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Сочетание согласного с [r]

Сочетание любого согласного с [r] произносится максимально слитно.

Необходимо следить за тем, чтобы кончик языка не касался альвеол при произношении [r]. В данных сочетаниях оба звука могут влиять на артикуляцию друг друга. Так, если [r] – предшествуют альвеолярные [t] [d] (кончик языка при их произношении находится на альвеолах), они становятся заальвеолярными.

Например, [trein, drai].

Если [r] предшествует глухой согласный, он приглушает начало [r]. Например, [krai, θru:].

Упражнение № 98.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на произношение сочетания согласного с [r].

praise [preiz]

friend [frend]

train [trein]

dress [dres]

dry [drai]

present ['preznt]

true [tru:]

stress [stress]

through [θru:]

practice ['præktis]

crowd [kraud]

tree [tri:]

crew [kru:]

free [fri:]

Christmas ['krisməs]

three [θri:]

group [gru:p]

grass [gra:s]

grow [grou]

brother ['brʌðə]

street [stri:t]

broad [bro:d]

bright [brait]

strong [stroŋ]

brown [braun]

struck [strʌk]

proud [praud]

gray [grei]

green [gri:n]

tram [træm]

pronoun [pro'naun]

comrade ['komrid]

thread [θred]

pray [prei]

Упражнение № 99.*

Прослушайте пословицы. Найдите для каждой из них подходящий русский эквивалент.

[pr], [tr], [kr]

  1. Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them

  2. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

  3. Crows don’t pick crows’eyes

[fr] – [str] – [θr] – [skr]

  1. To throw straws against the wind

  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed

  3. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours

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Звук [ɛə]

Дифтонг, ядром которого является гласный, похожий на русский [э] в слове это. Скольжение происходит в направлении нейтрального гласного с оттенком звука [ʌ].

Упражнение № 100.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на произношение звука [εə].

air [εə]

fairy [fεəri]

care [kεə]

chair [t∫εə]

where [wεə]

to prepare [tə pri'pεə]

hair [hεə]

parents ['pεərənts]

trere [ðεə]

[e] – [εə] – [æ]

pet – pair – pat [pet - pεə - pæt]

bed – bear – bad [bed - bεə - bæd]

merry – Mary – marry [meri – mεəri – mæri]

[iə] - [εə]

fear –fair [fiə - fεə]

mere – mare [miə - mεə]

dear – dare [diə - dεə]

steer – stair [stiə - stεə]

cheer – chair [t∫iə - t∫εə]

here – hair [hiə - hεə]

Упражнение №101.*

Прослушайте пословицы. Найдите для каждой из них подходящий русский эквивалент.

  1. Neither here nor there

  2. Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

  3. There and then

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Правила чтения:

er her, verb, term

ir fir, sir, third

[з:](третий тип слога)

ur fur, turn

yr myrtle

e + er [iə] (четвертый тип слога) - here, sphere

Исключение: were [wз:]

ea + r – [iə] – clear, near

ear + согласная - [з:] – learn, earth

o + re – [o:] - (четвертый тип слога) - bore, more

re – [ə] – в неударном положении в конце слова – theatre, metre

ph – [f] – в словах греческого происхождения – photo, phonetics


a + [εə] (четвертый тип слога)- care, Mary

r +гласная

Исключение: are [a:]

ai +r – [εə] – air, hair

[εə] – bear, wear

ea + r

[iə] – clear, fear

ee + r - [iə] – steer, cheer

or, – ar - [ə] – в конечных безударных слогах – monitor, debtor, actor, collar

Гласный ударного слога в слове читается кратко:

  1. В трехсложных словах, где ударение падает на первый слог: family, monitor, faculty, register.

В двухсложных словах с удвоенной корневой буквой r: merry, marry, borrow, narrow, mirror, hurry.

Упражнение №102.

Прочтите следующие слова, объясняя правила, если необходимо.

sore, firm, myrtle, dear, mere, earn, phone, breath, least, thread, captain, wrong, parents, deer, berry, horror, care, bare, pair, debtor, university, bitter, exercises, borrow, clear, rare, fore, curdle, shirt, burn, bore, sphere, dirty, her, hurt, birth, fern, verse, burn, serve, first, fur, chirp, elephant, photo, lorry, letter, sorry, cherry, kitten, witty, fair, share, bread, tree, prince, cry, free, travel, spur, various, heard, learn, bare.

Обобщающее упражнение.

Напишите следующие слова и выражения в транскрипции, обращая внимание на формы служебных слов:

to act, to answer, to part, to miss, an act, the old man, the young girl, to go, to do, a day, an apple, the tree, the orange.

Интонационное упражнение.

Прочтите текстобращая внимание на интонацию.

The word “Sandwich”

The `word “sandwich” is 'found in many languages. It came from the 'name of the Earl of Sandwich, who 'lived in England in the '18th century.

