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Английский для дизайнеров_Даричева.doc
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2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

лифт, обеспечивать доступ, поворотная платформа, богато украшенный, палуба, подразумевать, появляться, пол с наклоном, простираться, взаимодействие

3. True or false?

1) There are real sarcophagi decorated with hieroglyphics in the Lounge.

2) On either side of the stage there are stone sculptures.

3) The Pharaoh's Palace Lounge is situated above the Versailles Lounge.

4) The decorative style of the Versailles Lounge is rather restrained.

5) Both these lounges have an area for entertainment.

6) The Dancing Club is decorated in the same style as the Versailles Lounge.

7) There are seats for guests on the dancing floor of the Dancing Club.

4. Match the synonyms to the words:

1) access a) amusement, leisure

2) circular b) graceful

3) lounge c) rounded, spherical

4) elegant d) cooperation, communication

5) entertainment e) admission, right of entry

6) decorative f) public

7) excellent g) sitting-room

8) interaction h) first-rate, brilliant

9) audience i) ornamental

Fill in the gaps with some of these words:

1) The … applauded loudly at the end of the concert.

2) The managers of this hotel provide … to the guests.

3) The only means of … to this building is along a muddy track.

4) That was a really … idea to buy this … piece of furniture!

5) The designer decorated the … in the art deco style.

5. Answer the questions:

1) What public rooms for entertainment are there on board the ship?

2) In what style is the Pharaoh's Palace Lounge performed?

3) What style did designers use in décor of the Versailles Lounge?

4) What style of interior decoration is applied in the Dancing Club?

5) What are the distinguishing features of each lounge? What elements of decoration are used there?

6) What entertaining activities are held in each Lounge and in the Dancing Club?

6. Translate the sentences:

1) Дизайнер использовал египетский стиль при оформлении гостиной.

2) Огромные каменные скульптуры расположены по бокам сцены.

3) Стиль Франции 18-ого века характеризуется богатым и утонченным декором.

4) Двухуровневый танцевальный клуб выполнен в стиле «фанки».

Part 4

1. Read the text

The Champions' sports bar is done in the sophisticated modern style. Decorated like a 1950s club with wood and black lacquer with copper accents, one wall has bas-relief figures of famous sports legends like Babe Ruth and Alonzo Mourning. The room features big-screen televisions and tabletop gaming machines.

The Shanghai Bar, the Carnival Spirit's piano bar, features a heavy Oriental "Chinese" style that emphasizes elaborate ornamentation. The walls are covered in Chinese fabric, and silk screens are illuminated from behind. Although contemporary, the room has many authentic Chinese elements to create an impressive Oriental atmosphere.

The Spirit's main dining room, the Empire Room, is a two-deck affair done in the Napoleonic, or early 19th-century French style. The ceiling is decorated with domes painted with murals in the grandest empire style, with crystal chandeliers providing an elegant atmosphere. In the center of the room is a grand circular staircase decorated with a sculpture of the regal Napoleon at his coronation. Flanking the entrances there are pilasters, which are created in the form of female statues. Large circular windows are bordered with a cast frame embossed with shapes of fruit and flowers.

The Lido restaurant, called La Play a Grille, takes postmodernism for its style. The room features a skylight that culminates two levels above and houses a spectacular chandelier. The majority of seating is adjacent to windows between which are wooden columns connected to deconstructed masonry-like arches that appear to be falling apart. Multi-colored terrazzo flooring in an arabesque design and hand-painted murals on the walls create a stunning and elegant atmosphere. The aft section of the restaurant features an outdoor bar and serving area under a large awning.

All of these diverse public rooms are connected by a two-level promenade. A waterfall and grand staircase lead from one level to the other.

sophisticated – сложный, замысловатый

bas-relief – барельеф

regal1) королевский, царский; 2) величественный, великолепный, царственный

chandelier – люстра; канделябр

to emboss – выбивать, чеканить; тиснить

skylightпотолочный свет; застекленная крыша; световой люк

masonry – каменная кладка

to fall apartразваливаться, расходиться

terrazzoитал. балкон, лоджия

aft – в кормовой части; в корме, на корме