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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


a) mis

b) dis

c) im


a) un

b) dis

c) mis


a) in

b) un

c) dis


a) un

b) in

c) im


a) un

b) mis

c) dis


1.Where can you ________ snowboarding in Nevada? (go / do)

2.On Sunday, the Russian ice-hockey team _______________ Canada 5:4 in the finals held in Québec. (won / beat)

3.The concert was a huge success and the musicians performed to a full _____________. (hall / house)

4.In September 2007, Tony Wright _________________ the world record for the longest phone call, talking on his internet phone for 40 hours. (broke / defeated)

5.Since I wasn't renting a car, I was glad my friend Cindy ______________ to meet me at the airport. (suggested / offered)

6.The football match between Australia and Singapore ended 3:0 in Australia’s _______________. (favour / benefit)

7.__________________ he didn't like the idea, but after a while he got used to it. (first / at first)

8.The performance of Laura Bowler’s piece ___________ off well on Friday 14th March at the Royal Northern College of Music. (came / went)

9.The Noodle has _______________ music seven nights a week from some of the Midwest's best rock, blues and jazz performers. (live / life)

10.Jeff has been _____________ wrestling for less than a year. (playing / doing)

11.The _________________ of the song are as amazing as the song itself. (lyrics / words)

12.I can’t remember exactly when I ___________ visited the Theatre Royal in Bath. (first / at first)

13.Albert Bierstadt was an American artist who painted ________________ and whose popularity was based on his panoramic scenes of the American West. (landscapes / sceneries)

14.The film Home Alone has a happy ___________, of course, with the boy and the old man both solving their family problems. (end / ending)

15.I ___________ for steak and my partner chose beef with homemade onion rings. (went / jumped)

16.The film is _____________ in 11th century Japan, when men could still own slaves. (made / set)

17.Alex Ovechkin _____________ two goals to set an NHL record for left wings. (beat / scored)


1.I like dancing _____ all kinds of music, as long as it has a nice beat.

a) in

b) under

c) to

2._____ the picture, there is a Renaissance style realistic drawing of a woman holding a baby.

a) in

b) on

c) at

3.Both teams competed hard to score, but the game ended _____ a draw.

a) with

b) to

c) in

Chapter 6. Sport, Art, Culture


Chapter 6. Sport, Art, Culture

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

4.Manchester United started the day three points ______ of second place Arsenal.

a) above

b) in front

c) ahead

5.Both teams defeated their opponent _____ a score of 6:1.

a) by

b) with

c) at

6.I was a fan of Toronto Maple Leafs and when they played _____ Montreal Canadians, I would watch the

game holding my breath.



a) with

b) against

c) opposite

7.Bradbury crossed the finish line first and was awarded _____ the gold medal.

a) with

b) 0

c) to

8.There’s just nothing quite like a night _____ the ballet in Russia.

a) in

b) at

c) on

9.When the film came _____, fans of the novel were not happy.


a) out

b) in

c) up


I was in the kitchen with my youngest son when electricity went _____.


a) out

b) away

c) off


The Flyers increased their lead to three points _____ the Sabres and are one point behind the Bruins.


a) ahead

b) above

c) over

12.They finished _____ third place in the West Division, and they will be facing the Rockford IceHogs in the first round of the playoff.

a) in b) on c) with

13. She is currently writing a book _____ the history of Russian painting.

a) about b) on c) over

14.Last year all the tickets were sold _____ before the festival began; so don't forget to book well in advance.

a) out

b) off

c) away

15.A thousand years ago, the planet went _____ a period of global warming, called the Medieval Warm Period.

a) over

b) through

c) along


1.Practice makes ….

2.A bad workman quarrels ….

3.No sweet without ….

4.The work shows….

5.Don’t judge a book….

TOTAL: 100




Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II



to keep up a conversation:

to change the subject, to interrupt politely, to return to the topic, to make yourself clear to talk about sport

to ask for permission or assistance

to speak about people’s abilities and achievements, about different possibilities ( modals) to read faster and to infer information

to use paper and on-line dictionaries to build up your vocabulary

to look for information

modal verbs: can, could, may, might and their equivalents

the use of the indefinite article in various structures

word building: negative prefixes topical vocabulary: sport

first vs at first phrasal verb “go” (2)






Talking of…

That reminds me…

Oh, before I forget…

By the way….

e.g. A: I 'watched a rather 'interesting programme on T

V the other day. They 'talked about

the dec'lining

birth rate…



B: 'Talking of T

V, I 'bought a 'new flat-'screen T V yesterday.

