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Английский язык - методичка.doc
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I. Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. “I’m studying Engineering.” Jim told me he ...

2. “I went to a brilliant lecture this morning.” Jim said he …

3. “Do you know where the post office is?” She asked...

4. “Have you been here before?” She asked ...

5. “What time did you arrive?” She asked ...

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола.

1. The economist calculated the company’s income, using the new computer programme.

2. We are checking on the accuracy of the data.

3. Measures are being taken to improve storing goods.

4. A number of measures are taken in order to increase profits of the en­terprise.

5. It is important to see the difference between revenue and profit.

III. Поставьте подходящие по смыслу союзы и союзные слова. Переведите предложения.

  1. The problem with government regulation of markets is to control … government restrictions work in real life.

  2. Basic problems of economics are of great importance to every econo­mist, … specific problems of farm economics are mostly of interest to economists … study agriculture.

  3. Professional marketing services are of great value to producers … sellers.

  4. … the price of one good rises, the consumer has to buy another good, … price has not risen.

  5. Making a decision, the economist should rely on all the information … he can find.


The perfect interview

The interview is a very important moment in your future career. So, you have already chosen the company you’d like to work and send an effective CV (a badly written one will lose you the job before you get to the interview stage) and now it’s the high time to be ready to the interview.

First of all you should discover as much as you can about the interview. This means finding out exactly who will be conducting the interview, what position they hold, and whether it’s an informal or a formal interview, possibly in front of a whole panel of interviewееs.

The second, you must dress correctly to suit the interview. Even if the job is in a modern company where the code is casual, you ought to dress formally for the interview – a suit is always safe. Never keep your overcoat or mac on during the interview – this will make you an outsider from the start.

Moreover, think positively and confidently about yourself. From the moment you decide to apply for the job think about all qualities you have to offer the company as well as the reasons you would suit the job. There are some features the interviewer pay attention, whether you are : positive minded, hard working, with a good sense of humor, intelligent, sociable, competitive, self-motivated, dedicated, talkative, experienced, active, determined to succeed, enthusiastic, brave. You should know the traits you possess and try to manifest yourself from the best side. Besides, the moment you walk into the interview room, don’t forget that the most of us are influenced by their body language, which characterize the person best of all. Be assertive, smile, look the interviewer in the eye, give a firm handshake. Don’t lean too far over the desk or slump in the chair with your arms crossed.

As for the way of behaving yourself at the interview, you must keep the balance of power throughout of the interview. From the psychologist’s point of view this is what interviews are all about. You shouldn’t be too timid or allow the interviewer to dominate you because an interview is a two-way process, and you are to decide whether you want the job. It’s important for you to ask questions about your potential job as it is for the interviewer to question you. Try not to seem over-confident and cheeky. No one likes a “difficult” candidate however good your qualifications are.

Three-quarters of people feel anxious about job interviewers and their nervousness often lets them down. Keep calm before and during the interview. The key is to learn interview skills which are important as job skills, and control you nerves. Remember the interviewer may be nervous as well

At last, even if the interviewer offers the job to you at the spot ask for some time to consider their offer. It would be better for you and your image.