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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II



In Victorian and early 20th-century Britain, culture was a matter of the fundamental values



on which we could all agree, buried deep between our petty differences. I might have been



a factory owner and you might have been a crossing sweeper (street cleaner), but Shakespeare



spoke to what was universal in both of us.



















If the arts were important, it was because they gave voice to this common humanity. So they, and


the values they stood for, could help to resolve real-life conflict. This involved the belief that being



exposed to great art would make us nicer people





to be exposed (being exposed)



подвергаться воздействию






быть разоблаченным



быть выставленным



Most of the champions of culture today avoid phrases such as “common humanity”. Yet they



do so in a world in which humanity has never been so forcibly united in the face of the same



military, political and ecological threats.

















защитник, поборник



Yet if our being cultural animals is a source of division, it is also what we have universally



in common. Besides, to say we are all cultural animals is to say that we are all needy and



















Look through the text and say in what meaning the author uses the word “culture”.

United We Stand?

In the 1980s, "culture" suddenly began to spawn in all directions. Culture had once meant Bach and Balzac; now it expanded to include beach culture, police culture, deaf culture, Microsoft culture, sky-diving culture and so on. Culture was no longer a handful of artworks, but a particular way of life. This had always been true for anthropologists. It was just that they were thinking of, say, Mexican or Polynesian culture, rather than the culture of Yorkshire dale walkers(1) or Portuguese physiotherapists.

Now, however, culture has descended from the macro to the micro — from whole societies to a range of interest groups within them. This naturally raises the question of how micro you can get. Do the two teachers in the village school represent a culture? What about Posh and Becks?(2)

Strangely, the culture of Yorkshire dale walkers is not mainly about walking. Culture is not so much about what a group does (since a lot of other people do the same thing), as the distinctive


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

way they do it. Killing people is not exactly part of US army culture, but having short hair and a fairly restricted vocabulary while you do it(3) is.

Cultures are all about habit and know-how, rather than rational methods or procedures based on ideas and principles. They are the taken-for-granted background of everyday behaviour, the invisible colour of daily existence. Culture is what everyone knows without knowing it. It is more like a child learning a language than an adult learning how to assemble a coffee table.

If cultures work by nuance and implication, then culture in the broad sense of the word (a specific way of life) has the intuitive force of culture in the narrower sense (the arts). This is one reason why it makes sense to use the same word about both of them. Neither a work of art nor a way of life can be said to be “right” or “wrong”, as one might say of a political strategy or a code of ethics. It would be like saying that the Romanian language was a mistake. Neither of them has much utilitarian value. Culture is what goes beyond the useful and the necessary. We need letter boxes, but we do not need to paint them red.

Why has culture become so important in recent times? It is partly a reaction to a globalised, uniform world. It is a revolt against the death of difference. Culture is what you don't have in common with the rest of humanity. What everyone shares in a postmodern world is the fierce way they cherish their differences.

In Victorian and early 20th century Britain, culture was a matter of the fundamental values on which we could all agree, buried deep between our petty differences. I might have been a factory owner and you might have been a street cleaner, but Shakespeare spoke to what was universal in both of us. If the arts were important, it was because they gave voice to this common humanity. So they, and the values they stood for, could help to resolve real-life conflict.

This was based on the belief that being exposed to great art would make us nicer people. If our own era has witnessed a crisis of culture, it is partly because this belief failed to survive two bloody world wars.

But there is one particular form of culture which is of political importance, due to its unique unifying role. This is sport, and football in particular. Just think of how the social and political life of Britain could change if there were no football to provide people with the tradition, ritual, dramatic spectacle, hierarchy, loyalty, aggression, gladiatorial combat, pantheon of heroes, everything that is lacking in everyday life.

Most of the champions of culture today avoid phrases such as “common humanity.” Yet we live in a world in which humanity has never been so forcibly united in the face of the same military, political and ecological threats.

Few of the global problems that face us today are in any precise sense cultural ones. Radical Islam might be an exception, but even this is more about material conditions than spiritual ideals. The enemies we face are pretty ancient: poverty, war, disease and natural disaster.

There is no humanity unmarked by local culture. Man has always been a cultural animal. It may be a source of division, but it is also what we have in common. Besides, to say we are all cultural animals is to say that we are all needy and vulnerable. We need culture (in the shape of language, relationships and so on) in order to survive. It is on this shared vulnerability, not on cultural differences, that any decent politics must be built.

/after “Rediscover a Common Cause or Die” by Terry Eaglton.

