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18.резервуары для хранения нефти

19.последние звенья

b) Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:





10. a development well


source rock



11. welding methods


sulphur containing compounds

12. pipeline transportation






13. refining processes




14. final links

5.permeable and porous rocks

6.to be trapped in a reservoir

7.well logging

8.cap rock

9.a derrick







word a problem a



Pay substance a



to different method an




oil field
















to treat


4. to recover


to develop


5. to process




— economy


3. to produce


6. to survey










— oil





— pressure

— data

— gas

—the situation

— an area

— a well

Ex. 20 Change the word combinations according to the model. Translate both versions.

e. g. the conditions of a well - well conditions

1.exploration for oil

2.the layer of mud

3.the investigation in the exploratory well

4.chemical treatment of oil

5.the discovery of an oil field

6.the storage of gas

7.the analysis of the petroleum industry chain

8.a newly developed method of welding

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

Ex. 21 Make up the sentences combining the group of words from the left and right columns.

1. Theobjectiveofawelllogging


1. prove the presence of oil.

2. The aim of prospecting


2. carry oil from wells to




storage tanks or refineries. 3.

3. The purpose of drilling


determine the reservoir and oil




properties. 4. convert

4. The function of pumps


petroleum into useful





5. find


5. The function ofpipelines




6. The basic job of a refinery


6. provide additional energy for oil











1. The knowledge of oil origin


1. no less importance than pipelines.

2. Petroleum sedimentary basins


2. economic value in reducing




rinding costs. 3. great

3. Tankers, barges, tank trucks


importance for petroleum







Seismic respecting


4. great use at the refineries.


Sophisticated techniques


5. prime interest for the oil hunters.


and equipment




Ex. 22 Say the following in one word. The words below will help you.

1.the lateral or vertical movement of water, oil or gas through the pores within the reservoir rock.


3.a reservoir rock capped by an impermeable formation, where oil is usually found.

4.the capacity of rocks to pass fluids.

5.the framed tower over the bore-hole of an oil well.

6.any well that doesn't produce oil or gas in commercial quantity.

7.the derrick and surface equipment of a drilling unit.

8.the exploration and production sector of petroleum industry.

9.an area where oil is found.

10.a well drilled in a stracture or location without sufficient geological data.

11.to process a material for making it usable.

12.the standard unit of measurement of liquids in the petroleum industry.

13.a plant for manufacturing finished or semi-finished products from crude petroleum. 14.the refining and marketing sector of the petroleum industry.

(Barrel, downstream, dry hole, derrick, trap, layer, migration, oil field, permeability, refinery, rig, treat, upstream, wildcat.)

Ex. 23 Translate the sentences, a)

1.To recognize the presence of oil in the formation it is necessary to use various exploration techniques such as mapping and different types of surveying.

2.To look for and find petroleum the knowledge of such sciences as geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and some others should be applied.

3.To make geophysical surveying geophysicists use complicated tools not only on land, but in the air as well.

4.Now oil is found not only on land, but in the sea. To produce oil from offshore (морские) fields special platforms of different types are to be constructed.

5.To recover more oil from existing formations and traps oil companies are turning to sophisticated secondary and tertiary (третичный) techniques.

6.We need oil to power our factories, to run our cars, ships, aircrafts and railways, to heat and light our homes and offices - its uses are innumerable.

7.To satisfy pipeline economy steel for pipelines should possess strength properties and the pipe should have optimal geometry.

8.To transport oil from oil fields to consumers one can use pipelines, tankers, barges, tank trucks and railroad tank cars.

9.To satisfy the growth in energy consumption renewable sources of energy should be developed,


1. Чтобы доказать присутствие нефти, необходимо провести разведочное бурение.


Petroleum Engineering

2.Чтобы пробурить скважину, нужно установить вышку с необходимым буровым оборудованием.

3.Чтобы экспортировать нефть и газ, нужна широкая сеть трубопроводов.

4.Чтобы получить различные виды топлива, нефть отправляют на перерабатывающие заводы.

5.Чтобы найти оптимальное решение при сооружении современных трубопроводов, необходимо сотрудничество проектировщиков, нефтедобывающих фирм (operators), подрядчиков по прокладке трубопроводов (laying contractors), а также производителей труб.

6.Чтобы значительно уменьшить стоимость трубопроводов, следует использовать современные материалы.

7.Чтобы сооружать морские (offshore) трубопроводы, требуются очень сложные механизмы и оборудование.

8.Можно сказать, что нефтехимическая промышленность возникла, во время второй мировой войны, чтобы производить синтетическую резину (rubber) для шин (tires).

с) Answer the questions. Use the mfinitive.

