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Unit 2..docx
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  1. A television or radio comedy series in which the same characters appear in different stories each week.

  2. A quality newspaper printed on a large sheet of paper.

  3. A popular newspaper with lots of pictures, often in colour, and short articles; it's printed on a small sheet of paper.

  4. A television or radio programme on which the presenter , or host, interviews well-known people.

  5. A television or radio competition in which the players can win prizes if they answer questions correctly .

  6. Someone who competes in a contest.

  7. A television or radio programme about the continuing daily life and troubles of a group of characters, broadcast every day, two or three times a week.

Exercise 36. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

soap newsreaders contestants audience documentary chat shows microphone quiz show

  1. The____wasn't working so no one could hear him!

  2. University Challenge is a type of______for students, with questions about many subjects.

  1. The _______on Mastermind have two minutes to answer as many questions as they can, on one subject.

  2. Famous actors usually go on_____to publicise their new movies.

5. I watched a very interesting___about wild animals in Africa.

6 My favourite_____is about a rich family from Dallas. I watch it twice a week.

  1. Big Brother has a huge____. I don't know why. I think it's really boring.

  2. In my country, __ are usually middle-aged men. The public trusts them to tell the truth!

Exercise 37. a) Put the words and phrases in the box into the correct columns.

Cameraman documentary journalist headline quiz show

the front pagesoap newsreader celebrity review section

editor article chat show main story contestant presenter



Types of TV programme

Things in a newspaper

b) Use the words and phrases above to complete the sentences.

  1. You can read about new books and films in the _ of the Sunday paper.

  2. We saw a about wild animals in Africa on TV. It followed the movements of lions.

  1. I watch this every week . I love the characters.

  2. I'd like to be a because every day you can write interesting news stories.

s One on this quiz show got every answer right. He won $10,000!

6 I would hate to be a like David Beckham or Julia Roberts. I prefer a quiet life.

7 I saw an interesting in the newspaper for a job in Hawaii.

8 Did you read about the President? The story was on of every newspaper!

9 That quiz show is so bad he can't even say the questions properly!

10 I read an in the newspaper about new technology. It was very long, but it was interesting and well-written.

Exercise 38. Read the dialogue and then

a) rewrite or retell it in reported speech.

FRANCIS So tell me, Shelley, I'm curious about the media in America. Do people read mostly regional or national newspapers over there?

SHELLEY I think that really most people read regional magazines or ... or newspapers, um ... although the national news and the international news is reported in the regional newspapers through the wire service.

FRANCIS Right, right. Right, I see. And ... and as far as reading habits goes as well, do most people read a newspaper every day or ….?

SHELLEY You know, I think a large percentage of people do, but it may just be a local newspaper that they're reading, maybe from their town or the town ... a larger town nearby.

FRANCIS Right, right. Well, as far as, er ... the broader media is concerned, I mean, how about television, I mean for example, I know that there are a lot of television channels, but how many television channels are there?

SHELLEY Well, that really depends on where you live. In cities there are dozens and dozens of channels that you can tune into.


SHELLEY Yeah, but in the rural areas, er ... sometimes you'll only get the three major national channels and perhaps the public broadcasting.

FRANCIS Oh, really, aha. And what sort of, what about the programmes themselves. What are the most popular types of programmes?

SHELLEY Well, I think probably soap operas are always the most popular, but …

FRANCIS Just like here.

SHELLEY Yeah, but a few years ago, er ... game shows were very popular and in the last couple of years chat shows or talk shows have become very popular and you can watch a talk show, talks shows that will go on from the morning all the way straight through to late at night.

FRANOS You're kidding, really.

SHELLEY No, no kidding.

FRANCIS My goodness me. We've got a little way to go to catch up with you there. But what about, um ... radio, for example. I mean .. is ... would you say radio is more or less popular than television?

SHELLEY Oh, I think television's the most popular. But, er ... it's different, I think than in Great Britain, radio stations in America are mostly just music stations, there's a wide variety of different kinds of music and there is a national broadcasting, national public radio it's called, that has news and plays. But most radio stations are just music.

FRANCIS Right , right. I mean are there ... are there government restrictions, what about ... I mean ... you said about national broadcasting but I don't know if that's government. But ... what about ... do you think that the government in any way controls the media?

SHELLEY Gee, I ... I really hope that they don't. We're told that they don't, but, er ... you never know, it depends on the information that's being given by the government to the newsmen. We have a history of free press.

b) Write a report of the interview with Shelley. Write a brief summary of her replies under each question. Use the linking phrases the reason for this and because to explain the main reasons. Use the linking phrases another reason for this and besides to explain further reasons.

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