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сдавали экзамены успешно/ любили петь громко. 5. Have you ever слышали эту песню/ купались в реке зимой/ были

за границей/ читали эту книгу/ видели этот фильм? 6. I haven't послала ей письмо/ поговорила с ним/ звонила ей/

купила билеты/ перевела текст.

Ex.6. Заполните пропуски соответствующими наречиями: ever, already, yet, never, now, just

1.Hurry up. The train has … arrived. You may be late. 2. They have … met him. 3. She has … been to England but she speaks English quite well. 4. He hasn‟t finished reading the magazine … . 5. Have you … heard this French song? 6. I haven‟t worn my new coat … .7. I‟ve … cleaned the windows.

Ex.7. Составьте предложения.

Example: started/ have/ they/ to have/ just/ dinner/.

They have just started to have dinner.

1.just/ to rain/ has/ it/ started/.

2.you/ that book/ have/ jet/ finished/?

3.yet/ that film/ seen/ haven‟t/ I/.

4.the bus/ just/ left/ has/.

5.you/ already/ done/ your shopping/ have/?

6.Has/ for several jobs/ Bob/ applied/ yet/?

7.Peter/ been/ here/ before/ has.


утвердительная (отрицательная)
























have (not)





___ __they_


been working…



been working …?


has (not)









Часто употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени: for 2 hours – два часа; since morning – с утра; since he came - c

его приезда


Ex.1.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.My brother has been staying with us for three weeks. 2. It has been raining since morning. 3. He has been working here since 1990. 4. Why are you so tired? What have you been doing? - I've been working in the garden since morning. 5. He hasn't been feeling very well recently. 6.You've been talking for almost an hour without stopping. 7. My hands are very dirty. I've been repairing my car. 8. Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis? 9. How long have you been translating the text?

Ex.2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Perfect Continuous.

1.He (study) English for two years and doesn‟t even know the alphabet yet. 2. How long (you/wait)for me? – I (wait) about half an hour. 3. Her telephone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn‟t answer it? 4. I (shop) all day and I haven‟t a penny left. 5. The children (look) forward to this holiday for months. 6. I‟m on a diet. I (eat) nothing but bananas for the last month. 7. It (snow) for three days now. The roads will be blocked if it doesn‟t stop soon. 8. How long (you/wear) glasses? 9.The students (discuss) this problem since two o‟clock. 10. They (develop) my pictures since Monday.

Ex.3. Объясните ситуацию, используя слова в скобках и употребляя сказуемое в Present Perfect Continuous.

1.He is very tired. (He/ to play/ football)

2.The boy's eyes are red and watery. (He/ to cry)

3.He is looking at his watch. (He/ to wait/ for a long time)

4.They know this place very well. (They/ to travel around/ a lot)

5.Their eyes ache. (They/ to watch TV/ since morning)

6.Ann speaks French very well. (She/ to learn French/ since she was six)

7.He's got a cough. (He/ to smoke/ since he was a teenager)

8.His fingers are stained with ink. (He/ to write a lot)

Ex.4. Закончите следующие ситуации, употребляя Present Perfect


1.Oh, your basket is full of berries! - Я собирала ягоды в лесу целое утро.

2.Why are you silent? – Потому что я много говорила до этого.

3.You look rather sunburnt. – Да, я долго лежала на солнце.

4.You are late for the lecture again. – Но я очень спешил и бежал всю дорогу.

5.Your lips are black. Why? – Я ела чернику (bilberries).


Ex.5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

1.She (walk) in the park since morning. It‟s time to have dinner, but she

(not/come) yet. 2. We (walk) ten kilometres. 3. We (walk) for three hours. 4. You (walk) too fast. That‟s why you are tired. 5. She (read) this book for three days and (read) 300 pages already. 6. He (drive) to London for six hours. How many miles (he/ cover) by now? 7. Mike (collect) stamps since he was nine. He (collect) so much he doesn‟t know what to do. 8. He (solve) this puzzle at last! He (solve) it since breakfast. 9. What (you/do) ? – I (pick) apples. 10. How many apples (you/pick) ? – We (pick) ten basketfuls. 11. I (only/hear) from him twice since he went away. 12. I (be) busy since we last met. 13. I‟m very fond of Alice but I

(not/see) much of her lately. 14.He is an old friend of mine. I (know) him for ages. 15. How many driving lessons (you/ have) ? 16. How long

(you/ have) driving lessons? 17. I‟m very sorry, but I (break) this chair. 18. Someone (eat) my chocolates. There aren‟t many left. 19. Sally (live) there for just a few weeks. 20. We (live) in this flat for eight years. 21. He

(be) here since 12 o‟clock.