The `Earl of 'Sandwich was rich and he liked to play cards for money. He 'often 'played for 'twenty-four hours a day and 'did not stop to have breakfast, dinner or supper. He `usually told his servant to 'bring him some 'meat and some bread. He 'put the meat between two pieces of bread. Then he held the “sandwich” in his left hand while he' played his 'cards with his' right hand. People who took part in the game, 'liked Sandwich’s idea and it soon became popular to eat bread and meat in this way.


Буква: Q

Звуки: [oi, uə]

Звук [oi]

Дифтонг, ядром которого является звук [о], а скольжение происходит в направлении гласного звука [i]. Не следует заменять второй элемент [i] согласным [j], т.е. поднимать среднюю часть языка слишком высоко.

Упражнение № 103.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на произношение звука [oi].

boy [boi]

noise [noiz]

toy [toi]

noisy ['noizi]

voice [voise]

point [point]

boil [boil]

toilet ['toilit]

toiler ['toilə]

[oi] – [o:] – [зυ]

boil – bought – boat [boil – bo:t - bзυt]

oil – all – old [oil – o:l – зυld]

boil – ball – bold [boil – bo:l – bзυld]

toil – tall – told [toil – to:l – tзυld]

Упражнение № 104.*

Прослушайте пословицы. Найдите для каждой из них подходящий русский эквивалент.

  1. The voice of one man is the voice of no one

  2. Joys shared with others are more enjoyed

  3. Choice of the end covers the choice of means

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Звук []

Дифтонг, ядром которого является звук [u], скольжение происходит в направлении гласного звука [ə].

Упражнение №105.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на произношение звука [uq].

poor [puə]

usual ['u:ʒuəl]

sure [∫uə]

curious ['kjuəriəs]

pure [pjuə]

plural ['pluərəl]

cure [kjuə]

cruel [kr uəl]

fuel [fjuəl]

bourgeois ['buəʒwa:]

[u:] – [u] - [uə]

pool – pull – poor [pu:l – pul - puə]

shoot – shook – sure [∫u:t – ∫uk - ∫uə]

Упражнение №106.*

Прослушайте пословицы. Найдите для каждой из них подходящий русский эквивалент.

  1. What can’t be cured must be endured

  2. Curiosity killed the cat

  3. For sure

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Сочетание с дифтонга с гласным [ə]

Сочетания ['aiə], ['eiə], ['oiə], ['auə], ['ouə] двусложны, так как состоят из дифтонга и гласного звука [ə]. Иногда такие сочетания называются трифтонгами.

Упражнение № 107.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на произношение сочетания дифтонга с гласным [ə].

fire ['faiə]

desire [di 'zaiə]

hire ['haiə]

tired ['taiəd]

iron ['aiən]

tyre ['taiə]

quiet ['kwaiət]

triumph ['traiəmf]

wire ['waiə]

dialogue ['daiəlog]

lion ['laiən]

pioneer [ֽpaiə 'niə]

diagram ['daiəgræm]

power ['pauə]

towel ['tauəl]

flower ['flauə]

vowel ['vauəl]

tower ['tauə]

hour ['auə]

greyer ['greiə]

player ['pleiə]

layer ['leiə]

lower ['louə]

widower ['widouə]

slower ['slouə]

yellower ['jelouə]

Правила чтения:

oy boy, toy


oi voice, noise

re [juə] – pure, cure


r + гласная [uə] - sure

(четвертый тип слога)

oo + r - [uə] poor, moor

Исключения: floor [flo:] door [do:]

I five, desire

+ re – [aiə]

y tyre

ei [i:] после буквы c – ceiling, receive

h – [h] – high, hot, her

Исключения: haur ['auə], honest ['onist], honour ['onə], forehead ['forid]

our [auə] – our, hour

dg – [ʤ] – bridge, badge

wor [wз:] – перед согласной – work, worth

Нечитаемая буква b – thumb, dumb, bomb, debtor

ng – [ŋ] – на конце слова и перед суффиксами – er, - ing

long, nothing, singer

ng – [ŋ g] – 1. перед согласными – England, language, angry

2. в степенях сравнения прилагательных - younger


[ŋk] – ink, thank, uncle


qu – [kw] – quick, question, quite

ar – [o:] – после w , qu – war, quarter

ouss] – curious, famous

ance [əns] – annoyance, importance

Безударные ture [tə] – picture, future

Суффиксы (t) ion [n] – attention, dictation

[n] – expression, impression

(s) ion

[ʒn] – occasion, decision

Упражнение 108.

Прочтите слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на правила.