1.What conditions must be fulfilled to form oil and gas pools?

2.What must be done to prove the presence of oil?

3.What must be constructed over the well to extract hydrocarbons from the underground?

4.What means of transportation can be used to carry oil from the place of production?

5.Where is oil sent to be separated into various fractions?

Ex. 24 Translate the sentences. Mind the mfinitives..

1.At the very beginning this method was too expensive to be used as a production tool.

2.To remove sulphur from petroleum feedstock is of great importance in refining.

3.A model to predict the change of octane numbers expected in naphtha hydrotreating process is presented.

4.Pipelines are reported to have been protected from the corrosion attack by a system of protective coatings and cathodic protection.

5.To avoid external corrosion the pipeline was coated with asphalt-containing material.

6.To avoid external corrosion is to prolong the life of a pipe 1 ine.

7.Eight areas of the region are considered by the geologists to have the best potential for additional discovery of oil, gas, and helium.

8.The experts reported the reservoir rocks to have been identified in the Paleozoic formations.

9.The purpose of the company is to finance and construct a refinery. The government has supported this refinery proj ect to reduce the country's dependence on foreign petroleum products. The refinery to be built will provide its own power, generating 3.5 Mw.

10.People engaged in petroleum industry believe energy to continue to fuel Russia's as well as the world's economic growth.

11.The rig was to be moved a mile from the discovery well to the appraisal well.

12.The 86 mile pipeline to transport as much as 330 MMcfd of gas will originate in 5,300 ft of water at Red Hawk field.

13.Russia's crude oil output is expected to reach as much as 335-400 million tonnes (6.7 -6.8 million b/d).

14.One can use numerical models to calculate permeability, porosity, and other quantities.

15.A corrosion-control program doesn't seem to be a big problem for natural gas pipelines.

16.The pipeline inspection program is a very good program to find time-dependent defects, such as corrosion. But this program doesn't appear to improve pipeline quality to any significant degree.

17.Geologists suppose the similar systems to form good source rock reservoirs in the deepwater frontier.

18.Shallow marine sands are likely to be the most productive reservoir rocks, these rocks having excellent porosity and permeability.

19.To estimate the petroleum potential of several deepwater sedimentary basins one should apply geophysical data processing. 20. Drillers and derrickmen consider a new generation of rigs to include programmable systems to achieve more efficient, safe and precise equipment control.

Ex. 25 Translate the sentences in writing. Use the words from the text "Oil Business".

1.Большинство геологов полагают, что нефть происходит из органических остатков морских животных и растений.

2.Температура и давление должны быть достаточно высокими, чтобы превратить остатки морских животных в органическое вещество.

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

3.Установлено, что химический состав нефти представляет собой сложную смесь углеводородов.

4.Чтобы найти потенциальные залежи углеводородов, геологи используют комплекс геологических и геофизических методов.

5.Известно, что в пористых породах нефть проходит большие расстояния от материнских пород до пород-коллекторов.

6.Подсчитано, что почти 60% крупныхнефтяных месторождений находятся в осадочных бассейнах.

7.Для правильного определения места бурения скважин необходимо провести геологическую и геофизическую съёмку местности.

8.Пробурить скважину — значит получить наиболее полную информацию о наличии углеводородов.

9.Каротажные работы проводятся в скважине для того, чтобы определить физические свойства пород и нефти.

10.Оборудование, которое применяется при бурении скважин, состоит из наземного оборудования и вышки, в которой находится колонна бурильных труб (a drilling string).

11.Нефтяники считают, что добыча нефти зависит от пластового давления.

12.Если пластовое давление недостаточно для подъёма нефти на поверхность, то применяются различные реагенты.

13.Чтобы доставить нефть с места добычи к месту потребления, используются различные виды транспортировки.

14.Средства транспортировки, которые могут доставлять УВ в нефтехранилища или непосредственно на НПЗ, как известно, включают в себя трубопроводы, танкеры, баржи.

15.Для контроля за правильной эксплуатацией трубопровода испопьзуются различные автоматизированные системы.

16.Чтобы сырая нефть стала полезным продуктом, она подвергается переработке на НПЗ.

17.Переработка нефти подразумевает разделение УВ на фракции, изменение одного вещества в другое и химическую обработку.

18.Считают, что первичные, отрасли нефтяного бизнеса включают в себя разведочно-поисковые работы, буровые операции и добычу.

19.По-видимому, вторичные отрасли нефтяного бизнеса охватывают транспортировку УВ, хранение УВ и переработку газа.

20.Можно сказать, что отраслями, завершающими комплекс нефтегазового дела, являются переработка нефти и маркетинг.