C: Oh,

it must have 'cost you a



B: 'Not

really, 'though it was quite ex pensive.

D: Oh, 'that re

minds me. 'That


'John 'chose for his wedding


That’s what I 'call ex 'pensive.



Work as a group. Make sure you bounce from one topic to the next. See the list of suggested topics below. Student A begins.

A football match football hooligans mugging a bag snatched / stolen when in (Rome, Naples, etc.) a fancy (fashionable) bag you’ve just bought at a sale wasting money on fancy things a fancy dress party a birthday present for a friend

... introduce your own topics.


Make up a list of topics you’d like to talk about. Start taking and keep changing the subject using a phrase from the list above. The person who has nothing to say drops out. The winner is the last person left.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


Waiting for a pause or for the other person to take a breath can take a long time. Make use of the following tips.

Advice from Rachel Green*

If someone is boring you, you can interrupt in a way that is still polite. You do not have to stand there, waiting for time to pass. Take control of the situation.

It's your life, after all! One way to do this is to join in with what is being said. Once you've joined in the topic and taken it over, keep on talking. Move the conversation to wherever you want it to go to.


(1) Interrupting

Ex'cuse me for inter rupting, but … 'Can I add something?

'Could I just 'come in here? 'Could I ask something?

Sorry but ….


(2) Retruning to the topic




In any case…


To 'get 'back to 'what I was


'Where was I?


Going 'back to what I was


To re 'turn to…


A: Russian avant-garde [ ] art is extremely popular abroad today. B: Excuse me for interrupting but where exactly is it so popular?

A:Why, both in the United States and in Europe. As I was about to say, collectors pay huge money to buy a Malevich or Rodchenko**.

C:Sorry, but how much is “huge money”?

A:A Symbolist painting by Malevich has just been sold for $ 75,000.

B:Can I add something? A Cubo-Futurist work by Bogomazov*** has just sold in London for

$ 1,2 million!

A: Well, anyway, it is great that Russian art has won world-wide recognition.


Work as a group. Student A. starts talking about a topic while the other students try to interrupt using the phrases from the list above. Student A does his / her best to bring the talk back to the original topic.

Possible topics:

a weekend in the country, a test you’ve just taken, getting to the university, a visit to a doctor,

a party you went to,

a TV programme (about sports or art or politics), a concert / sports event you attended,

a sports competition you took part in/watched.

* Conversations Made Easy, by Rachel Green

** A. Rodchenko (1891–1956), Russian painter and photographer

*** A. Bogomazov (1880–1930), Ukrainian painter

Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers


Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


Pairwork. Discuss a topic of your choice with the partner. Try to lead the conversation by using suitable phrases. Tell the class which subject you started and ended with.



Sometimes we feel that the listener has not understood what we mean and/or we want to say it more clearly.


What I (really) mean is …

What I am saying is …

What I meant was …

What I am trying to say is …

Sorry, let me explain…

Don’t misunderstand me …

Don’t get me wrong, what I meant to say was ….





A: Com'puters are 'turning us into


B: 'What / 'How do you mean?


A: 'What I mean / am 'trying to

say is that 'many 'people 'stay 'glued to their P Cs in'stead

of 'going 'out with friends….


A.about sport…

1.You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

2.Sport is how poor kids from poor countries can become rich.

3.Sports are the reason I am out of shape. I watch them all on TV.

4.In sport the harder you practice, the luckier you get.

5.Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

6.Hockey is figure skating in a war zone.

7.The key is not the "will to win" but the will to prepare to win.

8.If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?

9.The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost.

10.Rugby is a game of violence ( a game of brutal physical confrontations).

B.…and many other things

1.Without doubt, television has a lot to answer for.

2.You can’t keep politics out of sport.

3.Science will die without state funding.

4.Pop culture is killing traditions.

5.Tourism will destroy the countryside.

6.Laziness is the mother of invention.

7.The car will bring the whole city to a halt.

8.We are what we eat.

9.Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.

10.Lonely people live in large cities.

….add more of your own.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


Choose a statement from the list below and make up a dialogue. Try to express your opinion more accurately using the above phrases+ fillers and hedges:

Generally speaking

Strictly speaking

If I may say so

Sorry to interrupt but


I think, I guess, I believe, I feel

Correct me if I am wrong

If you know what I mean


A:Snowboarding is by far the most dangerous of downhill winter sports.

