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Unit 1

Ex.21 Make up the sentences combiningA and B.



1. Wood was used by ancient people as

1. jobs for a great many people.

2. Coal from surface deposits and oil

2. throughout the world.

from seepages were

3. to solve a lot of problems connected

3. UntiImel9*centuryoil

with oil.

4. Drake's well was the first well

4. the major source of energy.

5. Living standard all over the world

5. are the main world oil producers.

primarily depends

6. used for limited purposes.

6. In developed and developing

7. specifically drilled for oil production.

countries oil industry provides

8. as the energy shortage and

7. In oil producing countries petroleum

environmental poUution.


9. didn't find wide application.

8. Oil industry activity spread

10. on oil industry.

9. OPEC, Russia, Norway and some

11. makes up most of the national

other countries


10. Petroleum specialists have

12. grows as the consumption of

11. Petroleum industry raises serious

petroleum products increases from

problems such

year to year.

12. As commercial oil production spans

13. oil is currently being sought in every

the globe


13. World demand for petroleum




Ex. 22 Choose the proper word.

1.Different hydrocarbon fractions (make, make up) petroleum. Large resources of oil and gas (make, make up) a country powerful and politically independent.

2.A flow ofelectrons is an electric (currat, currently). (Current, Currently) oil is beingproduced all over the world. (Current, Currently) financial crisis is being held around the world.

3.Oil and gas are important (sources, resources) of fuel. Oil and gas are the major natural (sources,

-----resources) of energy. Siberia is rich in mineral (sources, resources) such as: oil, gas, gold and others.

4.The first (commercial, industrial) well was drilled in this region in 1980. Living standard in the developed (commercial, industrial) countries is high. (Industrial, commercial) nations should pay much attention to air pollution control.

5.The early wells were all drilled by the cable tool (ударно-канатное бурение) method in which a driller had to (raise, rise) and drop a heavy tool. Originally oil and gas (raise, rise) to the surface by means of reservoir pressure.

6.Oil industry has to (solve, decide) a lot of environmental problems. The engineers (solved, decided) to drill a well to the depth of 100 m.

Ex. 23 Translate the following sentences:

1.The method applied increased oil production.

2.The data referred to contained a lot of useful information.

3.The detailed analysis of the results obtained improved the well information.

4.The team already spoken of consists of a group of experienced geophysicists.

5.The colour of oil influenced by the components present in it may be different.

6.Drake's well followed by other commercial wells opened up the era of oil industry.

7.The questions answered at the conference touched upon the most important problems.

8.Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to cut their oil production by 1 million b/d.

9.While considering the pipeline project, particular attention was given to the site selection for the pipeline construction.

10.The consumption ofhome heating oil has been affected by the slowdown in the economy.

11.Slightly lowered forecast of worldwide demand for oil was referred to at the conference.

12.Norwegian oil and gas production increasing, most companies expect a handsome income.

13.The State Oil Company currently has the largest hydrocarbon accumulation under active development and exploitation in the country.

14.Having used modem instrumentation and control system the refinery raised its production and lowered air pollution

15.These facts should be taken into consideration while selecting sites for horizontal drilling.

16.Facing the environmental problems the world's oil and gas industries had to learn how to find, drill, produce, transport and refine hydrocarbons safely.

17.A barrel of oil saved is essentially equivalent to a barrel of oil produced.

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 1

18.At least a third of all the energy consumed is used by industry.

19.Oil and gas producible and produced reserves should be analyzed.

20.The gas flow produced depended on the pressure in the reservoir.

21.Every oil producing country must have an energy policy mat forecasts oil supply for the future but meets current demand for oil.

22.Currently the area includes fine oil commercial deposits, two of which being developed now.

23.Fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) will remain the dominant sources of energy used, the fastest -growing fuel being natural gas.

24.Taking into account that 80% of hydrocarbon resources are found in deposits that occur more than 3,000m deep, there exists a high probability that new oil gas deposits will be sought and discovered.

25.The discovery of commercial hydrocarbon accumulations followed by their exploitation resulted in raising living standards in the region.