Ex. 26 Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasoning. Use the introductory phrases from ex. 11 Unit 1.

1.Most geologists consider oil to be of inorganic origin.

2.Petroleum consists principally of two elements: hydrogen and carbon.

3.A source rock is the place where oil is generated.

4.Drilling cannot prove the presence of oil in the formation.

5.Well logging gives a true picture of the subsurface.

6.The first wells to be drilled in the field are development wells.

7.Under normal pressure in the formation oil flows freely to the surface.

8.Pipelines are unlikely to be the main means of oil transportation.

9.The basic job of a refinery is to convert petroleum into useful products.

10.Porosity and permeability of rocks are the main physical characteristics of a reservoir rock.

Ex. 27 Choose the connectors from В to join the sentences from A and C.







Successful exploration is based



Only drilling can prove the


on geological and geophysical



presence of oil.







Most geologists believe oil to



It originates from decomposition


be of organic origin.



of marine animals and plants.


The chemical composition of



A few sulphur-, nitrogen-, and


petroleum is principally



oxygencontaining compounds





are also present.


Sedimentary basins are a prime



Sedimentary rocks are porous


aim for the oil hunters.



and permeable to hold







A cap rock is an impermeable



It stops migration of oil in a












Petroleum Engineering


A successful wildcat is a



An unsuccessful one is a dry


discovery well.





To get oil and gas out of the



Sophisticated techniques and


ground is not easy.



equipment must be used.


The natural oil flow stops.



Artificial means of oil





recovery are to be used.


Pipelines are the main means of



Tankers, barges and others are


oil transportation.



of no less importance.

10. Oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons.



Refineries are to separate oil




into various hydrocarbon fractions.









Ex. 28 Fill in the following diagram.




Oil Business
























































Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

Ex. 29 Speak on: 1) upstream 2) midstream 3) downstream operations.

Ex. 30 Render the text "Oil Business" in English using the following expressions:

1.The text is about...

2.The text (paper) starts with...

3.The main idea of the text is to...

4.It should be noted (said) that...

5.The author describes (shows)...

6.The text holds (goes) that...

7.In conclusion...

Ex. 31 Translate in writing. Use a dictionary.

Finding oil and getting its products to market have intrigued us for about 150 years. The search, however, was not always as high-tech as it is now. Our industry began, of course, with Col. Drake and his famous well in 1859. The first wells were drilled near oil seeps because, obviously, oil was there. But after the oil seeps were covered, new methods of finding it had to be found. Some of the early "science" is worth looking at.


One of the first theories was that underground pools of oil ran parallel to creeks and rivers and that drilling in creek beds would yield the prize. I think they called this «creekology». This theory led to Oil

Creek and the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania (along with every stream leading into them) to be lined with operators. It was a very popular and successful method until one day in the late 1860s when Pennsylvania suffered very heavy rains and the industry was flushed away. Survivors began checking higher ground for oil.

Oil was everywhere and sometimes could be found by accident. One day, a fire broke out in the kitchen of a boarding house in a small oil-area town. Buckets of water were quickly brought from the nearest well. But the fire wasn't going out. In fact, the water seemed to be feeding the fire. The well was found to have several inches of oil in it. Water was brought from other wells nearby, but with the same result. This story is related in "Oil Region Reminiscences", published in 1907. It doesn't give us the fate of the boarding house but does say that the town's residents were quite happy to find oil seeping into the water wells. All of them were scooping and bailing oil and dreaming of what to do with all the money they would be making. And then the pipeline company fixed the leak in its line that ran over the hill behind town.

(Oil and Gas Journal)

Ex. 32 Think of 5-7 spheres of life where oil can be used. Give your reasoning.


Petroleum Engineering








Grammar Revision:

The Emphatic Constructions











Read the following international words and word combinations and give their Russian



hydrocarbon reserve associated gas decade essential condition optimal design petrochemical industry modem technique compressed gas phase cryogenic

[' ha i dr o u' ka i b a n ri ' z a: v] [s' so u fi ei ti d g a ss]

[' de ke i d]

[I' se n f al ks n ' di j s n] [' o p ti ma l di ' z ai n]

[' pet r D ' ke mi ka l ' i n ds st n j [' mo d a n t e k' n i : k]

[ ka m' p re st g a es fei z] [' kr ai s' c fc e ni k]

Ex. 2 Read the following pairs of words. Mind their different pronounciation.

graduate (from) v—заканчивать вуз ['grsdjueit]

associate v — соединять, связывать


aggregate v — соединять ['sgngeit] advocate v— защищать ['aedvakeit] separate v — разделять ['sepsreit] graduate n — выпускник ['grsdjuit] associate n — компаньон [a'soujnt] aggregate n — совокупность


advocate n — защитник ['sdvakit] separate a — отдельный ['sepsnt]

Petroleum Engineering



Ex. 3 Make up the sentences. Mind the word order.