B:Do you really mean that? / Are you serious?

A:I do / I am. What I mean is it is for people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough.

B:Well, I guess you are going too far.

A: Strictly speaking, I wasn’t able to go far, as I fell almost at once. What I am trying to say is that snowboarding violates laws of physics.


1.Beauty is a matter of individual taste.

2.Art and science have no nationality.

3.Money doesn’t buy happiness.

4.Every sports fan is a fan of a myth.

5.All people are artists until they grow up.

6.Some people buy art like lottery tickets.

7.To succeed we must first believe that we can.

8.Doing sport is not necessarily a way to health.

9.We can change our lives by changing our attitudes to life.

10.The reading habit is dying fast.


1. Read the extracts below and find the fillers and hedges Roger Federer used. Can you explain why there are so many?

Roger Federer Interview — Australian Open. R. Federer / F. González: 7:6, 6:4, 6:4

Q.Nice familiar feeling [of victory]?

R.F.: Well, I mean, [it] hasn't happened that many times.

Q.Getting to be familiar, though.

R.F: Yeah, it does feel great. It does feel great, yeah (smiling).

Q.Was it a case of playing smarter tennis in the conditions?

R.F: Well, look, I mean, I think the conditions have been the same now for the last couple of matches for me. I think I just had to really adjust (приспособиться) to Fernando's game. He's changed it up a little bit and made it hard for the opponents to attack him really… You know, I tried to tell myself I've beaten him nine times out of nine, play your game, be aggressive,

Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers


Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

don't give him too many free points. It ended up working even though it was a close match. I'm just kind of proud I did it again.

Q.Don't play many guys like that, do you?

R.F.: Yeah, I mean, especially all the time slice11, you know almost. I mean, he does come over it when he has to really…..

Q.Does it mean that much more when you do win it in straight sets every single match? Does that have an emphatic meaning to you, as well?

R.F. I mean, I guess, you know, equaling records, doing something that hasn't been done for a long time, it's really nice, there's no doubt. Wasn't ever a goal for me up to win a Slam without dropping a set.

All I care in the end is to hopefully hold that trophy, even though it might be 20–18 in the fifth set. I don't mind, as long as I win. Of course, now that it's all over, it's great to think, wow, you know, not having dropped a set. It's quite amazing.

2. Make the following more natural by using fillers and hedges.

Maria Sharapova Interview — Australian Open (pre-final)

Q.How do you go into the final? Do you get nervous?

M. Sh: No. I've been in two before, so no.___ , it's normal to realize that you are in a Grand Slam final. It's normal to have butterflies. Unless you're a robot, ____, just it's absolutely normal. But ____ it's the way you handle it, the way you go about it on the court tomorrow.

Q.In most of your press conferences after the matches you've said,_____, you can still improve and you need to continue to improve. Do you feel going into tomorrow that you're at

your peak?

M.Sh: No. There's always room for improvement. I don't like to give

myself a lot of credit, but ___, I'm definitely happy that I could step it up against Kim. But it's going to be a different ballgame in the final.

Q.What are your memories of playing Serena [Williams]?

M.Sh: I think the last time I played her was here actually. Was it?

Q.Yeah. Championship and Wimbledon. The feeling of being on court?

M. Sh: The one at Wimbledon, ____. I think what helped is the fact that I got to play against her for the first time in Miami a few months before that. It was my first time playing against her.

I ____ — I felt like I knew what to do when I played her the next time. I was ____ ready for it. Playing against her one time before definitely helped me.

Q.I think it was maybe a month or two after here when you lost that that you said something to the effect that,“That's never going happen to me again.”Do you feel like you progressed

down the road?

M. Sh.: That I would lose a match after having matchpoints12?

11slice — отклонение летящего мяча от прямой траектории (в теннисе, гольфе)

12match-point — очко, решающее исход матча; ситуация в игре, когда одно очко решает исход матча


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


M. Sh.: You never know what can happen. ____, can't promise you anything. But obviously I hope that never happens. One is enough, yeah.

Q.Q. Serena says that tennis for her is 80% mental, essentially saying a lot is about the fight and believing you can win. Do you agree with that?