26.One of the most important questions that must be answered is the future ofrenewable energies.

27.Oil and gas will remain essential to economic growth not only in the industrialized world but also in the developing nations seeking the ways to raise their living standards.

28.The data referred to indicated that the growth of renewable energy over the next 20-30 years would result from hydro and nuclear sources.

29.When united hydrocarbon molecules form larger molecules known as polymers.

30.When compared with others the Stratrjord field provides most of today's hydrocarbons from the Norwegian North Sea.

31.While making the atmospheric measurements the scientists paid attention to the increasing carbon dioxide concentrations.

32.If subjected to corrosion metals can be destroyed under its action.

3 3. Having collected all the information the researchers started the experimental work.

34.Having analyzed the properties of the new polymers the scientists recommended them for mass production.

35.Different molecules have different speeds, the average speed of all molecules remaining the same while the temperature is constant.

36.With the compressibility ofthe kerosene being known, the compressibility of the gas could be calculated.

37.Being started in time the preparations will be completed before the beginning of the test.

Ex. 24 Translate the sentences in writing. Use the words from the text "Oil Industry".

1.Энергия — основа промышленного развития.

2.Известно, что древние люди использовали в качестве топлива поверхностныезалежи угля и проявления нефти на поверхности.

3.Промышленная добыча нефти началась в 19 веке.

4.Первая промышленная скважина глубиной 69,5 футов была пробурена Дрейком в 1859г. в Пенсильвании.

5.Эта неглубокая скважина явилась началом развития мировой нефтяной промышленности.

6.Экономика и жизненный уровень многих стран зависят от нефтяной промышленности.

7.Как в развивающихся, так и в развитых странах нефтяная промышленность обеспечивает рабочие места, составляя значительную часть национального дохода.

8.Следует сказать, что мировой спрос на углеводороды растет из года в год.

9.В настоящее время нефть добывают на всех континентах.

10.Основными производителями нефти являются страны OPEC, Россия, Норвегия и некоторые др.

11.Нефтяной промышленности приходится решать много проблем, связанных с разведкой и разработкой нефтяных месторождений.

12.Важно знать, как и где миллионы лет назад образовалась нефть.

13.Ученые должны спрогнозировать запасы нефти данного региона.

14.Постоянно растущий спрос на нефтепродукты может привести к перебоям в




энергоснабжении и загрязнению окружающей среды.



Ex. 25 Say it in one word.




The words below will help you.




1. slow leaking through


























2. to collect and keep for future use




3. deficiency or condition of not having enough









Petroleum Engineering


Unit 1

4. money received during a given period; interest from investment

5. a hole drilled for mineral oil












6. a material for producing heat or energy






7.a layer of solid matter often buried in the earth

8.to free from other substances

9. t о make a hole in hard substances




i !

10.to say what may happen

11.of little depth

12.anything or place from which something comes oris obtained

13.wish by people ready to buy, use something

14. to lay or put down















[source(/i) deposit(/i), seepage(n), income(n), deposit(v), refine(v), drill(v), well(rt), shallow(ac/), forecast(v), store(v), fuel(n), demand(n), shortage^)].

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 1

Ex. 26 Read the paragraphs and arrange them in their logical order.

1.By 1880 the area around Baku on the Caspian Sea was producing much oil for Europe, and for the next 30 years the Rothschilds and the Nobels controlled Russian production.

2.The 60s of the last century are characterized by the exploration and development of the West Siberian resources. The Siberian giants, such as for example Samotlor oil field, were discovered and became the main oil producers. And gradually oil industry moved to the North and East of the country.

3.Russia's oil industry dates back to the 19th century. Oil seeps, particularly in the Caucasus regions, have been known for many years. Marco Polo reported seeing camel caravans carrying oil from Baku on the Caspian Sea in 1273 AD.

4.Until World War II the bulk of Russian production came from the Caucasus area. However, the Volga-Ural regions, which began producing in the 1930s, have rapidly surpassed the Baku fields. The new area, often called the "Second Baku", stretches from Volgograd to Perm. Production is piped through a large crude-oil network.

