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Chapter 5. Unit 10. Are Laws Made to Be Broken?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

4.I'll allow you to stay up late, just this once.

5.I'll see to it that you don't swear in front of the children.

6.Would you like me to ask him to call you back when he comes in?

7.The police forced the criminal to give away his accomplices.

8.The president told his advisors to arrange a press conference.

9.How about asking Dick to come to the party?

10.I want you to understand once and for all. I won’t allow you to say a bad thing against my wife.

11.Shall I ask them to call you a cab?

12.Why do you think you can get away with this kind of behaviour?

Ex. 20. Put an emphasis on what happened to the people.

Model: They made me wait two hours for an appointment. →

I was made to wait two hours for an appointment.

1.They made me wait two hours for an appointment.

2.She didn't let the children gulp the food. She expected them to learn good table manners.

3.They got him to produce all the evidence he had.

4.You cannot make people learn if they don't want to.

5.They made him work long hours on the farm.

6.The teacher got the children to tell a story about what they had seen in the zoo.

7.They did not let the young man become a professional jockey.

8.We made them have a bath and wash the shirts they were wearing.

9.As I got older, around eight or seven, they let me go to the park on my own.

10.Mr. Acklam had his assistant make all the arrangements well in advance.

11.He said that they had made him give away the details of the plan.

12.“I’ll never have you stay here with that boyfriend of yours,” she said angrily.

Ex. 21. Translate into English using the Complex Object after causative verbs.

1.Почему вы думаете, что вы никогда не узнаете правды?

2.Постарайтесь уговорить своего мужа дать согласие на операцию.

3.Они поручили Кларку собрать всю необходимую информацию.

4.Его вынудили сознаться в преступлении, которого он не совершал.

5.Я не позволю (не допущу), чтобы ты курил в спальне.

6.Что заставляет вас оставаться на работе до позднего вечера?

7.Они поручили ему записать имена всех присутствующих.

8.Я попрошу Джима помочь мне с переводом статьи.

9.Директор поручил своему секретарю сделать ряд звонков.

10.Пожалуйста, позвольте мне участвовать в обсуждении.

11.Я не потерплю (не допущу), чтобы ты сквернословил в моем присутствии.

12.Не могли бы вы разрешить первокурсникам присутствовать на презентации?

Ex. 22. Make up short stories using as many infinitive constructions as possible.

1.It was a dark stormy night. You were alone in an isolated mountain cabin. Suddenly you saw the headlights of a car coming up the road toward the cabin. What did you see and hear next?

2.You were standing outside the shop when you saw a man with a scar. You watched him for some time and thought his behaviour was somewhat suspicious. What did you see him doing /do?

3.The head manager had a very busy morning. He delegated tasks, responsibilities and levels of authority to his subordinates. What exactly did he do? Does he want people to grow professionally? Does he expect the employees to follow his orders?


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

4.You were going through the customs at Beijing airport. Suddenly you felt somebody touch your elbow. You turned round and saw a pretty young woman with two big suitcases. What happened next?

5.Do you have good neighbours? Do you dislike any of your neighbours? Do you often see or hear them? What do you see / hear them doing? Would you like them to change any of their habits?

6.Your younger brother / sister is going to finish school next year and will be forced to take important decisions. Does he / she expect you to help him / her in any way? Do you want him / her to move on to college or get a job first? What do you expect him/her to choose? Does he / she have well-developed interests in any particular areas and subjects you would like him / her to pursue?

7.Jogging is an excellent form of exercise. You clearly remember the first time you went jogging. When you came to the park you were suprised to see quite a few people cycling, doing their morning exercises or jogging past you. What else did you see or hear?

Ex. 23. Work in pairs. Exchange opinions using infinitive constructions.

1. You are going to organise a musical event. Would you prefer a rock band and pop singers to take part in it? Would you like your fellow students to share their favourite recordings with the others? Are there any students who could feature their talents?

2.You lent some money to a friend saying you want it back within a week. Two weeks have passed but he hasn’t returned the debt. Do you want your friend just to return the money or to give you an apology as well? What do you expect him to say to you?

