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5. Stop the “what, crumbs have calories?” syndrome.

Little bites – a handful of chips, a few jelly beans, free samples of cheese at the grocery store – can add up to hundreds of calories and zero satisfaction. Counteract unexpected temptation by telling yourself, “I don’t eat food just because it is there”. You‘ll be amazed how much your eating patterns will improve as a result of using this simple rule.

6. Sign up for a run/walk event or a bike race.

The competition will help you work harder and you’ll make fitness-minded friends

7. Change with the seasons.

Snowshoe in the winter, swim in the summer and bike in the spring. Different workouts will keep you challenged.

8. Go plate shopping.

Downsize your dinner by eating off a smaller dish.

9. Buy fitted clothes.

Avoid expandable elastic waists that don’t let you feel or see those extra inches creeping up on you.

10. Don’t be deprived.

Teat yourself to a small portion of something sweet each day so you won’t crave it and binge later.

11. Train your brain to be flexible.

The rigid “either I’m on a diet or I’m not “frame of mind practically guarantees that you won’t be eating right for very long. When you slip up – and hey, we all do - you’ll end up thinking “I blew it, might as well have another cookie – or three. “ Instead, see your eating plan as a road with varied terrain. It can be narrow when you are feeling strong and focused and wider when you need to relax your efforts a bit. If you happen to step off the road entirely, whatever you do, don’t waste time on self-critical statements. Just get back on.

12. Go international.

Find a low-fat meal in every type of cuisine – Japanese, Thai, Mexican, Italian – so that you can still enjoy eating out.

13. Write before you bite.

Keep a journal of everything you put into your mouth. You’ll think twice before you eat it if you know you have to write it down.

14. Friend-proof your program.

One of the biggest diet saboteurs: grandmas, girlfriends and significant others – all of whom we can be persistent about offering you food that’s not on your plan. Rather than giving in because you don’t want to offend anyone, say “not just yet, I’m going to wait for a while”. This is probably enough to convince most people that you’ll eat eventually, so they leave you alone.

15. Resign from the clean-plate club.

Do you feel guilty for “wasting food”? Think of it this way: When you feel your car with gas, you don’t keep pumping after your tank is full, just because there’s more available. So why do this with your body? To break yourself of the habit, today leave just a bite or two of food on your plate and notice how you feel – emotionally and physically. If you are truly hungry after pausing for a few minutes, go ahead and clean your plate. But if not, tell yourself that eating food you don’t need is just as much of a waste as throwing it away and the latter is better for your body.

16. Power up with a partner.

Enlist the help of a friend to cheer you on when dieting gets tough.