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8.13. Which is right?

  1. Robots are supposed to be used/to be using for doing boring or dangerous jobs.

  2. Engineers seem to be working/to have worked on new types of robots that will help doctors perform surgical operations.

  3. Robots are known to apply/to have been applied in industry for about 50 years.

  4. Scientists are expected to develop/to be developed robotic parts of the body for disabled people.

  5. The programmer proved to make/to have made a mistake, that is why the robot soldered the wires in the wrong way.

  6. People are not likely to do/to have done any manual work at the highly automated factories of the future.

8.14. Replace the following complex sentences with simple sentences with the Complex Subject.

Model:The developers of the robot dog AIBO say that it understands the name you give it.

AIBO is said to understand the name you give it.

  1. People consider that Japanese companies make the most advanced humanoid robots in the world.

  2. Aerospace engineers expect that robots will successfully perform different tasks in space.

  3. It is likely that the robot being developed by the researches of our laboratory will be used for eye surgery.

  4. The journal reports that scientists imitated muscle structure and movement of an elephant's trunk in order to create a robotic arm capable of lifting heavy objects.

  5. It appears that the scientists of this research institute are designing nanorobots for drug delivery.

  6. It turned out that robots are extremely good at inserting integrated circuits onto printed circuit boards used in electronics.

8.15. Translate the part of the sentence in brackets into English.

  1. The idea of creating a mechanical helper seems (появилась) together with the mankind.

  2. Robots proved (очень эффективны) in automobile industry.

  3. The bomb was reported (была обезврежена) by a robot.

  4. Scientists are considered (проектируют) robots that will be able to learn like children.

  5. The trains of the future are likely (будут управляться) by robots.

  6. By 2050 a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots is expected (смогут обыграть) the human world champion team in soccer.

8.16. Translate into English.

  1. Известно, что слово «робот» впервые использовал чешский писатель Карел Чапек, образовав его от чешского слова ‘robota’, означающего тяжелый принудительный труд.

  2. Оказалось, что роботы прекрасно выполняют задачи, требующие точных и быстрых повторяющихся движений.

  3. Сообщают, что в Массачусетском технологическом институте (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) разрабатывают роботов, способных учиться, как маленькие дети.

  4. Проектируя вакуумные «ноги» этого робота, ученые, скорее всего, пытались имитировать способность ящерицы геккон (gecko) передвигаться по любым поверхностям, даже вертикальным и гладким.

  5. Кажется, роботы нашли применение во всех сферах жизни: от упаковки конфет в коробки и сборки автомобильных двигателей до обезвреживания бомб и сложных хирургических операций.

  6. В футболе современные роботы вряд ли смогут составить конкуренцию игрокам-людям.

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