3.You want to go on a tour but don’t know how to start about it. A friend of yours is an experienced traveller. He has gathered a lot of information about hotels and transportation. What particular things would you like him / her to do for you?

4.You were ill during the term and missed quite a few classes. Now that the exams are round the corner you feel worried you may fail an exam in … . Is there anything your classmates can do for you?

5.You are currently in your first year at university.You’re doing well in your studies but are not getting on well with your roommate. You think his / her social skills are not very good. Would you like him / her to leave you alone or be more interested in doing things together? Does he / she expect you to respect his / her privacy? Do you expect him / her to be more considerate? cooperative? ... or?



school, college, university, hospital, church, prison

We use zero article when we think of what these places are used for:

e.g. Ann is at school from 9 till 3. BUT: Ann’s mother went to the school to fetch her daughter. (She is NOT a pupil. She went to her daughter’s school).

We use the zero article when we speak about home and work:

To go/ to be at work / to start / to finish work

To go / to come / to leave home / to be at home etc.

We also say to go to bed / to stay / to be in bed.

Note: in American English, university and hospital are always used with the


Ex. 24. Cross out the articles which should not be there.

1.This interactive workshop (семинар) is to develop a unique perspective on how we go about solving our problems at the work and at the home.

Chapter 5. Unit 10. Are Laws Made to Be Broken?


Chapter 5. Unit 10. Are Laws Made to Be Broken?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

2.The overnight accommodation is available for parents of patients, and hospital staff can counsel and work with the family while they are staying at the hospital.

3.A survey of Parkinson's specialists suggests many patients get worse when they go to the hospital.

4.When at the university, high marks are not the most important thing. Try to actually learn things when at the university, spend time reading good text books in the library.

5.We suffer from the noise throughout our lives. We cannot control all noise, but when we return home we can at least shut the door behind us.

6.Reasons for bullying: the child is expected to perform at the level required by the school and no attempt is made to identify the source of his learning difficulties.

7.I suspect there's been little change in the amount of bullying that goes on in the school. But society is at last beginning to recognise the problem.

8.Proctor is an English variant of the word procurator. The proctors are important people at the Oxford University.

9.Although the importance of religion has been declining in developed countries, 44% of Americans go to the church at least once a week.

10.California gangs reach out of the prison to commit crimes. The gang leaders were already serving the life sentences in one of America's most secure prisons when they ordered the crimes.

11.Prison Society members made regular visits to the prisons to talk to prisoners about their lives as well as conditions in the prison.

12.While elderly people have to wait for a bed in the hospital, their family, friends and neighbours try to care for them at the home.

Ex. 25. The writer was economical with articles when he wrote the joke. Finish his job and add a / an or the where necessary.

Archibald has always been nuisance (зануда). He was always finding fault with everything and everybody both at home and at work. An ill-natured creature, he grew worse and worse. When doctors discovered he had TB, all his enemies (not to mention his subordinates) welcomed news with sigh of relief. No longer was he going to pester them with stupid ideas and corny jokes. They hoped he would have to stay in bed for rest of his life. Archibald spent a month in hospital and then he was to go to sanatorium. He could choose one at seaside, but he said he hated Mediterranean and decided on sanatorium in Alps.

It did not take him long to become the best-hated man at sanatorium. All the nurses and doctors alike tried to avoid him. One day as he was lying in his deck chair Archibald caught sight of Doctor Mind.

“I say, Doc, I have the most unpleasant dreams in new room you gave me. Group of girls in swimming suits rush in, walk about the room and then run out again. I wake up tired and irritable!”

“Would you like girls to be dressed or would you like them to stay longer?” asked the doctor amused.

“I would like them not to slam door!” answered Archibald angrily.

Ex. 26. Translate the nouns in bold type using articles where necessary.

