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In Court This Week.

Maggie Givans reports from Brentford Magistrates' Court

On Tuesday, local shopkeeper Barry Southgate appeared in court for dangerous driving. Police Constable Harriet Diamond said that on the night of 14 February she has seen/had been seen a dark blue Volkswagen Golf travelling at high speed through a residential area. She stopped the motorist, Mr Southgate, and asked him to tell her his driving speed. He replied that he has / had no idea. When PC Diamond asked to see his driving licence, he replied that he would/will bring it to the police station tomorrow/ the following day, closed his door and drove off , again at high speed.

In response to Magistrate Richard Pound 's questions Mr Southgate said I/ he knew he had been over the speed limit, but he didn't know exactly what speed he was / had been

travelling at. He also said that he has / had forgotten to take his licence to the police station the next / next day. The magistrate wanted to know how he could forget something important like that, and Mr Southgate explained that his wife has had / had had their first baby that day, so he hadn 't been able to take his licence to the police station . He added that he had been rushing to the hospital the evening before / yesterday evening , and that was why he had been driving so fast. Magistrate Pound said that Mr Southgate still had pay the fine for speeding but that he wishes / wished him and his new family all the best.

Exercise 57. Match the speech sentences 1-8 with the reported statements A-H.

1. Adrian’s revising for and exam at the moment.

2. I’m going to take the exam tomorrow.

3. I was revising for the exam yesterday evening.

4. I’ve already taken an exam this week.

5. I’m revising for an exam.

6. I’m going to take the exam this week.

7. I took an exam last week.

8. I’m revising for the exam this evening.

a. She said she'd already taken an exam that week.

b. He said he had taken an exam the week before.

c. She said he's revising for an exam at that moment.

d. He said he was revising for the exam that evening.

e. He said he was going to take the exam that week.

f. She said she was going to take the exam the next day.

g. He said he was revising for an exam.

h. She said she was revising for the exam previous evening.

1.......... 2 ......... . 3 ........ .. 4 .......... s .......... 6 .......... 7…….


Exercise 58. Lizzie has eight voicemail messages. Below are some of the things her friends left on her voicemail. Complete the sentences to show what she said to her boyfriend about the messages, changing the tenses, pronouns, and possessives.

  1. Fred said: “I want to borrow your ladder.”

Fred said he wanted to borrow our ladder.

2 . . Rachel said: “I'm going to France”

Rachel said …………………………………….. .

3. Tom said: “My mother's given me £50.”

Tom told me ……………………….. .

4. Jane and John said: “We've moved into our new house.”

Jane and John said……………………….. .

  1. Sara said: “I can't finish my essay.”

Sara told me ………………………

  1. Craig said: “I'll remind John about our meeting.”

Craig told me .......................................... ............. .

  1. Lena said: “The parcels arrived safely”

Lena said …………………………… .

Exercise 59. Complete the reported statements. Make the necessary changes.

POLITI CIAN (to reporters) : I'm ready to answer your questions.

The politician told the reporters that he was ready

to answer their questions.

REPORTER: People were offended by remarks in your speech.

A reporter said people……………………...........remarks in the politician's speech.

POLITI CIAN: I didn't make any offensive remarks in my speech yesterday.

The politician stated ........................................................ any offensive remarks in his speech yesterday.

POLITICIAN : I was just describing my plans for the next year.

He said that ........................................................ his plans for the next year.

REPORTER : You know that people have asked for your resignation.

The reporter said that the politician………………………..

for his resignation.

POLITICIAN : I don’t understand it myself. I simply described the situation in the country.

The politician said ............................................................... himself. He ........... .................................................... the situation in the country.

POLITICIAN: I have been working very hard and I see no reason to resign.

He added that………………………………………………….. and he saw no reason to resign.

POLITI CIAN: I will make a full statement about my plans tomorrow afternoon.

He ended by saying that…………………………………………..

Exercise 60. Read the dialogue, then complete the text.

Suzy Hi, Jane. What are you doing here?

Jane I'm buying some curtains. We moved into our new house last month and there's lots of work to do.

Suzy Really?

Jane Yes, we finished painting the house last week and John cleared the garden yesterday.

Suzy We've got a bit of a problem though. Our new furniture was delivered a couple of weeks ago but I can't arrange it until next week because the carpets haven't arrived. I hope it will look nice when it's finished. My parents are coming to visit us next month.

I saw Jane in the DIY store a few weeks ago. I asked her what she was doing …there.. and she said she was buying new curtains. She told me that they'd moved into their new house …………. .She said that they'd finished painting it…….. and that John ………the garden the day before. She explained that their new furniture had been delivered……., but she couldn't arrange it until the following week because the carpets…… . She said she hoped it would look nice when it was all finished, and added that her parents …… to visit them ….. .

Exercise 61. Rewrite the quotes in reported speech. Do not change the tense if it is possible not to.

1. ‘The museum was opened to the public in 1965.'

The guidebook says ... ....................................................


2. 'I'll take a taxi home after the film tomorrow evening.'

John told us last Friday ………………………………


  1. 'Humans first walked on the moon in 1969.'

The lecturer said .. ..........................................…………..


4. 'Samir's ill and won’t go to school today.'

Mrs Richards, Samir's mother said…………………………. ........................................................................................

  1. 'Jason had been working for me for two years at that point.'

The manager told the police officer……………………………. ............................................................... ................... ........

  1. 'We're meeting our cousins from Vancouver at the weekend.'

Louse and Jane told us last week……………………………. ……...................................................................................

Exercise 62. Turn the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. Hob said: "My friend is a painter. '

  2. Olaf said: "I am staying in England for another year."

  3. Rine said: "My father does a lot of business with England."

  4. Kate said: “Nothing will make me go into an office.”

  5. Peter: "I know a man who is a painter."

  6. Mary said: "I don't think office work will be interesting."

  7. The painter said: "I will pay you two pounds."

  8. Dorry said: "I want more breakfast."

  9. The waiter said to Hob," I will fetch some for you."

  10. Herry said: "I have never eaten a bigger meal in my life."

  11. Lilian said: "I will go and fetch your basket."

  12. Mr. Priestley said: "Sally needs some more fish."

  13. Mary said: "I am good at painting."

  14. Olga said to him: "I never knew that you could paint."

  15. Mark said:" I paint only doors and walls and windows."

  16. Lucille said:" I want to go to Germany, so that I can get good knowledge of German."

  17. Frieda said: "My sister and I spent six months in Frankfurt, and we enjoyed it very much."

  18. She added: "I will go back there some day, if I ever have enough money."

  19. Andrey said: "Some knowledge of German is very useful in my father's business."

  20. The teacher said to her students: “I am going to give you an exercise on Indirect Speech. It will not be easy, but if you are thoughtful you can do it, as I have given you all the information that you need. You can look in your book if you wish, but I don't want you to ask anyone to help you."

Exercise 63. Turn the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

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