5.With the beginning of commercial oil production Russia was the first European country to feel the influence of oil development. While John D. Rockefeller and Standard oil were planting the roots of the petroleum business in the United States—two of Europe's most famous merchant families, the Rothschilds and the Nobels, won petroleum concessions in Imperial Russia.

6.By 1900 Russia was producing 75 mln bbl of oil from 1,700 wells (average depth 1,000 ft) on a 4-sq mile area on the Apsheron peninsula near Baku. At that time it made more than half the world's oil production. But oil production dropped severely following World War I and the subsequent civil war and revolution. Oil production began to rise in the 1930s, then decreased again during World War П.

Ex. 27 Read the sentences expressing the basic (key) idea of each paragraph of the text "Oil Industry". Develop the idea of each sentence using the text.

1.The real exploitation of crude oil began in the 19th century.

2.The international oil industry was bom in 1859.

3.The economy of many nations is influenced by petroleum industry.

4.Oil is currently produced in every continent

5.Oil industry has to solve a lot of problems.

Ex. 28 Render the text into English.

Развитие современной цивилизации немыслимо без нефти и газа - одного из важнейших топливно-энергетических ресурсов. Наличие запасов нефти и газа во многом определяет политико-экономическоеположение государств в мире. Интенсивное освоение нефтегазовых ресурсов предопределило создание гигантской нефтегазовой высокотехнологической индустрии, которая обеспечивает рабочие места для миллионов рабочих, инженеров и ученых.

В разных странах, в том числе и в России, называют разные даты начала промышленной нефтедобычи в своей стране. Применительно к общемировой добыче многие называют


Petroleum Engineering

Unit 1

1859 г. годом рождения мировой нефтяной индустрии. В августе 1859 г. Эдвин Дрейк пробурил 1-ую промышленную скважину в Пенсильвании, в США. Приблизительно в это же время зародилась российская нефтяная промышленность.

Ex. 29 Speak on:

1.Energy resources.

2.Development of the world oil industry.

3.Petroleum industry in Russia.

Ex. 30 Think of 5 -7 reasons for studying a foreign language.

Petroleum Engineering





Grammar Revision:

Oil Business

The Infinitive and the Infinitive


1.Different Functions of the Verb "to be" and the Word "one".

2.The Impersonal Structures.

Ex. 1 Read the following international words and word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

a) expert

irriramiz ['ekspsrt]

e identify ['minimaiz]

sulphur [ai'dentifai]

nitrogen ['sAlfa]


b)business activity geophysical method geological information potential accumulation organic theory porous formation efficient conversion seismic technique accurate information











['biznis aek'tiviti] [,c&i: 3 'fizikl 'meGsd] ['с^ 1 э ( ^ 1 к (э)1 ,inlVmeiran] ['pa'tenfgl s^kjumju'leijsn] [o:'gsenik 'Gian] [ ' p 3 :ras fo:'meiJan] [Tfijarit кэп'уэ:Гэп] ['saizmik tek'ni:k] ['ffikjunt ,inf9' me i j 3 n ]

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2


Ex. 2 Translate the following word groups.

a)interpretation system—system interpretation field data—data field

formation water—water formation model development—development model equipment operation—operation equipment


oil field production

oil field production operations

oil field production operations cost c) gas pipeline

gas pipeline construction

gas pipeline construction patent

d)engineering materials engineering materials property

engineering materials property data engineering materials property data base

engineering materials property data base programme

Ex.3 a) Translate the sentences. Mind the different functions of the verb «to be».

1.There are different forms of energy.

2.The main aim of the industry is to convert natural substances into usable products.

3.Solar radiation is an unlimited source of energy.

4.Renewable sources of energy are of great importance for future generations.

5.Potential energy can be transformed into kinetic energy.

6.Only small amounts of heat energy are being used today.

7.New oilfields in the North regions are to be developed.

8.New synthetic materials are in wide use nowadays.

9.The information received is of no interest.