Двадцатитрехлетняя Ребекка Фэлкон отбывает наказание в исправительной колонии Ловелла, штат Флорида (Lowell Correctional Institution) 8 лет. У нее мало шансов выйти из тюрьмы. Когда ей было четырнадцать, она бросила школу и связалась с дурной компанией. К тому времени мать опять вышла замуж и не интересовалась дочерью.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

Последний раз она была у Ребекки в школе, когда та заканчивала третий класс и уже вызывала серьезное беспокойство учителей.

Однажды вечером пятнадцатилетняя Ребекка с восемнадцатилетним приятелем по имени Клифтон Джилхерст поехали на такси. У парня был пистолет, и через несколько минут шофер такси был ранен выстрелом в голову. Спустя два дня он умер в больнице. На допросах каждый из подростков заявил, что стрелял другой.

Суд присяжных признал Ребекку виновной в убийстве, и ее приговорили к пожизненному заключению. США одна из немногих стран, где действует такой закон. Сегодня несовершеннолетние преступники, приговоренные к пожизненному заключению, есть еще в Израиле (7), Южной Африке

(4) и Танзании (1). В США их 2200 человек, 350 из них совершили преступления в возрасте 15 и моложе.

Преступность среди несовершеннолетних растет. В группу риска входят прежде всего те, кто не учится ни в школе, ни в колледже, у кого нет работы, потеряны связи с семьей и те, кто принимает наркотики.

Chapter 5. Unit 10. Are Laws Made to Be Broken?

Chapter 5. Unit 10. Are Laws Made to Be Broken?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


1. A. Complete the chart illustrating the use of the Complex Object.







want, wish, expect,

verb + noun / pronoun + to-infinitive


(would) like, (would)



love, (would) prefer



(would) hate







verb + noun/pronoun + infinitive /

I saw him get into the car.


-ing form

Bob heard them discussing








verb + clause







What makes you think you will



win the contest?










2. Work in pairs. Translate the following word combinations without consulting the Vocabulary List.

to serve a sentence

an appropriate sentence


to reach a verdict of guilty

community service

to receive a sentence of five years

a severe sentence


to cross-examine smb

a defendant

a witness box

to stand in the dock

to take the oath


drug trafficking




drunk driving


выдвигать обвинение

признать себя виновным

вынести вердикт

арестовать по обвинению в


кража со взломом


суд присяжных


смертный приговор



освобождать условно-досрочно


вынести приговор



давать свидетельские показания

3. A. What is the general rule for the use of articles with the following nouns?

a)school, college, university, hospital, church, prison

b)work, home, bed

B. Decide on the articles with nouns in the following phrases.

To be at work; to work at school; to wait for bed in hospital; to be at university; to be sent to prison; to make bed; to leave home; conditions in prison; academic life at university; to go to church; to be


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

at school from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.; to visit hospital; to stay in bed; to renovate college; to be taken to hospital; to start work; home of English football.

4. Choose the correct alternative in italics.


I would like you apologise / to apologise to Margaret.




My sister has been working in a / 0 hospital as / like an assistant nurse for the past ten years.



Mr. Grant expected his son to be / be at the / 0 school at that time.



I won't have you talk / to talk that way about a lady who has been so kind to me.



Beth has never heard / been heard to raise / rise her voice.


The / a bus was crawling as / like a snail because of the traffic jam.



The victims’ parents wanted the murderer to spend / that the murderer should spend the rest of



his life in 0 / a prison.




Jane couldn’t get her daughter to stay / stay at the / 0 home with her grandmother.



You’ll never have me do / get me to do parachute jumping.


Miss Bolan made her husband go / to go to a / 0 hospital for an examination.


Lucy has her son to make / make dinner once a / the week, and each time he makes a / the new




dish she gives him $10.



The victims chased the / a robber, but couldn’t catch him and saw him get / getting into a car



and drive / driving away.



The / 0 school would prefer the / 0 work to be completed / to complete as soon as possible.



Mrs. Thompson noticed Teddy not to play / that Teddy didn't play well with the / 0 other







stay in the / 0 bed until the / 0 noon.

On that day Rebecca Fletcher was allowed / was let to leave the / 0 work several hours early.