1.Study, is, results, a, of, made, the.

2.In, production, well logging, increased, results.

3.The, found, shows, oil, surface, on, geologists.

4.Shows, the, conditions, the, subsurface, survey.

5.Cap, a, impermeable, oil, in, rocks, reservoir.

6.Occupies, in, gas, the, part, cap, upper, reservoir, a.

Ex. 4 Translate the sentences. Mind the Emphatic Constructions "it is.... that (who, which)" and "it is not until.... that".

1.It was D.LMendeleyev who published the paper on the inorganic theory of the origin of petroleum in 1879.

2.It was not until the first giant gas accumulations were found in Siberia that the growth of gas industry began.

3.It is the natural gas that is considered to be the most promising energy source.

4.It was in the Kola Peninsula where the first superdeep well was drilled.

5.It was not until the end of the last century that such large companies as "Lukoii", "Yukos", and others were formed.


(The Gerund)

Формы герундия









being drilled


having drilled

having been drilled

Функции герундия в предложении

1. Подлежащее

Drilling a well is an expensive operation.

Бурение скважины является дорогостоящей операцией. Пробурить скважину - дорогостоящая операция.

2. Дополнение а) прямое

The operators stopped drilling the well at the depth of 1,500 m.

Операторы прекратили бурение (бурить) скважину на глубине 1,500 м. б) с предлогом

The contractors were interested in drilling a well in this area.

Подрядчики были заинтересованы в том, чтобы пробурить скважину на этой территории.


Вданной функции перед герундием употребляется предлог.

Geologists discovered the presence of oil without drilling a well.

Геологи обнаружили присутствие нефти, не разбуривая скважину (без бурения).

In drilling hard rocks diamond bits arc used.

При бурении твердых пород используются алмазные долота.


Вданной функции перед герундием употребляется предлог of (for).

A new method of drilling—turbodrilling—was developed by the Russian engineer Kapelushnikov.

Новый метод бурения — турбобурение — разработан русским инженером Капелюшниковым.

Герундиальные конструкции

(The Gerundial Constructions)

1. существительное в притяжательном надеже

2. существительное в общем падеже + герундий

3. притяжательное местоимение


Petroleum Engineering


J.Alferov's being awarded the Nobel prize in physics is a great achievement of Russian science. To, что Ж.Алферов награжден Нобелевской премией в области физики, является большим достижением российской науки.

J.Alferov is a great Russian physicist/ Everybody knows of his (Alferov) having been awarded the Nobel prize.

Ж.Алферов — крупнейший российский физик. Все знают о том, что он награжден Нобелевской премией.


Герундий употребляется после следующих глаголов и выражений:

to avoid

— избегать

to enjoy

— получать удовольствие от

to excuse

— извинять

to continue

— продолжать

to finish

— заканчивать

to give up

— бросать, отказываться от

to go on

— продолжать

to keep on

— продолжать

to mind

— возражать


Petroleum Engineering

Unit 3

to stop

— прекращать

to prefer

— предпочитать

it is worth

— стоит (что-то сделать)

it's no use

— нет смысла, бесполезно

to account for

— объяснять (лежать в основе чего-либо)

to aim at

— стремиться к

to agree to

— соглашаться с (чем-то)

to depend on

— зависеть от

to differ in

— отличаться по

to be fond of

— увлечься

to be interested in

— интересоваться

to insist on

— настаивать на

to object to

— возражать

to prevent from

— мешать, препятствовать, предотвращать

to rely on

— полагаться на

to result from

— проистекать из (от)

to result in

— приводить к

to succeed in

— удаваться, добиваться

Предлоги, после которых употребляется герундий

apart from

— помимо, кроме

in addition to

— кроме, вдобавок


— кроме

because of

—■ из-за


— несмотря на

due to

— благодаря

instead of

— вместо

in spite of

— несмотря на

thanks to

— благодаря

owing to

— благодаря

Ex. 5 Translate the following word

1.the way of separating oil; a method of exploring a territory; the problem of refining crude oil; the process of converting oil into useful products.

2.to be interested in obtaining new data; to prevent from mixing with smth; to result in solving the problem; to succeed in studying a new process; it's no use asking this question; it's worth trying to survey the area.

3.on heating the mixture; after heating the mixture; before heating the mixture; by (through) heating the mixture; for heating the mixture; without heating the mixture; apart from polluting; in addition to increasing; because of reducing; instead of drying; in spite of forecasting.


Petroleum Engineering

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