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VI. Выберите английское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание предъявленного.

19. Often loans are amortized.

a)Principal payment is repaid.

b) There is an equal repayment each day.

c)There is an equal debt repayment each month or each year.

20. The borrower should be familiar with the commonly used methods of calculating interest.

a)He should know how the interest rate is calculated.

b)He should know where the interest rate is deduced.

c)He should know how to set the average interest rate.

21. Interest rate is deducted in advance.

a) It is interesting to deduct it in advance.

b) Interest is calculated after receiving the money.

c) The amount expressed as a percentage is deducted beforehand.

VII. Определите функцию неличной формы глагола.

22. Accounting and banking involve identifying, measuring, recording economic information about business.



c) подлежащее

23. The amortized repayment plan is considered to be less preferable.

a)дополнение (частьComplexObject)

b)подлежащее (частьComplexSubject)

c)обстоятельство (часть независимого причастного оборота)

24. New technology having been introduced, the enterprise increased output.

  1. обстоятельство (часть независимого причастного оборота)

  2. подлежащее


25. To employ workers with little human capital is one of the ways of minimizing labour cost.




VIII. Выберите правильную неличную форму глагола.

26. A specified interest rate is known _______ on the original amount of the loan.

a)to pay

b)to be paid

c)to be paying

27. The term is also used ______ to loans which have equal principles of payment.



c)to refer

28. If an individual wants his business __________, he has to take a loan from a bank.

a) to expand



29. The loan __________ for a long period of time, the borrower should get to know the interest rate.

a)be given

b)being given

c)is given

30. These methods are useful for ________ farm efficiency.


b)have improved


IX. Выберите правильную форму сослагательного наклонения.

31. If the borrower ______ familiar with the methods of calculating interest last year, he _________ all the money.

a)were, would not lose

b)would be, would not have lost

c)had been, would not have lost

32. If the method ______, the interest of payment _____ high in the early years of the loan.

a)had been used, would have been

b)were used, would have been

c)had been used, would be

33. If this system of management ________ to be effective, they ________ it.

a)has proved, would have adopt

b)proved, would adopt

c)proved, would have adopted

34. If they ______ double entry bookkeeping system that year, they _______ the error in balances.

a)used, would find

b)had used, would found

c)had used, would have found

35. If they _______ $ 500, the interest ________ $ 40.

a)had borrowed, would be

b)borrowed, would be

c)borrowed, would have been

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