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2.2.1. Key Vocabulary




addiction n

склонность, пагубная привычка

Tranquillizer addiction , unlike alcohol and illegal drug addiction is a prescribed problem

The consequences of nicotine addiction are well known and dramatic

be addicted to sth

быть склонным (чаше к чему-либо дурному)

It is frightening to see how addicted to computer games our youngsters are

complain of sth v

(also: on sth.)

жаловаться на что-либо

People did not complain of food in the hospital hoping to get proper medical attention

There is a principle that a person can not complain of what he has consented to



Police all over the country are known to want the DNA register, but civil liberty champions object

be hooked on sth

быть на крючке, питать болезненное пристрастие к чему-либо

I became hooked on adventure stories by R.L. Stevenson

A distraught mum told me last night how her little girl is hooked on smoking at the age of 2!

blood vessels

кровеносные сосуды

She has probably broken a tiny blood vessel in her lung area

reach for a cigarette

потянуться за сигаретой

Are you willing to get out of the past and reach for the future?

It warns you that it’s time to reach for the stop button

carbohydrates, n.


Some diets recommend to avoid carbohydrates completely

Those carbohydrates found in white breads and sugar are different from those which we get from non-processed cereals

cell n


In fact, occasionally a nerve cell and a muscle cell can be sisters derived from a single mother cell

2.2.2. Comprehension Questions

  1. How do smokers often feel about their habit?

  2. What bright examples of really horrendous effects produced by smoking on humans does the author mention?

  3. What was the reason for the author to reach for a cigarette? How does she try to combat this tendency?

  4. What kind of tips does the author give for those who would like to get rid of this habit?

  5. Do you smoke? If yes, have you ever tried to give it up?

  6. How do you feel about banning smoking in public places like restaurants, bars, airports and etc.? Give your reasons.

  7. Do you agree that health damages caused by smoking are really so tremendous or you don’t share this view?


3.1. Look through the text given below and say what all these recommendations have in common. Best tips and recommendations for you to keep your weight under control and maintain healthy life-style

In order to encourage you on your road to healthy life and weight –loss we found the 25 best motivators and tips which are super-inspiring and can really work for you. Here is the list of this best advice and recommendations:

1. Give yourself 10 good reasons.

Grab an index card and write out at least 10 things that are driving your weight-loss desires. Include the vain (“look great in a bikini”) as well as the virtuous (“lower my cholesterol level”). Stash your list in your purse - or heck, laminate the thing and post on your dashboard if it helps. That way when you experience a dip in motivation you’ll have it on hand to remind you everything you stand to gain by sticking like SuperGlue to your plan.

2. Join a gym near your office or school. Exercising during your lunch break or after work or studies will be much more convenient.

3. Know you are not alone! Don’t be afraid to join a health club because of your size. You’ll find a range of body types at the gym.

4. Seek motivation on the Internet. Get 24/7 support with an online weight-loss group. Exchange messages, recipes, exercise tips with others.