New Statesman, 2004/


1.people who enjoy walking in the valleys

2.David and Victoria Beckham (a pop star, Spicy Girl Victoria Adams (Posh) married the Manchester United star footballer Davis Beckham)

3.while you (i.e. the US soldiers) kill people

Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers


Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

Read the text for detail and do the task below.


When you read a text some details or ideas are not stated clearly but can be understood (inferred) from the other details and ideas which are stated.

Which of the following can you infer from the text:

1.Culture no longer unites people.

2.All English people like walking in the valleys.

3.The author is not particularly respectful of the US army.

4.Everyone who shares the same culture acquires it without any special effort.

5.People do not want to live in a uniform world.

6.Art died after the two world wars.

7.Sport is dividing people.

8.Culture can help mankind to survive.












1. предлагать =

1. offer smth

1. They offered me some money for


давать что-л.


the work.


2. предлагать =

2. offer to do

2. He offered to help me with the


вызываться сделать












1. предлагать =

1. suggest smth

1. The Minister suggested a


подавать идею


programme of economic reform.




Someone suggested the Hotel






2. предлагать что-л.

2. a) suggest that

2. a) My friend suggested that I


сделать кому-л. (a)

smb should do

should complain to the manager of


или вместе (b)


the hotel.



b) suggest

b) Tom suggested eating out.



doing smth






Ex. 1. A. Divide the words and word combinations from the list into two groups, those that go with offer and those that go with suggest.

A plan, to give smb a lift, an idea, a job, going to the country, a reward, to take smb home,

a restaurant, some tea for the guests, that smb should have a rest, to do the work, a loan, inviting everybody, a seat, that smb should see the doctor, money, to show smb round Edinburgh.

B. Translate the word combinations into English.

Предложить обсудить проблему; предложить выход из трудной ситуации; предложить свои услуги; предложить (вызваться) компенсировать убытки; предложить кому-л. деньги; предложить объединить усилия; предложить кому-л. билет в театр; предложить отвергнуть план; вызваться поговорить с профессором; предложить записаться на прием к врачу;

предложить (вызваться) приготовить завтрак; предложить студентам провести исследование.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the sentences using offer or suggest.

1.Jane said she would pick me up at the station.

2.The Governor said it would be good to raise money to help the tsunami survivors.

3.The police promised a reward of £ 25,000 for any information that could lead to finding the child.

4.Melissa said that we should stay in London for another two days.

5.The hotel manager wrote they would make up for their poor service.

6.The Mayor called on the inhabitants of the city to join forces to improve living standards.

7.The owner of the gallery said he was willing to hold an exhibition of modern art.

8.The old lady complained that no one had given up a seat to her in the subway.

9.Bob said it would be great to go to the football match on Saturday.

10.My new boss recommended me to go to George Washington University and study statistics.

11.He said Debbie had promised him money if he set fire to her truck to collect insurance.

12.They advised me to complain to Customer Services in writing.

Ex. 3. Translate into English using offer or suggest.

1.Мария дала мне свой телефон и предложила свою помощь, если у меня будут проблемы.

2.Министр труда (the Secretary of Labour) предложил поднять пенсионный возраст (retirement age) до 67 лет.

3.Университет прислал Хелен письмо, в котором они предлагали ей выбрать другую программу (use “they + verb”).

4.Я был удивлен, когда мне предложили место в первом ряду.

5.Менеджер отеля посоветовал ресторан, где мы можем обедать.

6.Чарли позвонил и предложил встретить меня в аэропорту Бирмингема.

7.Президент России предложил объединить усилия для борьбы с терроризмом.

8.Жена обвиняемого вызвалась дать свидетельские показания против мужа.

9.Председатель собрания предложил отложить обсуждение этого вопроса на месяц.

10.Мистер Рут предложил план повышения производительности труда (productivity) несколько месяцев назад.





Make a short (10 minutes) presentation on a famous Russian writer, painter, composer, musician, actor

Points to be included:

the person’s background (the most important biographical facts) in brief;

his / her best known works (masterpieces);

what makes his/her work part of the world’s heritage.

Useful hints on presentation technique:

1.Speak to the listeners, do NOT read your notes!

2.Make pauses when you speak, make sure your listeners follow you.

3.Make use of visual aids (pictures, computer graphics, handouts, etc.)