10.There has been dynamic change in the software companies.

b)Translate the text, using the verb «to be».

Нефтяная промышленность имеет большое значение в экономике любой страны. Нефть залегает глубоко под землей. Задача нефтяников заключаетсяв том, чтобы найти и извлечь ее на поверхность. Существуют различные методы добычи'нефти. Сейчас широко используется роторный метод бурения скважин. Новые технологии должны быть разработаны для работы в трудных климатических условиях.

Ex. 4 Translate the sentences. Mind the underlined words.

1.as (союз) — по мере того как, когда, так как, как.

2.as early as + дата — уже, только

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

as late as + дата — уже, только ' as low as as much as

as many as + величина — (вплоть) до as high as ь as wide as

as soon as — как только

as a matter of fact — фактически, на самом деле as well as — так же, как

as well — также, тоже as to — что касается

as follows — следующим образом as (предлог) — в качестве

as ... as(not so ... as) — такой же... как (не такой ... как)

1.The term «crude oil» refers to oil as it comes out of the well.

2.As the popularity of kerosene increased/ people looked for new ways to produce it.

3.As early as the 1800s. Canadians began to use oil as_the source of lighting.

4.About 13 per cent of petroleum fractions serve as raw materials in manufacturing of various petrochemicals.

5.Europe, including the Asian part of Russia, has as much as 7 per cent of the world's oil supply. As to Russia it possesses the largest reserves in the region.

6.Pipelines are to transport oil as well as its products.

7.As the population grows the demand for oil rises as well.

8.The formula of water can be written as follows: H2Q.

9.As soon as an oil accumulation is discovered, drilling operations begin.

10.As a matter of fact in a new field oil usually flows to the surface by itself.

11.The new distillation equipment is to produce as many petroleum fractions as possible.

12.The diameter of the pipe can be as large as 1.420m.

13.As soon as oil comes to the surface, the pressure in the well must be controled.

Ex. 5 Translate the sentences. Mind the different functions of the word «one».

1.One can easily solve this problem.

2.The oil field consists of several zones, each zone occupies one third of the main field.

3.The mineral, like the one just described, is of great interest for geologists.

4.One knows that the economy of many countries depends on natural resources of these countries.

5.Renewable sources of energy are known as unlimited ones.

6.The one-stage process was tested at the refinery.

7.The forecast for gas industry is a bright one.

8.One must be careful when working with electric equipment.

9.One should say that we must look to our past to see the future.

Ex. 6 Translate the Impersonal Structures and complete the sentences.

a)One should remember that...

One can understand that...

One must know that...

One has to show that...

One knows that...

One believes that...

b)It is necessary to mention that...

It is important to remember that... It is difficult to understand that... It is possible to show... It was easy to calculate... It is interesting to note that...

c)It is expected that...

It has been found that...

It was shown that...

It should be demonstrated that...

It can be mentioned that...

It is to be known that...

Ex.7 Translate the sentences using the impersonal structures.


Petroleum Engineering

Unit 2


1.Известно, что нефть образуется под землей.

2.Считается, что экономика страны зависит от ее энергетических ресурсов.

3.Можно сказать, что XXI век - это век альтернативных источников энергии.

4.Установлено, что первая промышленная скважина была глубиной 69,5 футов.

5.Интересно отметить, что более 50 стран являются производителями нефти.

6.Следует помнить, что нефтегазовая промышленность обеспечивает работой миллионы людей во всем мире.

7.Раньше считали, что запасы нефти неистощимы.

8.Важно отметить, что энергия - основа развития современной цивилизации.

9.Нужно сказать, что экономика многих стран зависит от нефтяной промышленности.

Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции (The Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions)

Формы инфинитива









be drilled


to be drilling


to have drilled

to have been drilled

Perfect Continuous

to have been drilling

Функции инфинитива в предложении

1. Подлежащее

То explain this fact is not so easy. Объяснить этот факт не так уж просто, или Объяснение этого факта не такое уж простое.

