-Dialogue 1

Emergency Room

Doctor: Oh! How did this happen?

Mother: He was playing soldier, and he put the pot (котелок) over his

head. Now it’s stuck (от stick – втыкать; приклеивать)

Doctor: Have you tried to get it off?

Mother: No, I’m afraid of hurting him.

Doctor: Yes, if we pull (тянуть на себя) too hard, we’ll hurt him.

Mother: What are you going to do?

Doctor: Well, if I don’t get it off, he won’t (will not) be able to eat.

Mother: Oh, no!

Doctor: I’m only joking. If I put some soap on the head, it’ll come off


Mini-Dialogue 2

Operating Room

David Foster has had a serious accident. His wife is outside the operating room now.

Doctor: Mrs. Foster? I’m Dr. Yamamura.

Mrs. Foster: Oh, doctor, how is he?

Doctor: Well, I’m afraid we will have to operate.

Mrs. Foster: Oh, no. He’s always been afraid of operations.

Doctor: Don’t worry. If we operate now, he’ll be all right.

Mrs. Foster: Oh, doctor, do you really have to?

Doctor: I’m afraid so. He’s lost a lot of blood. If we don’t

operate, he’ll die.

Mini-Dialogue 3

Ward six

Ms. Wright has just arrived at the hospital. She’s going to have a minor operation tomorrow.

Nurse: This is your bed, Ms. Wright.

Ms. Wright: Oh, thank you, nurse.

Nurse: Now get undressed and get into bed. There’s a buzzer

(здесь: звонок) on the night table. If you press the button

(кнопка), and some one will come

right away.

Ms. Wright: Oh, I’m sure I won’t need anything.

Nurse: Well, don’t forget – if you need anything, just press the


Mini-Dialogue 4

Maternity ward

Mr. Diaz is in the maternity ward. His wife is going to have a


Nurse: Hello. You’re Mr. Diaz, aren’t you? Have you been

waiting long?

Mr. Diaz: Not really. Is there any news?

Nurse: Not yet. We’ll tell you as soon as there is. Have you


of any names for the baby?

Mr. Diaz: Oh, yes. If it is a girl, we’ll call her Lucia, and if it’s a boy,

we’ll call him Francisco.