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Методичка ч.2 3610 для beginners .doc
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1.11. Read and divide the text into some parts. Give a title to each part: Computer Revolution

Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without computers and the fact is that they have become so important that nothing can replace them. Since 1948 when the first computer was invented our life has changed so much that we can call it the period of digital revolution.

First computers differed from today's ones. They were so huge that some occupied 1-2 rooms or a building. But they were relatively slow. To better understand the very fast development of computer technology let's look back at some of the first stages of a progress. Computing devices were constructed in the 1930s and 1940s by Claude Shannon They had flexible programmability. Nowadays computers may also be as huge as the old ones but they are millions times faster. They are used mainly for complex operations to solve multipurpose tasks. Thanks to them people have access to enormous amount of information.

The next important stage in developing computer technology is the year of 1980. In this year a special team of IBM Company developed the first PC (Personal Computer). The operating system for this PCs was developed by very young talented programmers Bill Gates and Paul Allen, founders of Microsoft. The first PCs were very expensive and had a memory of 16k, ran with a processor speed 4.77 Mhz. Within the period of 10 years the Company has successfully upgraded the most important characteristics of PCs. Moreover the cost of buying a PC considerably decreased contributing greatly to its popularity. A PC became a commodity item and it has become the machine people can't deal with both at work and at home.

Computer technology changes fast, but a desktop PC (personal computer) usually has a tower, a separate monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. The CPU, modem, CD-ROM and floppy disk drives are usually inside the tower. A notebook is a portable computer with all these components inside one small unit. Notebooks have a screen, not a monitor, and are usually more expensive than desktops with similar specifications. It is also has a built-in speakers, keyboard, a web-camera, a microphone and some other devices.

1.12. Match the phrases (a) with their Russian equivalents (b):


imagine our life

товар широкого спроса

nothing can replace them

занимать здание

digital revolution


differ from

относительно медленно

occupy a building

решать многофункциональные задачи

relatively slow


flexible programmability

успешно усовершенствованы

to solve multipurpose tasks

ничего не может их заменить

enormous amount

представить нашу жизнь

founders of Microsoft

огромный объем

successfully upgraded

революция в цифровой технике

a commodity item

легкая способность к программированию