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Английский язык - методичка.doc
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To find out – выяснить, узнать

To conduct the interview – проводить интервью

Casual – свободный, неофициальный

To apply for the job – подать заявление на работу

Features (traits) – черты характера

Hard working – трудолюбивый

Sociable – общительный

Determined to succeed – настроенный на успех

To manifest oneself from the best side – продемонстрировать себя с лучшей стороны

To be influenced by – находиться под влиянием

Assertive – уверенный в себе

To lean over – наклоняться к (кому-либо)

To slump in – развалиться в (например: кресле)

To be too timid – быть слишком робким

At the spot – сразу, моментально

Consider – продумывать, обдумывать


In the life of any person there is a moment when he must take a very important decision - find a job which will bring satisfaction and money simultaneously.

Many people think they know the right way to go about picking an occupation, but they often wind up a career that is unsatisfying.

There are a lot of examples of this situation. To begin with young people used to suppose that choosing a career is very simple. Without any hesitation they make their career from their hobbies. It’s possible if you are improving your skills permanently, not from time to time. In addition to it nowadays young people change their hobbies very often that makes difficult to realize what hobby can be chosen as career.

Besides graduate trainees believe that earning a lot of money will make them happy. So they prefer a well-paid job in spite of the fact that sometimes it can be risky and unsatisfying. Sure salary is very important, but it isn’t the only point you should look at when choosing a career. Countless surveys have shown that money doesn’t necessarily lead to job satisfaction, enjoying what you do at work as much more important. However, you must consider earnings, among other things when you are evaluating an occupation.

Moreover one more point should be admitted. The young people often listen to their parents’ or friends’ advice but it doesn’t mean that the particular field which has been told by these people suits you, because everyone is different and if something is good for one it can be bad for another.

In a word this topic is discussable endless, but before choosing your future job, you have to answer one question: what an ideal job means to you. For it you ought to consider the following items:

An ideal job for me is a job….

  • that suits my personality,

  • that gives challenge and opportunity,

  • that gives independence,

  • well-paid,

  • risky,

  • exciting

  • that encourages thinking and development,

  • calm and steady,

  • which is connected with communication,

  • prestigious,

  • part-time (full time),

  • with (without) long trips.

When you’ve decide which field you are interested in, make up a resume (CV) and send to the different companies, wait for the answer and be ready to the interview.


Recruitment – набор кадров, найм на работу

Satisfaction – удовлетворение

Simultaneously – одновременно

Occupation – занятие, род занятий, дело

To improve one’s skills permanently – улучшать свои способности постоянно

To wind up – ликвидировать, заканчивать

Graduate trainee – выпускник

In spite of – вместо

Salary – зарплата

To evaluate – оценивать

Field – сфера, область

To suit one’s personality – соответствовать личности

Challenge – выбор

To encourage – поощрять

Part-time (full time) – неполный (полный) рабочий день


Organizations may need different types of leadership or management styles at different periods in their development: the type of leader needed to head a successful firm might be quite unusual from the ruthless person is needed to turn around a failing company. Even so, in most companies, change is necessary for continued success, and the people who can lead that change are key.

To be a leader is supposed to have some special ability or a talent. Your staff should follow you and your ideas. For it you must have a clear business vision, a long-term goals for the future of your company, but don’t set unrealistic targets. You should be able to communicate ideas and be ready to make quick decisions, even if they are very difficult. The leader must be fair, reserved and never lose your temper. To create a positive working environment and avoid causing stress among workers is very important to resolve any problems quickly.

A good leader always has a good relationship with the employees and knows how to do their employees’ jobs, so without any doubt he leads them and sometimes by personal example, but never try to dominate them. Otherwise he appreciates his subordinates’ work and develops talent among his staff, motivating them.

There are different views on the best way of inspiring employees: leadership example, motivating respect / affection/ fear; financial reward or non-financial reward as status in the company. The most appropriate way of inspiring staff may differ according to the situation and the personal and cultural background of those involved. However, there is a certain amount of agreement on how to delegate effectively; the most common mistakes are reluctance to other people, or handing over work without giving sufficient information.

To be a good leader is very difficult and not everybody can be the leader. But you are able to develop all necessary skills for it. First you should read a lot to find out much about leadership from the books and learn useful skills to help you. Then you must visit a special training leadership courses to improve on all your week areas and at last you ought to follow the example of other leaders.