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4.4 Interview your partners if they surf the Internet. Use the questions given below.

  1. Do you often surf the Internet? Which websites do you usually visit?

  2. Do you download any programs from the Internet? If so, what are they?

  3. Do you belong to any chat forum? Why? / Why not?

  4. What feature of the Internet do you consider the most attractive? Why?

  5. What is netiquette?

4.5 Read the passage below and think if you always follow the netiquette. Why? / Why not? Discuss it with your partner.

Netiquette, or net etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet. Good netiquette involves respecting others' privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people. Three areas where good netiquette is highly stressed are e-mail, online chat, and newsgroups. For example, people that spam other users with unwanted e-mails or flood them with messages have very bad netiquette. You don't want to be one of those people. If you're new to a newsgroup or online chat room, it may help to observe how people communicate with each other before jumping in.

4.6 Think of good and bad points of the Internet and fill in the table. You can work either individually or in pairs.

Advantages of the Internet

Disadvantages of the Internet

4.7 Read Text a, compare your ideas with information given, and extend the table. How many advantages/disadvantages are there in your table?

First, study the vocabulary you may need to understand the text.

mankind[mæn'kaɪnd] (n) 1) человечество; человеческий род

['mænkaɪnd] 2) мужчины, мужской пол

magnitude['mæɡnɪtju:d] (n) 1) величина,paзмеры, 2) важность; значимость

outweigh[̗aυt'weɪ] (v) быть тяжелее, превосходить в весе

wealth[welθ] (n) изобилие, избыток

target['tɑ:ɡɪt] (n) цель

advent['ædvent] (n) наступление (какой-л. эпохи, какого-л. события),

available [ə'veɪləbl] (adj) доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении,

entertainment [̗entə'teɪnmənt] (n) развлечение; зрелищное мероприятие

numerous ['nju:mǝrəs] (adj) многочисленный

available [ə'veɪləbl] (adj) доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении

theft [θeft] (n) воровство, кража

obstruct[əb'strʌkt] (v) препятствовать, затруднять, мешать

prone (adj) подверженный (чему-л.)

Text A

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

The Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, the Internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages.

Today the Internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of information to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favourite movie.



The main target of the Internet has always been the communication. By the advent of the Internet, our earth has become a global village. Now we can communicate with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.


Information is probably the biggest advantage the Internet offers. Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research purpose of gathering resources.


Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the entertainments. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find life long partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet.


Many services are now provided on the Internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets. Often these services are not available off-line or can cost you more.


It has got a really amazing and wide range of products from technology to household needs.


Theft of personal information

If you use the Internet, you may be facing danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number, etc. can be accessed and used by a criminal.


Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails, which provide no purpose and obstruct the entire system.

Virus threat

Computers attached to the Internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk.


This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthy mental life.


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