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    1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

      1. His mind was obsessed _____ calculation.

      2. They both stared _____ it _____ amazement.

      3. A breathless Dorothy, looking pale but pretty, came hurrying him along to join _____ him.

      4. _____ the end, I did it as a plumber.

      5. It was full _____ old bottles. I took them up one _____ one with a trembling hand.

      6. I opened a new box _____ mistake.

      7. There were several little things _____ Friday from the village.

      8. The murderer is bound to have an interest _____ murder.

      9. _____ corner there was a small table with baskets of fruit on it, and the legend "Eat more fruit" displayed _____ a banner.

      10. What is this, _____ the bottom of the basket?

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

  1. Which person in the story does each of the following statements describe? Choose from: Mr. Hardman, Vera Rossakoff, Mr. Bernard Parker, Lady Runcorn, Mr. Johnston, Lady Caroline.

  1. He is a man of effeminacy in face and manners.

  2. Old lace, old fans are the focus of his interest.

  3. She suffered frohi a malady.

  4. He has just rented a house in Park Lane.

  5. He arranges the details of private sales.

  6. She is a somewhat disturbing personality.

  7. She had an aunt suffering from a disease.

  8. He is in touch with both sides, and thus any little embarrassment is avoided.

  9. A person who can accept defeat with a careless smile.

  10. She belongs to one of the oldest families in England.

  11. He recently arrived from South Africa.

  1. Who said each of the following words and to whom were they speaking?

  1. "That's not one of my gloves."

  2. "Any woman can call herself a Russian Countess."

  3. "Very well, monsieur. I go to put matters in the hands of the police."

  4. "He is a chicken, a Iamb – never would he steal – "

  5. "Gold mining is nearer the mark."

  6. "I give you carte blanche'4

  7. "We Belgians, we practice the thrift."

  8. "What a woman!"

  9. "I congratulate you on your quick intelligence and directness."

  10. "Well, you couldn't expect me to guess that. I don't know Russian."

  1. Finish each of the following sentences and see whether you remember the ideas being made about the story?

  1. It was not until after everyone had gone that ______________.

  2. Johnston was out, but we saw his private secretary who ______________.

  3. "That is the person who took the jewels. Shall I – or would you prefer______________."

  4. "I am sorry to hurry you, but ______________."

  5. "We Russians, on the contrary, practice prodigality, and to do that ______________."

  6. "It's a great compliment that I pay to you – there ______________.

  1. "I was forced to the conclusion that ______________.

  2. "I have a feeling, my friend, ______________."

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. In The Double Clue, Christie created a verbal picture of the character, Mr. Hardman. Did she help you visualize what kind of a person he was? What are some of the different ways in which Christie described him?

  2. Why was it so important for Mr. Hardman that "above everything else" there be no publicity about Poirot's investigation?

  3. What were the three types of things Mr. Hardman collected?

  4. What two property items were missing from one of Mr. Hardman's rooms? Were they part of any of his collections? Which one?

  5. Where did Mr. Hardman keep the missing property items, and what had he done to display them more prominently?

  6. When did Mr. Hardman first discover that he was missing his property?

  7. Which guests did Poirot initially focus on as "suspects"? Why was Mr. Johnston a suspect? What did the three other suspects (besides Mr. Johnston) have in common, and why did this make their actions more suspect?

  8. What different excuses did the suspects have for returning to the room where Mr. Hardman had shown his jewelry collection, before leaving Mr. Hardman's tea party ?

  9. Why was Mr. Hardman so embarrassed and sensitive about describing who Mr. Parker was?

  10. How was Mr. Parker involved in Countess RossakofPs efforts to sell items of jewelry to Mr. Hardman?

  11. Of the four guests under investigation, who did Mr. Hardman say he suspected the most?

  12. What malady did the aunt of suspect Lady Runcorn have, and why did this cause Mr. Hardman to view Lady Runcorn with suspicion? Was this a logical reason to suspect Lady Runcorn, the aunt's niece?

  13. What is a kleptomaniac, and who was viewed as one in The Double Clue?

  14. What did Poirot observe about the door to the wall safe? What did Poirot discover was wrong with the door?

  15. Was the glove discovered by Poirot a man's or woman's glove? Was there ever any doubt in the story that this was a man's glove?

  16. What additional object did Poirot observe on the floor of the safe, and what personal identification was engraved in platinum on this object?

  17. What two items did Poirot first characterize as a "double clue" of the identity of the jewelry thief?

  18. Who did Poirot suspect was the thief, after finding the double clue, and why?

  19. Before he found the two items described as double clue, who had been Poirot's chief suspects, and why did he view them this way?

  20. Why did Poirot dislike Mr. Parker's appearance?

  21. Did Poirot ask Mr. Parker to identify both the glove and the cigarette case, and what did he say about them? What was it about the way Mr. Parker responded to Poirot's questions that made Poirot think he was slow-witted or hiding something?

  22. What did Mr. Poirot threaten to do, after Mr. Parker unconvincingly denied owning either one of the double clues, and what was Mr. Parker's emotional reaction and proposal to this threat?

  23. Who did Mr. Parker go to see after Poirot confronted him with the double clue? Why do you think Mr. Parker went to see Countess Rossakoff, instead of Mr. Hardman or some of the other guests?

  24. What action did Countess Rossakoff take when she learned that Poirot was threatening to turn Mr. Parker over to the police?

  25. Who did Countess Rossakoff tell Poirot was the owner of the cigarette case? Was she being truthful, or do you think she had another motive in saying who the owner was?

  26. Where did Poirot find the matching glove to the one found in the door of the safe, and to whom did it belong?

  27. What was the one thing Poirot wanted to know about the final suspect, Mr. Johnston, the guest from South Africa? What answer did Poirot receive to his question from Mr. Johnston's private secretary?

  28. Did Mr. Johnston have any interest in precious stones? How did Mr. Johnston's interest, or lack of interest, compare to that of the other two prime suspects, Mr. Parker and Countess Rossakoff?

  29. What book did Poirot study, and what portion of the book did he tell Hastings was an "invaluable aid" if he (Hastings) really wanted to understand the case of the missing jewelry?

  30. What was written on the slip of paper Poirot handed to Mr. Hardman the following morning, and what did Poirot ask Mr. Hardman about what was written?

  31. What was Mr. Hardman's response to Poirot's question? How did Mr. Hardman feel about Poirot going to the police at this point in time?

  32. What did Poirot demand of Countess Rossakoff without delay?

  33. Why did Poirot claim he had a taxi waiting, in the event Countess Rossakoff did not meet his demand?

  34. How did the Countess react to Poirot's demand? Was she disturbed, anxious, or angry in any way?

  35. What emotional reaction did Countess Rossakoff finally express, and what did she then toss lightly to Poirot?

  36. What did Countess Rossakoff say about opening up the silk bag she had tossed to Poirot? Should Poirot have believed her. and not opened the silk bag?

  37. Did Poirot open what Countess Rossakoff tossed to him, before leaving her hotel suite?

  38. What did Countess Rossakoff say Russians practiced, and what did they need in order to practice that?

  39. What did Countess Rossakoff say there were very few in the world whom she feared? Do you really think the Countess feared anything, or was she trying to flatter someone? Did she ever show any fear or alarm or anxiety?

  40. Why was Poirot so impressed with the Countess? What conclusion did he reach about her, based on his observations of her?

  41. Poirot was so surprised and impressed by the Countess that he got distracted and did what as he left her house?