Suggestions about personalities to choose:

Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Mark Chagall, Wassily Kandinsky, PyotrTchaikovsky, Sviatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostropovitch, Anna Pavlova, Maya Plisetskaya, Michael Baryshnikov, Alfred Shnitke, Dahli and Gala. Projects: Dyagilev Ballet company (Russian Seasons in Paris).

Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers


Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II



Modal verbs: must, needn’t, should, ought to

Modal phrases: to have to, to have got to, need to, had better, be to

I. OBLIGATION: must, have to / have got to















1. Obligation that comes from


I must give up smoking.




the speaker


(I want to)











Public notices and


Application forms must be

должен, обязан



documents expressing


returned to the office within






15 days.




(written and formal English)














Strong recommendation,


You must see the Picasso




emphatic advice


















Have to


Obligation that comes from


I have to give up smoking.






(My doctor wants me to)
















Have got to


Single actions!


I’ve got to see a doctor.

должен, нужно



(informal English)


Have you got to leave now?






I haven't got to work



















Have to (NOT “have got to”) is usually used to talk about repeated actions,


especially with such adverbs as often, always, usually, sometimes and regularly.

He has to go on business trips fairly


Ему постоянно приходится ездить




в командировки.


Do you often have to get up early on


Вам часто приходится рано вставать



по воскресеньям?


I don't usually have to wait a long time

Обычно мне не приходится долго

for a bus.


ждать автобуса.









2. Had to (NOT “had got to” or “must”) is used to talk about obligation in the past.

She had to spend a night at the airport,

Ей пришлось провести ночь

didn't she?

в аэропорту, не так ли?



Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with must or have to using the information in the right-hand column.


I ________ (post) the letter.


My boss wants me to


I ________ (post) the letter.


You are angry with yourself



Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

3.“I ________ (earn) some money and, if possible, (live) away from home,» Helen thought.

4.Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights says home and family life ________ (be respected).

5.“I ________ (earn) some money,” Helen thought.

6.The meal was delicious. You simply ________ (let) me have a copy of the recipe.

7.It’s a shame that he doesn’t wear a wig. He simply

________ (wear) a wig.

8.You ________ (go) and see the boss. He is expecting you

9.You ________ (go) and see the boss. I’m sure he will be interested in your ideas.

10.This book ________ (be returned) on or before the date last stamped below.

11.You ______ (brush) your teeth before you go to bed.

12.I ________ (answer) phone calls, arrange meetings and deal with the correspondence.

13.“I’m sorry, I really ________ (go) now,” Michael said.

14.There is no time to be left. I just ________ (make) a decision.

Helen thinks it’s vitally important


This necessity is caused by the circumstances

Strong recommendation

Strong opinion

Obligation from ‘outside’

Strong opinion

Notice in Public Library

Parent to child You describe your responsibilities

He has an appointment with his doctor in half an hour Everybody expects me to make a decision

Ex. 5. Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to the following questions.

1.What do you have to do if you want to travel outside Russia?

2.Do you have to be a millionaire to afford a holiday abroad? What are the cheapest travel destinations for Europeans?

3.Do you have to know how to read and write to be able to speak a foreign language?

4.What language do you have to know to watch international television networks, such as CNN International and NBC? Can you watch them everywhere in the world?

5.Do you have to know English to use your computer more effectively? Why?

6.You have to be a man of superior intellect to be able to speak English fluently, don’t you? Is English an easy language to learn and to use?

7.Have you ever made any presentations in English? Have you ever had to make a presentation in front of a group?

8.What sort of qualities do you have to have to do well in your studies?

9.How well do you have to know someone before you call them a friend?

10.Have you ever made any important decisions? Have you ever had to make an important or difficult decision on your own?

11.Do people have to apologize if they've done nothing wrong? In what cases do they have to apologize?

12.Do younger people have to see a physician if they’re perfectly healthy? What about older people? How often do you have to see a dentist?

13.Do you remember people’s telephone numbers? Do you have to put them down? Do you always have to look them up?

14.Do you have to wear business-like suits or dresses when you go to the university? Do you have to avoid wearing cologne or perfume, any particular type of clothing?

15.Do you have to hand in your written assignments at every class?

Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers


Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

II. Mustn't versus Not have to*


Absence of necessity


Emphatic advice




You don't have to tell her. She knows

You mustn't * tell her. / You can't

You mustn’t get

the news already.

tell her. The news may upset her.


Вам не нужно (нет

Нельзя сообщать ей новость.

Ну не

необходимости) сообщать ей

Она её может расстроить.


новость. Она её уже знает.












* In spoken English must not is usually avoided when you speak to or about another


adult. Can't is normally used instead.



e.g. You can't leave until I say so.