[d] – [ʤ]

[t] – [t]

mat – match [mæt – mæt∫]

cat – catch [kæt – kæt∫]

feet – feature [fi:t – 'fi:t∫ə]

Scot – schotch [skot – skot∫]

kid – bridge [kid – briʤ]

clod – lodge [klod – loʤ]

sled – sledge [sled – sleʤ]

lead – liege [li:d – li: ʤ]

bad – badge [bæd – bæʤ]

shal [∫æl]

Russian ['rʌ∫n]

attention [ə'ten∫n]

hush [hʌ∫]

expression [iks 'pre∫n]

short [∫o:t]

dictation [dik'tei∫n]

shirt [∫з:t]

Spanish ['spæni∫]

show [∫зυ]

occasion [ə'kein]

explosion [iks 'plзυʒn]

corrosion [kq'rouʒn]

treasure [treʒə]

think [θiŋk]

English ['iŋgli∫]

thinking [θiŋkiŋ]

finger ['fiŋgə]

thank [θæŋk]

younger ['jʌŋgə]

thanks [θæŋks]

longer ['loŋgə]

ink [iŋk]

stronger ['stroŋgə]

inkpot [iŋkpot]

youngest ['jʌŋgist]

uncle ['ʌŋkl]

language ['læŋgwiʤ]

singer ['siŋə]

ringing ['riŋiŋ]

singing [siŋiŋ]

bringing ['briŋiŋ]

Упражнение №109.

Прочтите слова, объясняя правила.

Boy, boil, pure, picture, worth, coin, poor, mure, door, guit, more, curious, joy, work, our, floor, ceiling, world, word, oil, cure, hour, fuse, toy, due, tune, quest, quite, fair, noise, honour, nature, dictation, station, future, action, physics, leisure, discussion, session, direction, attention.

Обобщающее упражнение № 1.

Напишите слова в транскрипции. Отработайте их чтение.

Wrist, tear, hear, stare, furious, sure, forehead, hours, point, toil, wash, enjoy, spell, turn, come, use, cry, smile, copy, study, walk, lodgings, row, blouse, tyrant, lecture, toilet-table, chalk, lamb, aggression, worthy, bookworm, division, world, found, pillow, whip, judging, lawn, during, allow, punish, gather, hungry, longing, longer, Englishman, thinking, bank-note, quarterly, quickly, quotation, furious, honestly, Zealand, walk.

Обобщающее упражнение №2.

Отработайте чтение следующих слов и выражений, обращая внимание:

а) на произношение множественного числа существительных после th

[θs] – после краткого гласного, согласного и буквы r

[ðz] – после долгого гласного

или дифтонга

months [mʌnθs]

paths [pa:ðz]

depths [depθs]

truths [tru:ðz]

births [bз:θs]

baths [ba:ðz]

lengths [leŋθs]

deaths [deθs]

б) на чтение фраз со связующим r

after all, far away, never again, for example, for a moment, near it, father and mother, brother and sister, mother-in-law.

в) на аспирацию или ее отсутствие.

Paul, cloud, skirt, pocket, pear, toothless, stool, poorly, spot, powerful, price, close, cookery, talkative, basket, coins, poverty, palace, tent, pearl, twice, spoil, tale, spoonful.

г) на разные правила чтения.

thirsty, sport, tyre, dare, hate, list, mice, tram, star, sphere, turning, fury, next, fever, serve, fire, myrtle, sky, myth, clock, wore, note, bush, dusty, tube.

д) на чтение не по правилам (проверьте произношение по словарю. Если необходимо).

southern, women, height, wolf, piano, halfpenny, handkerchief, foreign, soldier, bourgeois.

Обобщающее упражнение№3.

Отработайте чтение следующих слов, обращая внимание на произношение гласного в ударном слоге.

а) открытый слог.

bade, hide, tube, pole, be, line, sole, lake, me, tune, fine, home, same, type, tone, mute, sea, zone, Pete, mode, pike, hate, eve, note, fine, student, mile, lane, bone, fee, file, bole, bale, hike, make, see, fame, ride, rose, vase, deem, time, go, stone, snake, rise, feel, by.

б) закрытый слог.

Ben, bad, bin, on, tub, pot, pin, pan, pen, on, tin, dog, nut, log, kin, lad, fed, bed, hat, bit, not, cut, but, soft, kit, hat, fat, let, top, led, mud, fit, Val, met, under, men, sun, tab, lot, bag, set, sat, sit, hot, hit, hat, man.

в) открытый и закрытый слог.

tape, log, take, king, hi, he, can, cut, cute, Peter, cycle, fox, mild, fake, style, lift, table, teem, find, hop, read, meet, late, bind, stable, code, hide, size, hit, title, mind, heat, six, pine, ale, use, us, old, able, till, still, steal, red, bold, rate, bone, got, get, idle, make, open, go, maple, sold, note, left, leave, sea, sell, told, pine, hope, hop, cold, Bible, hate, fame, duty, name, golden, my, say, be, pay, we.

