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5.2 Read the words and try to guess what they mean.

natural [`næt∫(ә)rәl]

metallurgy [mә`tælәdži]

mechanical [mı`kænıkl]

machine [mә`∫i:n]

civilization [‚sıvәlaı`zeı∫(ә)n]

modern [`mãd(ә)n]

equivalent [ık`wıvәlәnt]

profession [prә`fe∫n]

mathematical [‚mæθә`mætıkl]

chemical [`kemıkl]

practice [`præktıs]

pyramid [`pırәmıd]

method [`meθәd]

energy [`enәdži]

industrial [ın`dšstriәl]

process (n) [`prә|ses]

process (v) [`prә|ses]

design [dı`zaın]

electricity [ı‚lek`trısәti]

textiles [`tekstaılz]

5.3 Match English words and their Russian equivalents.

  1. natural sciences

  2. experience

  3. force

  4. branch

  5. labour

  6. device

  7. efficient

  8. branch off

  9. produce

  10. power engineering

  11. operate

  12. field

    1. работать, управлять

    2. труд

    3. энергетика

    4. сила

    5. область

    6. создавать

    7. опыт

    8. отрасль

    9. прибор. устройство

    10. естественные науки

    11. эффективный

    12. отделиться

5.4 Read the text. Make a list of the facts that are new for you. Compare your list with a partner. The Engineering Profession

Engineering is one of the most ancient occupations in history. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization could never have evolved.

The term ‘engineering’ is a modern one. There is no single meaning of this word and therefore it is sometimes difficult to find the proper Russian equivalents at once. Themostwidelyusedonesare: техника. строительство, машиностроение, инженерное дело (искусство), инженерия.The term ‘engineering’ is applied to the profession in which the knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the material and forces of nature.

The words ‘engine’ and ‘ingenious’ are derived from the same Latin root, ‘ingenerare’, which means ‘to create’. The early English verb ‘engine’ meant ‘to contrive’.

The art of building houses, palaces, temples, pyramids, and other structures was known as far back as many thousand years ago. Now we call it civil engineering.

At the time of the Roman Empire there were already two branches of engineering: civil engineering and military engineering. The former included building houses, roads, bridges, etc; the latter was concerned with building fortifications and military devices. The great engineering works of ancient times were constructed and operated by means of slave labour.

During the Middle Ages people began to seek devices and methods of work that were more efficient and humane.

Wind, water and animals were used to provide energy for some of these new devices.

This led to the Industrial Revolution that began in the eighteenth century.

England and Scotland were the birthplace of mechanical engineering.

Chemical engineering grew out of the 19th-century proliferation of industrial processes involving chemical reactions in metallurgy, food, textiles and many other areas.

The growth of knowledge in electricity led to the development of electrical and electronics engineering. Electrical engineering is divided into two main branches: communications engineering and power engineering. In the middle of the 20th century there appeared nuclear engineering and space engineering.

At present there are hundreds of subdivisions of engineering but they all, at one time or another, branched off from civil, mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering.

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