Ex. 6. A) Choose the modal which suits the situation. B) Match the modal of your choice with one of the meanings:

absence of necessity


emphatic advice

1.It is a slow process and must not / doesn't have to be hurried.

2.We must not / don't have to believe a word he says. I am convinced he is lying.

3.Sorry sir, you mustn't / can't park your car here. But you can park just over the road.

4.You must not / don't have tо give way to despair. The situation is not hopeless.

5.Children under 5 must not / don't have to pay to go in.

6.I'm sorry, no, you mustn't / can't see Bob tonight. He still doesn't feel well.

7.You can't / don't have to smoke on the underground.

8.When you have visitors your dog must not / doesn't have to be allowed to jump up on them.

9.She must not / does not have to hurry; she has plenty of time at her disposal.

10.I haven’t got to go / mustn’t go to the embassy in person because I can get the necessary information through the Internet.

11.I woke up and smiled remembering that it was the half term holiday and I mustn’t / didn’t have to go to school.

12.I wonder if I could possibly put off making a decision for a week. — No, I'm afraid you mustn't / can't.

Ex. 7. What exactly do / did people say in the following situations? Use modal verbs with a negative meaning.

1.The parents warned the little boy against opening the door to anyone/talking to strangers in the street / making a lot of noise after 10 pm.

2.You are going to visit the island of Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean. Your friend knows that Sicily is home to the world-famous volcano Etna. Tourusts can hire a guide and climb to one of the summit craters. He strongly advises you to take this opportunity.

3.You are going to smoke in a dorm room. You roommate reminds you that this is not a good idea because the ventilation is poor in the room.

4.The landlord says that he doesn’t like it that you keep your bike indoors because it leaves traces of dirt on the floor. He wants you to leave it outside locked in a rack (стойка).


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

5.You politely tell your guest that you don’t approve of his intention to play the piano at the late hour of 11 pm.

6.A child doesn’t want to eat what is offered and leaves most of the food on the plate. The mother explains that it’s all right if he / she doesn’t eat the food right away and allows the child to eat it later.

7.The policeman stopped the car when the driver was not wearing her seat belts. He wondered why the driver had removed them and reminded her of the necessity to wear them.

8.A customer thinks that the only way of paying bills is in person. The bank accountant explains that he can make payments by mail.

9.You dislike conflicts and try to politely explain to your roommate that you would like him to keep your room clean, to stop throwing clothes on the floor and leave dirty dishes unwashed.

10.You think that all your homeworks must be typed or word-processed. Your teacher explains that homeworks are also accepted if they are neatly written. However, if they are written carelessly, they are not graded.

Ex. 8. Translate into English using the modals.

1.Джулия пожаловалась, что опоздала на автобус и ей пришлось ждать следующий целый час.

2.В последние месяцы мне пришлось приложить много усилий, чтобы добиться успеха (use a phrasal verb) в университете.

3.Вы обязательно должны послушать, как Джимми играет на пианино. Я уверен, вы получите большое удовольствие.

4.Вам не нужно убеждать меня. Я разделяю вашу точку зрения о необходимости (need for) серьёзной реформы.

5.Как тебе не стыдно! Разве ты не знаешь, что нельзя читать чужие письма и заглядывать (смотреть) в чужие окна?

6.Я благодарен вам за ваше приглашение, но мне придётся отклонить его.

7.— Вам ведь никогда не приходилось зарабатывать на жизнь, не так ли?

— Как только вы можете так говорить? Мне пришлось начать работать, когда мне было 13!

8.Ему не нужно было беспокоиться. У него была надёжная машина.

9.Доктор сказал, что я должен принимать лекарство. Иначе мой кашель может перейти в пневмонию (pneumonia).

10.Нельзя упускать эту возможность. Это шанс, который выпадает один раз в жизни (a chance of a lifetime).

11.Можно ли мне воспользоваться вашим мобильным телефоном? — Боюсь, что нельзя. С ним что-то не в порядке.

12.Не надо нарядно одеваться (to dress up), если идёшь в паб — джинсы и футболка вполне подойдут.

III. ABSENCE of NECESSITY: needn't, don't need to, didn't need to, needn't have (done)












The speaker expresses his personal

We needn't hurry. We have plenty



opinion that something is not necessary.

of time.



The speaker gives permission not to do

You needn't come if you are busy.









Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers


Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II








The speaker talks about a general

You don't need to have a visa to go

need to


to Turkey.