When he was a child, he was often sick, so the teachers at his boarding school let him stay / to



Although Mathew Brady did not take all of the war pictures himself, he had / made the



employees of his studio to go / go to all parts of the country to document the war.



I hear your son to have gone / has gone to 0 / a university.



He told me a few jokes and funny stories to make me to feel / feel comfortable, as / like he



always does.



Like / as his father, he went to 0 / the law school at 0 / the University of Houston.


5. Fill in the gaps and give an appropriate response.

1.A: ____________________________________________________

B:What a shame!

2.A: ____________________________________________________

B:How wonderful!

3.A: ____________________________________________________

B:That must have been awful!

4.A: I’ve been given a fine for ________________________________.


5.A: Our team has won _____________________________________.


6.A: Ten people died in a ___________________________________.






Sport, Art, Culture

Chapter 6. Sport, Art, Culture

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


This test is to help the student and the teacher to decide which material in Chapter 6 to focus on (particularly when working outside the classroom).


1.She ____________________ hurry; she has plenty of time at her disposal.

a) mustn’t

b) shouldn’t

c) doesn’t need to

2.He ___________________ remember quite well the expression of fear on his grandfather’s face.

a) could

b) was able to

c) managed to

3.A bad fall caused her to break her leg and she _________________________ walk since.

a) can’t

b) hasn’t been able to

c) couldn’t

4.Our students ____________ be very persistent when it comes to surfing the Internet.

a) can

b) may

c) could

5.What _____ wonderful play! And I say that not as _____ mother of one of the actors, but as _____ person

who was impressed by the creativity of the directors!

a) a / a / a

b) 0 / 0 / the

c) a / the / a

6.Johann Sebastian Bach, as poor as _____ church mouse and without _____ education, developed into

one of _____ greatest composers in the world.


a) a / 0 / the

b) the / an / 0

c) 0 / 0 / the

7.The Prime Minister admits the two sides ________________ reach agreement.

a) couldn’t

b) mustn’t

c) might not

8.Though he was a kind-hearted man, Beethoven was also known for his temper; he _________________

be quite rude at times.

a) was able to

b) might

c) could

9.Draco is rich, so he ______________________ work a day in his life for something he wanted.


a) never had to

b) has never had to

c) has never been able to


Bruce Ruddick was _____ writer and _____ poet, _____ founder of Preview, the Canadian literary journal


published between 1942 and 1946.



a) a / a / a

b) the / the / the

c) a / a / the


She was quite _____ outstanding lady and had worked tirelessly as _____ volunteer for _____ Royal


Children's Hospital in Melbourne for years.



a) an / a / the

b) the / 0 / 0

c) 0 / 0 / a


I generally write from 6 till 10, on days when I __________________ go to work.


a) haven’t to

b) haven’t got to

c) don’t have to


Completed application forms ________________ be sent to the Executive MBA Program office, either by


regular mail or e-mail.




a) have to

b) should

c) must


You simply ____________ go and see at least one rodeo in your lifetime.


a) should

b) must

c) have to


I _________________ go on business trips and meet a lot of new people at work.


a) have got to

b) have to

c) must


There are times when you really _____________ find words to appreciate someone's gesture.


a) cannot

b) may not

c) might not

17.I made a call to _____ work to tell them that we should close _____ store and that I refuse to work during such _____ horrible weather.

a) the / the / a

b) the / a / 0

c) 0 / the / 0


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

18.Anne Francis gives quite _____ remarkable performance as _____ beautiful young woman raised without _____ knowledge of mankind.


a) a / a / 0

b) 0 / the / a

c) the / a / the


The conference _______________ be held between the 5th and the 7th December in Hong Kong.


a) must

b) should

c) is to


If I ever hope to be taken seriously as a writer, I _______________ get down to work on my book.


a) have to

b) should

c) must


1.This form _________ be signed by each participating student and the student’s parent or legal guardian


a) is to

b) should

c) has to

2.Mark Zwonitzer, _____ director and producer of _____ historical documentaries, visited the American Heritage Center in 2002 to conduct research for a program about _____ building of the transcontinental railroad during the 1860s.

