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Intramuscular and intravenous injections; tubes

pills and tablets for internal use

8.problem of clinical drug trials.

There is a constant need for new drugs due to

some reasons: we still don’t know a lot about

human biology; there are still many mystery

illnesses; well-known medications lose their

effectiveness. Drugs are tested on animals. But if a

drug doesn’t cause any adverse effects on animals

it doesn’t mean it won’t do the same on people. I

believe it’s too risky for many reasons. First of all a

new drug can cause any possible side effects such

as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, rash.Drugs

are very often tested on prisoners. I don’t think

its ethical , as prisoners don’t make a free choice,

9 .what people should do to

lead healthy lifestyle

I believe it’s very important to take care of your

health. Health condition depends on the style the

person leads. As for me, I do my best to keep fit. I

know that being overweight causes circulation

problems, so I try to stay in shape. First of all, I

keep sensible diet. I don’t reduce calories, but I cut

down on sweets, cakes and chocolate. I try to eat

healthy low-fat food - meat, fish, milk

and chicken. Besides, to be healthy one must lead

an active life style. I always do my morning

exercises, I go skating and skiing. I should say that I

don’t abuse alcohol and I have never smoked.

Though I’m not a fitness fanatic, I try to do my best

to stay in shape.

10.The importance of keyhole surgery.

A key-hole surgery is a relatively new brunch of

medicine. It is also called a less-invasive surgery. It

allows perfuming complex operations through

small incisions with the use of instruments at the

ends of long tubes. The work is precise, delicate

and involves the minimum of invasion. Key-hole

surgery means less pain and less scaring. Recovery

time is much faster which frees up hospital beds

and disrupts the patient’s life less.The risk of

potentially fatal blood in veins is also reduced

because patient is active soon after the operation.

I think that a keyhole surgery will advance and

contribute to the development of medicine

14. Describe Great Britain.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland occupies territory of the British Isles which

are situated to the north-west of Europe. They

consist of two main islands: Great Britain and

Ireland and 4 sub-countries: England, Scotland,

Wales & Northern.Great

In everyday speech "Great Britain" is used to mean

the UK.English is the official, but not the only

language used in the country.

The national flag is The Union Jack,it is combination

Of the cross St George,St Andrew,St Patric.

England, once the "work shop of the world", was

the first to become a highly industrial country.

The Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.

British laws are made in the House of Lords and

the House of Commons.

London is the capital of the Great Britain. It was

founded by the Romans. It is very old and beautiful

city. It is two thousand years old. London is only

the capital of the county; it is also a huge port.