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We have a whole selection of software that may come bundled under the name of malware. Short for malicious software, malware is any software that has been designed (programmed) specifically to damage or disrupt a computer system. The most common forms of malware are computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

Other common types of software is adware and spyware. Adware is considered a legitmate alternative offered to consumers who don't wish to pay for software. Today we have a growing number of software developers who offer their goods as "sponsored" freeware until you pay to register. Generally most or all features of the software are enabled but you will be viewing sponsored advertisements while the software is being used. If you're using legitimate adware, when you stop running the software, the ads should disappear, and you always have the option of disabling the ads by purchasing a registration key.

Unfortunately some applications that contain adware track your Internet surfing habits in order to serve ads related to you. When the adware becomes intrusive like this, then we move it into the spyware category and it then becomes something you should avoid for privacy and security reasons. Spyware works like adware, but is usually a separate program that is installed unknowingly when you install another application. Once installed, the spyware monitors user activity on the Internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else. Spyware can also gather information about e-mail addresses and even passwords and credit card numbers. Unlike adware, spyware is considered a malicious program. For more information on spyware and adware, we recommend you check out Webopedia's "The Difference Between Adware & Spyware".


Sometimes developers will include tools and programs within software that some may view as malware, but really, it falls into the grey area between malicious software and software, hence the name greyware. Greyware is the term used to categorize all other malicious or annoying software such as adware, spyware, trackware, and other malicious code and malicious software fall under.

In addition to these types of software, there are more terms to describe software that is distributed with common tools and utilities that don't necessarily cause harm to your computer or are a security risk. Some of these terms are slang terms used to describe unwanted features found in applications software.

Freeware is copyrighted software given away for free by the author. The author retains the copyright, which means that you cannot do anything with it that is not expressly allowed by the author. Usually, the author allows people to use the software, but not sell it.

Shareware is software that distributed on the basis of an honor system. Most shareware is delivered free of charge, but the author usually requests that you pay a small fee if you like the program and use it regularly.

Nagware is the term given to software that routinely issues a pop-up window or other form of visual interface asking the user to register a product, purchase an application or take another form of action.

Bloatware is a slang term given to software that has so many features that it requires considerable disk space and memory resources to run.

Abandonware is software that is no longer being sold or supported by its publisher.

Considered a type of adware, slimeware is the slang term used to describe software that interferes with the user experience by changing key settings in order to gain profit. For example, slimeware may change your Internet browser default home page to one where you view a company's banner ad or products for sale.

Software that is remotely accessed online usually with a Web browser, is called webware (although its more formal names are Web applications or online software.

Lastly, there's warez which is a term that has been around for quite some time. Pronounced wayrz or wayrss, it is the name given to commercial systems software or applications software that has been pirated and made available to the public via a BBS or the Internet. Typically, those who pirate software, often called crackers, have figured out a way to de-activate the copy protection or registration scheme used by the software. The use and distribution of warez software is illegal.


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