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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

2. Закончите предложения, используя глаголы в скобках. Вы вернулись в родной город после нескольких лет отсутствия и обнаружили, что многое изменилось.

Example: Most of my friends were no longer there. They had left (leave).

  1. My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He ... (go) away.

  2. The local cinema was no longer open. It ... (close) down.

  3. Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He ... (die).

  4. I didn’t recognize Mrs. Johnson. She ... (change) a lot.

  5. Bill no longer had his car. He ... (sell) it.

  6. Jane became a doctor. She ... (graduate from) the University.

  7. Mr. White was no longer thin. He ... (put on) weight.

3. Закончите предложения как указано в примере. Используйте глаголы в скобках.

Example: Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an aeroplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they (fly) had never flown before.

  1. The woman was a complete stranger to me. (see) I ... before.

  2. Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised. (be / late) She ... .

  3. Jane played tennis yesterday – at least she tried to play tennis. She wasn’t very good at it because she (play) ... .

  4. It was Keith’s first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didn’t know what to do. (drive) He ... .

  5. It was Jack’s first lecture. He was afraid of students and prepared for the lecture thoroughly because he (to deliver lectures) ... .

4. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках.

Example: I wasn’t hungry. (I / just / have / lunch) I had just had lunch.

  1. Tom wasn’t at home when I arrived. (he / just / go / out).

  2. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film / already / begin)

  3. They weren’t eating when I went to see them. (they / just / finish / their dinner)

  4. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn’t come. (she / already /arrange / to do something else)

  5. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. (I / not / see / her for five years) ...

5. Преобразуйте два простых предложения в одно сложное, следуя образцу, используя союзы as, after и before.

Example: He thought the question over. Then he made a decision. – After he had thought the question over, he made a decision.

  1. I had a long talk with the man. Then I changed my opinion of him.

  2. He looked through all the documents. The he started writing his report.

  3. He did not go skating. He left his skates at home.

  4. He entered the Institute. He worked at the mill for some years.

  5. He graduated from the Institute. He began to work as an engineer at the same mill.

  6. Erik Gorin started to work as an assistant. Erik Gorin did all kinds of odd jobs.

  7. We got to the Institute. The lectures already began.

6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect Tense; перескажите шутки:

A. A young man who just (to return) from his travel in Africa was showing his girl-friend the skin of a lion that he (to kill), and she asked to tell her how he (to do) that. He said that he (to hear) a terrible roar one night, so he looked out of the window and saw a lion who (to come) close to his house. He quickly took a gun and shot the lion just in his pyjamas. The story impressed the girl greatly, only she couldn’t understand how the lion (to get) into the man’s pyjamas.

B. One day Isaak Newton asked a friend to lunch, but as he was very absent-minded, he soon forgot that his friend (to come), and continued working. The visitor understood what (to happen), and, just for a joke, he ate up all that the servant (to bring) for them two. When Newton at last appeared in the dining-room and saw the empty plates, he decided that he simply (to forget) that he already (to have) his lunch, and so he returned to his work.