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3. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста.

  1. the judicial system

  2. competent law court

  3. constitutional/civil/administrative/criminal proceeding

  4. arbitration courts

  5. the qualifying judicial board

  6. to be suspended from the duties

  7. to maintain the judicial power

  8. to enforce justice

  9. to comply with

  10. courts of the constituent entities of Russia

  11. mandatory

  12. to be subject to disciplinary penalty

  13. access to justice

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям.

  1. проводить реформу

  2. политические и идеологические предубеждения

  3. исполнение принципа верховенства права

  4. осуществлять государственную власть

  5. посредством чего-либо

  6. судебные органы

  7. суды общей юрисдикции

  8. Конституционный суд России

  9. федеральные суды

  10. проводить судебное заседание на основе принципа состязательности и равенства

  11. оценивать исполнение служебных обязанностей

  12. осуществлять надзор над деятельностью судей

  13. право на справедливое судебное разбирательство

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

  1. What is the purpose of a judicial reform carried out in Russia from the beginning of the 90s?

  2. What are the basic legal documents determining the structure of the judicial system and the sphere of activities of its various parts?

  3. What is the main task of judiciary according to the Constitution?

  4. In what way is the judicial power in Russia exercised?

  5. What are the main principles of conducting trials in Russia?

  6. How is the judiciary of the Russian Federation formed?

  7. What is the qualifying judicial board? Who is it made up of?

  8. Can you enumerate the functions of the qualifying judicial board?

  9. What happens if a judicial board receives complaints about a judge's activity?

6. Соотнесите слова из правой колонки с их определениями из левой колонки.

  1. the judicial system

  1. to comply with

  2. mandatory

  1. bias

  1. to supervise

  1. performance

  1. justice

  1. to suspend from

  1. a court

  1. a trial

  1. a judge

  1. to bar for a period from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishment;

  2. required or commanded by authority; obligatory;

  3. a public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law;

  4. the quality of being just; fairness; the principle of moral rightness;

  5. an opinion that prevents a person from impartially evaluating facts that have been presented for determination;

  6. to act in accordance with another's command, request, rule, or wish;

  7. the fulfillment or accomplishment of a promise, contract, or other obligation according to its terms;

  8. official assembly with judicial authority to hear and determine disputes in particular cases;

  9. the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state;

  10. to direct and watch over the work and performance of others;

  11. examination of evidence and applicable law by a competent tribunal to determine the issue of specified charges or claims.