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costly. Instead, only certain lights were turned low for a minute. The work of the nation was not stopped, even for a second. Thomas Edison, I am sure, would have wanted in that way.

2. Read the text again and discuss in pairs the answer to the questions:

1.Who wrote the story about Thomas Alva Edison?

2.What did the great inventor look like?

3.What did the author remember the great man for?

4.What life episodes did the author choose to describe Edison as a fath-


5.What were the secrets of Edison’s success?

6.Which of Edison’s inventions were the most successful?

7.Which inventions of other scientists were made by Edison into practical things?

8.How many years had been spent on disappointing experiments by the time Edison lost his laboratory in a fire?

9.What made Edison’s son feel worried about his father on the day of the fire?

10 Why were people sure that Edison had a magic power?

11. How did the contemporaries give honour to Edison on the day he was buried?


3. Underline the following words in the text then match a verb and a noun to make verb patterns.



to explode


to have

watch over something

to drive

money into experiments

to put

somebody to something

to keep

money troubles

to go


4. Complete the sentences with word patterns from the box above. Mind the tense.

1.Sometimes the scientists who worked at Edison’s laboratory didn’t get a salary for months, because he _____ _______ ___ _______ .

2.Although Edison made a fortune in motion-picture machine sales his


family often _____ _______ _________ .

3.When fire started in the laboratories chemicals ______ like ______ .

4.Edison was deaf and he was sure that it ______ him ___ _______.

5.Edison was a busy man, but he always found the time to spend with his kids, they ______ ________ and ______ _______ at dawn.

6.When Edison was dying, the newspapermen wanted to get news and

______ ______ over the events.


5. Read the text again and find out what circumstances might have prevented Edison from becoming a great scientist and inventor.

6. Edison often said, « There is always some value in every trouble.»

Work in pairs think of the meaning of Edison’s words and say what, according to Edison, the value of these troubles was. Share your own point of view.

1.From childhood, this man was almost completely deaf.

2.He had a lot of disappointing experiments.

3.His laboratory was completely ruined by the fire when he was 67.

7. Skim through the abstracts from the text and make predictions about Edison’s traits of character which led him inevitably to success in spite of plentiful obstacles.

Discussing Edison’s Personality

Edison always led us to experiment and explore for ourselves. He provided all sorts of material and got us to work with them laughing, joking, questioning.

Thomas Alva Edison never looked like a man whose inventions had changed the world.

He never acted like one either.

He was not, as many people believe, a scientist working alone in a laboratory.

After he sold his first successful inventions for $ 40,000, he began hiring chemists, mathematicians, engineers – anyone who knew things that he thought would help him solve a difficult problem.


He put nearly all his money into his experiments. Several times he was almost completely without money, but that didn’t stop him.

Once, when a visitor asked whether he had received many honours and medals, he replied, «Oh, yes, Mom has baskets of them up at the house.»

« If you sleep too much, you get dopey. You lose time and opportunities , too.»

«We haven’t failed,» he told an unhappy worker during one set of disappointing experiments.

«We now know 100 things that won’t work. So we are much closer to finding one that will.»

He was often called « The Wizard of Menlo Park.»

It has been said that Edison had no schooling.

8. Edison’s words of wisdom. Read these sentences. What do they mean?

«Education isn’t play and it can’t be made to look like play. It’s hard work but it can be made interesting work.»

«If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.»

«Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.»

«Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration.»

9. Draw a conclusion:

what made Edison world famous and worthy of respect ;what features essential to a scientist he possessed;

what lesson a young scientist can learn from Edison’s life.

10. What modern inventions would be admired by Edison? Give reasons for the choice.

Project Work

11. Work in groups of four. Suppose you are to write a film script about Edison’s life.

Say which facts you would choose for a documentary film and which episodes from Edison’s life you would select for a feature film. Say what evidence you can find in the story that:

Edison was a true scientist;Edison was a great inventor;

Edison was a great personality.


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