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Методичка ч.2 3610 для beginners .doc
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3.2 Fuel Cell Power Plants

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which directly convert hydrogen, or hydrogen-rich fuels into electricity without combustion. This process is much more efficient than traditional thermal power plants, converting up to J80% of the chemical energy in the fuel (compared to a maximum of 40% for conventional power plants). Although their structure is somewhat like that of battery, fuel cells never need recharging or replacing and can produce electricity as long as they are supplied with hydrogen and oxygen. Fossil flues (coal, oil and natural gas), biomass (plant material), or pure hydrogen can be used as the source of fuel. If pure hydrogen is used, the emissions from a fuel cell are only electricity and water. Fuel cells are small and modular in nature and therefore fuel cell power plants can be used to provide electricity in many different applications, from electric vehicles to large, grid-connected utility power plants. First used in the U.S. space program, fuel cells are a developing technology with a few commercial uses, but may emerge as a significant source of electricity in the near future.

The fuel cell power section contains "stacks" (хранилища) of one or more fuel cells. Most individual fuel cells are small in size and produce between 0.5 and 0.9 volts of electricity. Therefore, any power plants must have a large number of individual fuel cells. This modular nature of fuel cells is one of their advantages. A fuel cell power plant can be built to a certain size and then have its power output quickly and easily increased by adding more stacks of fuel cells when and if demand for electricity increases. Air, (for its oxygen) and hydrogen rich fuel are added to the stacks of the fuel cells, and the output is water, heat and direct current (DC). The power conditioner section of a fuel cell power plant most often consists of an inverter which converts the electricity to alternating current (AC).

(Fuel cell - 1.топливный элемент; 2. топливный бак)

Answer the following questions:

  1. Is the process of converting hydrogen, or hydrogen-rich fuels into electricity without combustion efficient? Why?

  2. What is emitted from a fuel cell if pure hydrogen is used?

  3. Who was the first to produce fuel cells?

  4. How much electricity do fuel cells produce?

  5. What advantages do fuel cells have?

  6. How do fuel cells operate?

Module III Applying for a Job

1.1. Read and study the new words.

apply for (v)


–претендовать на ..., подать заявление на ...

applicant (n)


– кандидат, претендент

application (n)


– заявление, заявка

application form

letter of application (or cover letter)

– заявление о приёме на работу

– сопроводительное письмо (к заявлению о приёме на работу)

assist (v)


– помогать, содействовать

assistance (n)


– помощь, содействие

benefits package

– льготы

candidate (n)


– кандидат

career (n)


– карьера

career objective

– цель карьеры

make a career in

– сделать карьеру в ...

Curriculum Vitae CV (resume)

[kəֽrıkjələm ´vı:taı]

– автобиография, резюме

employ (v)


– нанимать

employee (n)


– служащий, работающий по найму

employer (n)


– наниматель, работодатель

employment agency

– агенство по трудоустройству

fee (n)

– оплата труда профессионалов

fire (v) (dismiss)


– увольнять

hire (v)


– нанимать на работу

human resource department (personnel department)

[´hju:mən rı´sכ:s]



– отдел кадров

interview (n, v)


– 1. интерью, собеседование, беседа

– 2. проводить беседу, собеседование; интервьюировать

interviewee (n)


– лицо, с которым проводят собеседование; интервьюируемый

interviewer (n)


– лицо, проводящее собеседование; интервьюер

job interview

– собеседование при трудоустройстве

job (n)


– работа (место работы или отдельное задание)

full-time job

– работа с полной занятостью

part-time job

– работа с частичной занятостью

occupation (n)


– род занятий

permanent (adj)


– постоянный

qualification (n)


– квалификация

recruit (v)


– набирать кадры, вербовать

recruitment (n)

– набор кадров

register (v)


– регистрировать, заносить в список

registration (n)


– регистрация, внесение в список

reference (n)


– рекомендация; лицо, дающее рекомендацию

salary (n)


– зарплата служащего

shortlist (v, n)

[´∫כ:t ´lıst]

– 1. включать в окончательный список

– 2. окончательный список претендентов

skilled (adj)

– квалифицированный

temporary (adj)


– временный

vacancy (n)

(opening position)


– вакансия

vocation (n)


– призвание, профессия

wage (n)


– зарплата рабочих