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    1. Chapter 9




Adjective clauses

An adjective modifies a noun. Modify means to change a little. It describes or gives information about a noun.

An adjective clause modifies a noun. It describes or gives information about a noun.

An adjective usually comes in front of a noun.

An adjective clause follows a noun.

I met a kind man.

I met a man who is kind to animals.


NOTE: In informal English who is often used instead of whom.

Formal: The man whom I met was friendly.

Informal: The man who I met was friendly.

Exercise 1: Combine two sentences into one sentence. Use who or whom.

1. a) Do you know the people? b) They live in the white house.

2. a) The woman gave me some information. b) I called her.

3. a) The policeman was friendly. b) He gave me the directions.

4. a) The people were very nice. b) I met them at the party last night.

5. a) Do you like the mechanic? b) He fixed your car.

6. a) Mr. Polanski is a mechanic. b) You can trust him.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with your own words.

1. A baker is a person who ………………………………….

2. A mechanic is someone who …………………………….

3. A bartender is a person who ……………………………..

4. A philatelist is someone who ……………………………

5. A spendthrift is someone who …………………………..

6. An astronomer is a scientist who ………………………..

7. A carpenter is a person who …………………………….

8. A miser is someone who …………………………………. .


Ask out ………………………….. ask someone to go on a date

Call back ……………………….. return a telephone call

Call off ………………………….. cancel

Call up …………………………… make a phone call

Give back ……………………….. return something to someone

Hang up …………………………. hang on a hanger; end a phone call

Pay back ………………………… return money to someone

Put away ………………………… put something in its usual or proper place

Put back ………………………… return something to its original place

Put out ………………………….. extinguish(stop) a fire, a cigarette

Shut off …………………………. stop a machine or light; turn off

Try on …………………………… put on clothing to see if it fits

Turn down ……………………… decrease the volume

Turn up …………………………. increase the volume

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with pronouns and prepositions.

1. A: Could you lend me a couple of bucks?

B: Sure.

A: Thanks. I’ll pay _________ tomorrow.

2. A: The radio is too loud. Could you please turn _________ ?

B: Sure.

3. A: I can’t hear the TV. Could you please turn __________ ?

B: I’d be glad to.

4. A: Have you heard from Jack lately?

B: Yes. He called ___________ last night.

5. A: Someone is at the door. Can I call _______ in a few minutes?

B: Sure.

6. A: Where’s my coat?

B: I hung ___________ .

7. A: This is a nice-looking coat. Why don’t you try ___________ ?

B: How much does it cost?

8. A: Is the oven on?

B: No, I shut ____________ .

9. A: May I borrow your small calculator tonight?

B: Sure.

A: I’ll give ____________ to you tomorrow.

B: Okay.

10. A: You can’t smoke that cigarette in the room. You’d better put _____before we

go in.

B: Okay.

11. A: Do you have any plans for Saturday night?

B: Yes. I have a date. Ben Allbee asked ___________ .

12. A: Did you take my eraser off my desk?

B: Yes, but I put ________ on your desk when I was finished.

A: Oh, it’s not here.

B: Look under your notebook.

A: Ah. There it is. Thanks.

13. A: Your clothes are all over the floor, guys. Before you go to bed, be sure to

_________ .

B: Okay.

14. A: Did you go to Kathy’s party last night?

B: She didn’t have a party. She called _________ .

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