2. Обстоятельство а) пели

(In order) То conduct this experiment the researchers used new equipment. Для того, чтобы провести этот эксперимент (Для проведения этого эксперимента) исследователи использовали новое оборудование.

б) следствия

Molecules are too small to be seen with the most powerful microscope. Молекулы слишком малы для того, чтобы их можно было увидеть даже в самый сильный микроскоп.

Молекулы слишком малы, поэтому их нельзя увидеть даже в самый сильный микроскоп.

Molecules are not large enough to be seen with the most powerful microscope. Молекулы недостаточно велики, чтобы их можно было увидеть.... Молекулы недостаточно велики и их нельзя увидеть даже в самый ...

3. Определение

Drake was the first to drill a commercial well.

Дрейк первым пробурил промышленную скважину. ■

We observed the experiment to be described later.

Мы наблюдали за экспериментом, который будет (должен быть) описан позже.,

Неге is the information to be referred to.

Вот информация, на которую следует (будут) ссылаться.

4. Часть составного сказуемого

The aim of this experiment is to produce a new material.

Цель данного эксперимента заключается в том, чтобы получить новый материал. (Цель данного эксперимента - получить . . . , получение . . . . )

New sources of energy are to be found.

Новые источники энергии должны быть найдены.

Ex. 8 State the functions of the Jjifinitive in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

1.To move oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is of prime importance.

2.To move oil from the oil field a new pipeline should be constructed.

3.The pipeline to transport oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is under construction.

4.The problem is to forecast how much water will be produced.

5.The people in the oil industry have to be broadly knowledgeable to find and to apply new technologies.

6.To be usable oil must be refined.

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

7.The effect is too small to be detected.

8.The most important parameter to be examined is the rock porosity of the formation.

9.To raise the field production is to increase the volume of oil to be transported.

10.To prevent energy shortage scientists are experimenting with different sources of energy.

11.The new discoveries to be spoken of were made in this field.

Конструкция "Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом" (The Complex Object Construction)

We know oilmen (them) to use rotary drilling

Мы знаем, что нефтяники (они) применяют роторное бурение.

We know the oilmen (them) to be using rotary drilling at the given moment. Мы знаем, что нефтяники (они) в данный момент применяют роторное бурение.

We know the oilmen (them") to have already used new rotary drilling equipment.

Мы знаем, что нефтяники (они) уже использовали новое оборудование для роторного бурения.

II We saw the workers (them) drill the well.

Мы видели, что рабочие (они) бурят скважину.

We know rotary drilling (it) to be used all over the world. Мы знаем, что во всем мире применяют роторное бурение (его).

We know rotary drilling (it) to have been used in this oil field.

Мы знаем, что роторное бурение (оно) применялось на этом нефтяном месторождении.

Конструкция "сложное дополнение с инфинитивом" употребляется после следующих глаголов:

know smb (smth) to do


see smb (smth)J^do smth


считать, полагать


— чувствовать


считать, полагать


— слышать


полагать, предполагать


— видеть


считать, полагать


— наблюдать




— наблюдать


находить, считать


— заставлять










думать, полагать
















хотеть, желать











should (would) like —

хотел бы




заставлять, вызывать, приводить к


Ex. 9 Read the sentences and find the Complex Object Construction with the Infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1.We know Popov to have invented radio.

2.The newspapers reported new deposits of gas to have been discovered in West Siberia.

3.Even schoolchildren know electronic equipment to be very complex.

4.Newspapers reported British oil firms to be developing rich deposits of oil in the North Sea.

5.Let us take the distance to be equal 10 km.

6.We know the Earth to turn around the Sun.

7.Many years ago scientists believed the electric current to be a stream of tiny electric particles.

8.The majority of scientists considers oil to be of organic origin-

9.The engineer wants the new device to be tested as soon as possible.

10.The workers required the conditions of their work to be improved

11.We'd like the Government to pay much attention to the protection of the environment.

12.The laboratory assistant watched us make the experiment.

13.The drillers saw the well begin flowing.

14.The engineers saw the turbine begin rotating.


Petroleum Engineering

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