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assistance – помощь

beam - балка

brick – кирпич

carpentry - плотничество

cave – пещера

concrete – бетон

construction – строительство

foundation – фундамент

invention – изобретение


roof - крыша

skin - шкура

stone – камень

timber – лесоматериал

to cover – покрывать

to cut – обрабатывать, резать

to depend upon– зависеть от

to design – проектировать

to extend – расширять, простираться

to permit – позволять

to require - требовать

to satisfy – удовлетворять

tool - инструмент

transition - переход

urgent – настоятельный

use – применение

vital - жизненный


1.Переведите текст на русский язык, используя словарь.

2.Найдите в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы и запишите их.

1) How far back does the history of building extend?

2) Where did primitive people look for protection?

3) What kind of tools did the Iron Age bring?

4) What were the factors that made possible the erection of great buildings?

5) When did great changes start happening in the entire range of building?

6) What is the great problem still facing builders all over the world?

3. Найдите в тексте предложения, соответствующие по смыслу данным ниже:

1. История строительства берет начало от самой цивилизации.

2. В каменном веке стала возможной обработка камня и развитие столярного дела.

3. Большинство строений того времени были основаны на методе использования колонн и балок.

4. Современные здания проектируются инженером, который использует помощь архитектора и других технических служб.

5. Все еще существует проблема свести до минимума стоимость жилья и ликвидировать чрезмерное перенаселение городов.

4. Распределите следующие слова в синонимические группы и запишите их:

employment, allow, entire, whole, the majority, assistance, various, help, different, most of, permit, use

5. Дополните следующие предложения, используя информацию из текста:

1) The history of building extends …

2) Modern buildings originate from …

3) The invention of tools permitted …

4) The middle of the 19th century saw …

5) The modern building is designed …

6) Modern building constitutes …

6. Составьте предложение из данных слов.

a) permitted, the, of tools, of stones, the cutting, timbers, invention.

b) a vital element, constitutes , modern, of, national industry, building.

c) consulting, calls, technical, to his assistance, and, services, architect.

Unit 2



The word "engineering" means the art of designing, constructing, or using engines. But this word is now applied in a more extended sense. It is applied also to the art of executing such works as the objects of civil and military architecture, in which engines or other mechanical appliances аrе used.

Engineering is a science which deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and everyday life. The most widely used Russian equivalents are: техника, строительство, машиностроение, инженерное дело.

Engineering is divided into manу branches. The most important of them аrе: civil, mеchanicаl, electrical, nuclear, mining, military, marine, and sanitary еnginеering. While the definition "civi1 engineering" dates back only two centuries, the profession of civil engineer is as old as civilized life.

The term "engineering" is a modern one. However, the art of building houses, palaces, temples, pyramids and other structures was known as far as many thousand years ago. Now we call it "civi1 engineering". Up to about the middle of the 18th century there were two main branches of engineering-civil and military. The former included the building of houses, roads, bridges, etc.; the latter the building of fortifications and military devices.

But lаtеr there саmе а remarkable series of mechani­саl inventions, great discoveries in electrical science and atomic energy. It led to the diffеrеntiаtion of mechani­cal, electrical, nuclear engineering, etc. Architecture, which up to the 18th century had bееn considered а brаnсh of engineering had bесоmе a profession bу itself. Тhе term "civil engineering" has therefore two distinct meanings. In the widest and oldest sense it includes all non-military branches of engineering as it did two centures ago. But in its narrower, and at the present day morе correct sense, civil engineering includes mechani­cal engineering, electrical engineering, metallurgical, and mining engineering. Неге аrе some fields of civil engineering.

1. Housing, industrial, and agricultural construction.

2. Structural engineering which comprises the construction of all fixed structures with their foundations.

3. Тhе construction of highways and city streets and pavements.

4. The construction of railroads.

5. The construction of harbours and canals.

6. Hydraulic engineering which includes the construc­tion of dams and роwеr plants.

Nowadays, civil engineering may be spoken of as an important branch of national economy.

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