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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where did the little girl live?

2. Did she live alone or with her mother?

3. What did everybody call the girl?

4. What did her mother ask the girl to do?

5. Did the girl agree to go or not?

6. Who stopped her in the wood?

7. Did the Wolf talk to her politely or not?

8. Did she answer his question or not?

9. Did Red Riding Hood show him Granny’s house or not?

10. What did the Bad Wolf want to do?

7. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и задайте к ним общие вопросы:

1. The children listened to their mother very attentively.

2. John washed his face.

3. The girl dressed quickly.

4. They waited for Mary very long.

5. You used this word correctly.

6. John remembered the man’s name.

7. The postman knocked at the door.

8. The door opened at once.

9. They looked at me angrily.

10. The children returned home on the next day.

11. The rain stopped very soon.

12. The policeman showed them the way home.

13. Our lessons ended at 12 o’clock.

8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple; задайте вопросы к выделенным словам; перескажите историю:

When Cinderella’s mother (to die), her life (to change). Her father (to marry) another woman, who (to be) very unkind to the girl. Cinderella (to work) in the house like a servant: she (to wash), and (to clean), and (to cook) for all the family. Her step-sisters (not to like) Cinderella. She (to work) all the day, and they (to look) at themselves in the mirror and (to talk) about their dresses. In the evenings Cinderella (to like) to sit near the fire-place, on the bag for cinders, and her step-sisters (to call) her ‘Cinderella’. One day the Prince (to invite) them to a ball. Cinderella (to want) to go there too, but the step-mother (not to let) her go. When she (to stay) at home alone, she (to start) crying, but suddenly a Fairy (to appear) before her. The Fairy (to turn) a pumpkin into a coach, and a rat into a coachman, and she (to turn) two white mice into white horses. Cinderella also (to receive) from the Fairy a beautiful dress and a pair of glass-slippers. Then she (to start) off for the ball.

9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple; задайте вопросы к выделенным словам; перескажите историю:

When we (to finish) our dinner, we (to want) to have some apple-juice. Harris (to open) our bag, and we (to look) at the tin of juice and (to smile) at each other. We all (to like) apple-juice. George (to ask), ‘But where is the tin-opener?’ We (to start) to look for the tin-opener, and could not find it. Then Harris (to open) his pocket-knife, and (to try) to open the tin with the knife. But the knife suddenly (to close) on his finger, and Harris (to cry) out with pain. We (to dress) his finger with a handkerchief, and (to start) to look for a better instrument. George (to decide) to make a hole in the tin with a stone. He (to start) working with a sharp stone, and I (to decide) to help him with a big stone. I (to ask) George to put his small stone on the tin, and I (to knock) on it with my big stone. It so (to happen) that my stone (to knock) on George’s hand. We (to stop) the work and (to dress) George’s fingers with another handkerchief. Now I (to continue) working alone. I (to decide) to throw the tin on the sharp stones on the bank. The tin (to jump) up and (to disappear) in the water. After that we (to stop) trying: we (to want) no apple-juice now. We only (to want) to have some rest.

(after Jerome)