M. Sh.: It is. A lot of it is, yeah. _____, a lot of the opponents I play are probably ten times physically stronger than I am. That doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to beat me. But I don't know, ____ — the mind has a lot to do with it. The mind controls the body; that's my theory.



Quiz: How sporty are you?

1.Do you know where the nearest sports centre is and its working hours?

a) yes

b) no

2.How many times a week do you do sport?

a) 2–3

b) 1 or less

(not every week)

3.If you had the time what would you choose?

a) playing sports

b) playing video games

4.If the Olympics come to a Russian city, will you be queuing for a ticket?

a) yes

b) no

5.Do you often watch sports programmes on TV?

a) yes

b) no

6.If you are watching an exciting sports event, does it matter a lot to you who wins?

a) yes

b) no

7.Can you name the last sports event you watched?

a) yes

b) no

8.Do you ever take part in any sports competitions?

a) yes

b) no

9.Would you go to another city to watch your favourite team / sportsman play? (if you have the time)

a) yes b) no

10. Do you find it more exciting to participate in a sports event than to cheer for someone else? a) yes b) no


If you give “a” answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, you are a sportsman / sportswoman,

If you give “a” answers to questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and “b” to question 10, you are a sports fan. If it’s all “a” answers to questions 1–9 and either to question 10, you are both!

If it’s all “b” answers except in 10 you are neither.

If you are dissatisfied with the result make your own quiz!


1.What is the world major sports event? Do you follow major sports events?

2.What do you know about the Paralympic games?

Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers


Chapter 6. Unit 11. Winners and Losers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

3.Why do many parents want their children to take up sport?

4.What is the difference between amateur and professional sport?

Read the text fast to find out in what sports Great Britain can hope to win gold at the Olympics.

Turn Your Child Into an Olympic Winner

At the age of 14, Lizzie Simmonds aims at winning Olympic gold in swimming — both at Beijing in 2008 and London four years later. Her potential was spotted by a coach when she joined the swimming club at her local pool at the age of just seven, and since then her progress has been phenomenal.

“A friend's mum had persuaded me to join the club with her daughter,” Lizzie says. “But I had loved being in the water anyway, even as a toddler, and I learned to swim when I was about five. When Graham Bassy, the coach, saw me he noticed my potential, and soon I was swimming a few times a week and competing in galas.(1)”

Like thousands of other youngsters up and down Britain, Lizzie is driven by a fierce desire for gold at the 2012 Olympics, but the thing that makes her different from other school stars is natural ability — and coaching from a young age.

She was lucky to meet Graham Bassy, a national coach, with whom she still trains, doing 20 to 22 hours per week, covering around 60,000 metres.

“Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated,” she admits. “Especially for training in the mornings, but it all pays off when you're successful. I won four golds at the European Youth Olympics Festival last week and that was great.”

Lizzie is far from alone in her glory quest. Wimbledon tennis ace Andrew Murray, 18, should be peaking in seven years' time; archer Charlotte Burgess, 17, from Stockport, first picked up a bow at a fete(2) at the age of 11 and now believes she can go for gold; judo wonder kid JR Badrick, 14, from Willesden, is described as “phenomenal” by his coach; blind runner Matthew Cliff, 19, from Merseyside is expected to win at the Paralympic Games.

One of British greatest hopes is table tennis player Darius Knight, 15, from Battersea. He started playing at nine and is said to have great technical capability, fluent, attractive strokes — and a steely temperament.

He has already achieved great things. He and his partner, Paul Drinkhall, from Middlesbrough, surprised the world when they stole the under-12 doubles(3) title in the China Youth Open from under the noses of the powerful hosts.

“That's unheard of and was a major signal that these boys have the ability to take on the best in the world,” says Richard Yule, chief executive of the English Table Tennis Association.

So how can you tell if your child has the potential to win Olympic Gold — and how do you nurture talent?

“The first place to go is your local club,” says Roger Draper, chief executive of Sport England, the leading agency for sports development which is working with national governing bodies to identify children who could be sporting stars, then fund their training. “In London, there is a network of sports development teams within each borough(4) who can then direct children on to more specialised coaching at a higher level.”

Children up to 12 should be doing physical activity five or six times a week, across a variety of sports, though if they show ability and inclination in one area, they should be encouraged.

By the teenage years, sports-specific training will be increased to between six and nine sessions per week, alongside fitness training, mental preparation and tactical understanding of the sport.


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