He does not need to pay the



fare. — He is an old age pensioner.







When need is a modal verb, it is never used in affirmative sentences and is most often


used in the negative and sometimes in questions.


e.g. Need I repeat it? Нужно ли / к чему это повторять?

Ex. 9. Paraphrase the sentences using needn't where possible.

1.Unlike mammals reptiles do not need to use food energy to keep themselves warm.

2.You do not need to worry. I won't let you down.

3.In Russia, drivers do not need to pay a fee in order to use a motorway.

4.We don't need to go into great detail — we all are familiar with the matter.

5.A country doesn't need to be a sovereign state to take part in the Olympic Games.

6.I am sure I don't need to remind you to say please and thank you.

7.The students don’t need to have any particular qualifications to take part in the seminar.

8.You don't need to lose any weight. You are in perfect shape!

9.He doesn't need to have any special knowledge to have a website.

10.You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

11.You don't need to go shopping — I'll do it tomorrow.

12.Sometimes you understand that you don't need to travel far to find exotic places.


Didn’t need to

Needn’t have done



Something was not necessary and

Someone did something which was not

usually it was not done




I didn't need to cook any food.

I needn't have cooked so much food.

I was leaving that night.

My friends called and said they were not coming.

Мне не надо было (не было

Напрасно (зря) я приготовил столько еды.

необходимости) готовить еду.

Друзья позвонили мне и сказали, что не

Вечером того дня я уезжал.




Ex. 10. Respond to these sentences using needn't have (done) or didn’t need to. Give your reasoning.

Model: I did some extra shopping. → Really? You needn't have done any extra shopping. We have plenty of food at home.

1.We weren't sure about the regulations and stayed in our seats during the whole flight.

2.He was so worried about not getting to work on time that he left home very early.

3.She thought she would stay there overnight, and so she took a change of clothes.

4.I was afraid the hotel was booked up, and so I made arrangements with a friend of mine.

5.I was worried about getting stuck in a traffic jam, so I left the car in the car park.

6.We didn't know they serve food and drinks, that's why we took packed lunch.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

7.We weren't sure about beach towels, so we brought our own.

8.I thought my computer had broken down, so I bought a new one.

9.They were worried about being late for the theater, so they took a taxi.

10.I wasn't sure whether he had received my e-mail or not, so I gave him a call.

11.I didn’t know that the flight was delayed, so I hurried to the airport.

12.I thought we had no milk and yoghurt left in the fridge so I bought some more.

Ex. 11. Translate into English using the modals.


1.Не надо быть гением, чтобы понимать такие вещи.

2.К чему повторять, что я никогда не попрошу его об одолжении?

3.Вы напрасно ждёте его звонка. Он будет занят вплоть до следующей недели и может не позвонить.

4.Вам нет необходимости принимать решение немедленно. Вы можете сообщить его любому из наших туроператоров завтра.

5.Не нужно бояться. Доктор Паркер очень опытный хирург и он успешно сделал уже сотни таких операций.

6.Тебе ничего не нужно мне объяснять. Я вполне сознаю все возможные последствия поспешного (hasty) решения.

7.Теперь, когда экотуризм так популярен, Исландии не надо так сильно (heavily) зависеть от рыболовства (fishing).

8.Нужно ли доказывать, что любого человека можно научить разговаривать на иностранном языке?

9.Не нужно торопиться. Вещи упакованы, такси заказано и можем расслабиться.


1.Напрасно он беспокоился, что ему будет трудно доказать свою невиновность.

2.Джуди взяла с собой много тёплых вещей, когда ездила в Норвегию

впрошлом году. — Правда? Напрасно она путешествовала с тяжёлым чемоданом. В прошлом году лето во всех европейских странах было очень жарким.

3.Им не надо было очень рано выезжать из дома. Разве они не знали, что в воскресенье утром в городе мало машин и дорога в аэропорт занимает гораздо меньше времени, чем

вбудние дни?

4.Павлу не нужно было искать машину. Вечером он заказал такси, и в шесть утра оно уже было у его дома.

IV. ADVICE and RECOMMENDATION: should, ought to, had better



Examples / Translation





advice /

I think you should / ought to get some sleep.

Ought to


Я думаю, тебе нужно (следует) немного поспать.



Should smoking be forbidden in public places?



Следует ли запретить курить в общественных местах?



The medicine shouldn’t be used for more than 3 months.



Лекарство не следует принимать более трёх месяцев.




Chapter 6. Unit 12. Art and Art Lovers


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