a) the / 0 / a

b) 0 / the / the

c) a / 0 / the

3.I’m afraid you ______________ leave until you’ve finished that work.

a) mustn’t

b) can’t

c) shouldn’t

4.She _____________ have told me about it. She knows I can’t keep secrets!

a) needn’t

b) mustn’t

c) shouldn’t

5.This is not _____ cook-book but rather _____ interesting story told by _____ excellent historian who brings together all that is now “Jamaican Food”.

a) the / 0 / an

b) 0 / an / the

c) a / an / an

6.Jake glanced at the TV. It was _____ shaving commercial, some gorgeous idiot with _____ face of _____

Greek statue.

a) a / the / a

b) 0 / a / the

c) the / the / the

7.Visas, where required, _________ be obtained in advance.

a) must

b) should

c) have to

8.One thing Belgium certainly ________________ import is beer — there are 15 breweries (пивоварни) nationwide.

a) needn’t

b) shouldn’t

c) doesn’t need to

9.I _________________ worried. It soon became clear to me that I had made the right choice in studying for a BA Educational Studies degree.

a) needn’t have

b) shouldn’t have

c) mustn’t have

10.“You _____________ not be late for your date,” she added with a grin. “It ___________ be the last chance you have to see him for a while.”

a) should / may

b) can / can

c) had better / might

11.“My son found out today that he will have a job for the summer!”“What _____marvelous news! What

_____ great job you've done as _____ parent!”


a) a / a / a

b) 0 / a / a

c) 0 / 0 / the


How __________ it be that no one knows about such _____ amazing story?


a) can / an

b) may / 0

c) could / the


There's no reason why I ______________ feel guilty about anything.



a) must

b) should

c) have to

14.When you consider _____ size of _____ termite, it's hard to understand how they _______ cause so much damage.

a) the / a / can

b) a / a / may

c) the / the / are able to

Chapter 6. Sport, Art, Culture


Chapter 6. Sport, Art, Culture

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


The doctor said that I ________________ make an appointment to get the results.


a) needn’t

b) shouldn’t

c) didn’t need to


You _______ be sure I’ll love you forever. ________ I say more?



a) may / shall

b) must / must

c) can / need


How _______ you possibly help someone who is as stubborn as _____ mule?


a) may / a

b) can / 0

c) can / a


I work in _____ hotel as _____ receptionist and I have never seen such _____ messy room before.


a) a / a / a

b) the / 0 / 0

c) 0 / a / a


Sometimes he stared into space, and sometimes he ___________ be silent for days and even weeks.


a) might

b) can

c) could


It was one of his rare days off and John knew he ______________________ so early.


a) needn’t have woken up

b) didn’t need to wake up

c) shouldn’t have woken up


1.Changing the subject

a) That reminds me

b) By the way

c) Anyway


a) Can I add something?

b) Generally speaking

c) Sorry, but

3.Returning to the topic


a) Talking of

b) In any case

c) I’d like to say something


Asking to clarify the statement




a) What do you mean?

b) Where was I?

c) How do you mean?


Making yourself clear




a) What I’m saying is

b) What I meant was

c) If you know what I mean

6.Correcting yourself

a) Correct me if I’m wrong

b) Sorry, let me explain

c) Don’t misunderstand me


1.I absolutely adore the fashion and music of the 1950s.

2.I'm a great lover of classical music, and especially of the 19th century opera.

3.I hate heavy metal almost as much as rap considering it is mostly just noise and not music.

4.I didn't much like poetry in college because the poems I studied were so hard to understand.

5.I have no sympathy for athletes using steroids.

6.I have an intense dislike for people who do not do their work well.

7.I’m a fan of Brazilian football.

8.Friends is my all-time favourite TV show.

9.Robert de Niro is my favourite movie star ever.

10.I’d prefer Angelina Jolie to Penelope Cruise any day of the week.



a) un

b) il

c) dis


a) in

b) im

c) un


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