г) 3-й тип слога.

car, cord, bird, her, force, girl, start, harm, serve, skirt, short, large, farm, former, art, fork, border, comer, forty, thirsty, nurse, curtain, certain, sir, fur, barn.

д) 4-й тип слога.

rare, pure, store, mere, admire, spare, cure, more, here, tyre, care, fure, fore, tired, hare, hire, prepare, fire.

е) гласные в четырех типах слога.

made, short, burn, title, aware, far, tirst, cure, bind, sake, lute, wire, black, dare, mere, table, rope, pole, pot, sport, mud, be, mind, sore, hire, here, her, bridge, but, idle, eve, pen, time, thick, kind, bird, more, bad, turn, old, car, lot, tune, pine, sold, verb, send.

Обобщающее упражнение№4.

Отработайте чтение слов.

Peace, pace, piece, pie, pale, pail, pay, pair, pare, peel, peer, pond, pound, bee, beer, boot, boat, board, ball, bawl, boil, me, met, meet, mete, mere, fair, fare, far, fear, fire, fir, fur, few, foot, foam, sow, saw, soap, soar, sore, tea, tear, tired, tyre, tune, tone, torn, tower, toy, deep, deer, dawn, down, net, neat, near, need, niece, law, low, lie, line, sheep, ship, chip, chirp, cheer, cheap, chief, shape, chap, share, car, care, cure, curl, coal, cool, hate, heat, hat, hair, hire, hear, here, her, horn, haul, hull, hurt, how, hue, hew, wave, way, wire, wore, work, width, myth, lute, eve, bridge, child, teach, cure, few, jumper, bee, pure, hair, satire, car, rare, wire, ink, here, dare, burn, tester, aloud, Dutch, far, hire, parents, bold, darling, parrot, aware, more, large, kind, square, pan, singing, verb, nurse, number, cry, six, stir, sane, charm, black, turn, wage, talk, junk, pine, huge, ignorant.

Упражнения для подготовки к зачету по правилам чтения

Отработайте чтение слов.

а) man, step, fit, mystery, fox, club, make, see, like, cry, note, music, start, German, dirty, myrtle, or, nurse, compare, here, core, desire, byre, endure, state, made, matter, happy, artist, army, stare, these, meter, let, met, serve, verse, sincere, queer, film, lift, quiet, pipe, girl, stir, mire, try, my, lynch, pygmy, myrth, alone, byre, home, hot, girl, tyre, stop, port, cube, fruit, sort, shore, before, much, conduct, hurt, purse, cure, time, moment, ring, rolling, student, rose, East, North, South.

b) feet, tree, three, street, beat, teacher, eat, dream, head, bread, dead, death, great, break, seize, receive, grey, either, eight, they, neither, people, few, mew, Europe, neutral, crew, near, flew, clear, dear, Earth, learn, beer, deer, their, neiqhbour, freight, height, say, may, wait, main, chain, gain, author, August, because, law, draw, fast, past, task, path, after, ask, answer, half, hall, tall, also, salt, all, call, warm, war, watch, wall, air, France, chance, dance, pair, hair, taught, caught, daughter, look, moon, soon, noise, voice, choice, joy, employ, coal, road, about, aloud, mould, town, now, roar, our, coarse, poor, flour, hour, power, tower, most, both, old, told, fought, suit, sure, thought, future, nature, culture, measure, treasure, pleasure, ensure, endure, literature.

c) minus, university, economy, freedom, suddenly, development, cooperation, literature, interesting, window, fellow, tennis, village, require, display, international, impossible, language, attack, adopt, unemployment, advertisement, define, discuss, express, external, fraternal, fraternal, gymnasium, figure, handsome, harmony, harvest, imagine, jointure, ago, kitchen, labour, central, reader, equipment, generally, mainly, soccer, badminton, football, internal, absorb, data, particular, faculty, union.

d) letter, license, bright, load, collection, luck, low, lucent, loyal, full, tube, purse, endure, nature, leasure, sure, about, tool, love, shore, world, sort, phone, company, hot, poor, hour, power, bold, fought, noise, stare, army, state, manner, wait, stay, pause, saw, fast, after, glass, ask, answer, also, hall, water, war, dual, walk, course, surface, fought, chance, why, desire, sir, field, idle, wild, find, right, sight, red, diamond, eve, her, here, meeting, read (1), bread, great, deceive, grey, dew, eight, crew, neighbour, near, learn, deer, their, height, mainly, market, margin, management, master, mere, might, mockery, more, most, musical, normal, object, naught, nuclear, obey, opposite, avoid, own, practical,

royal, society, science, scientist, scientific, research, announce, proclaim, annual, current, total, strange, fair, table, wire, haughty, system, myrtle, it, site, sly, core, rare, environment, surround.

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