Ex.6. Вставьте since или for.

1.We‟ve been fishing … two hours. 2. I‟ve been working in this office … a month. 3. They‟ve been living in France … 2003. 4. I‟ve been using this car … five years. 5. We‟ve been waiting … half an hour. 6. I‟ve been awake … four o‟clock. 7. I‟ve been awake … a long time. 8. I‟ve only been waiting … a few minutes.

Ex.7. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Он переводит уже три часа. 2. Моя сестра учит испанский язык с сентября. 3. Анна ищет работу шесть месяцев. 4. Ты давно меня ждешь? 5. Как долго вы живете в этом городе? 6. Он играет в теннис с десяти лет. 7. Мы дружим с ним с детства. 8. Том женат. – Как давно он женат? –Уже год. 9. Я носила зонтик повсюду целый день. 10. Джекобс работает водителем автобуса уже двадцать лет. 11. С нового года погода была холодной. 12. Последнее время ты очень занят. Что ты делаешь? – Я учусь работать на компьютере. 13. Билл рисует эту картину с двух часов. 14. Кажется, сыро на улице? – “Да”, - ответила мама. “ Всю ночь шел дождь ”. 15. Мы тщательно изучаем ваше предложение и готовы встретиться с вашими специалистами в ближайшем будущем. 16. Я учусь в университете уже полгода. 17. Я видел этот фильм.









































did not

Did she

























Past Simple часто употребляется со следующими словами и выражениями:

yesterday, 5 minutes ago, last (week, month, year, morning, summer), in 1998, long ago, the other day – на днях, the day before yesterday – позавчера, all day long, from 3 till 5, for 2 years

Ex.1. Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в Past Simple по смыслу: watch, listen, visit, invite, work, play, live, cook, stay, answer, call.

1.My mother … meat and vegetables for dinner yesterday. 2. We… to the music and … TV yesterday. 3. The day before yesterday my friend … me to the party. 4. Last week my sister … at home. 5. Five years ago these people … in London. 6. These managers … all our questions yesterday. 7. Last year this doctor … at the hospital. 8. Last week we … our friends in the country. 9. We … football and volleyball there. 10. My sister … her child Daniel.

Ex.2. Раскройте скобки, обращая внимание на образование Past Simple правильных и неправильных глаголов.

1.Five minutes ago my mother (close) the front door and (open) the window in the kitchen. 2. The breakfast (be) ready at 8 a.m. 3.Last Sunday we (play) at our friends‟ in the country. 4. Bill (go) home ten minutes ago. 5. I (be) hungry and tired after that long walk. 6. Last Sunday our parents (stay) at home. 7. John (get) a message from his friend. 8. We (meet) last summer. 9. The other day my friend (invite) me to the party. 10. They (be) at home in the evening. 11. The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago. 12. The postman (bring) the morning mail only at ten o‟clock. 13.My father (found) his business in 1999. 14. I suddenly (see) beautiful birds in the window. 15. She (buy) a wonderful


dress a week ago. 16. They (be) at the seaside last summer. 17. The teacher (give) Lena a good mark 18. I (be) busy the whole day yesterday. 19. We (look) at her for a moment with surprise.

Ex.3. Переведите предложения. Опровергните данные утверждения.

A. Example: He played football yesterday.

He didn't play football yesterday.

1.She worked in the garden yesterday morning. 2. They finished their last lesson at one o'clock. 3. It snowed last Friday. 4. We watched TV in the evening. 5. I asked him to ring me up. 6. He stopped at the corner of the street. 7. The conference finished at 5 p.m.

B. Example: Jim began to run.

Jim didn't begin to run.

1.Yesterday we went to the office by car. 2. She found the key in its usual place. 3. We saw a nice film at the cinema the day before yesterday.4. Last week my uncle showed me his new office. 5. My sister spoke to her boy-friend on the phone yesterday. 6. I met my former classmate last Friday. 7. She left for London two weeks ago. 8. He got an excellent mark for his last test.

C. Example: Yesterday it was very cold. Yesterday it wasn't very cold.

1. I was in London a year ago. 2. These children were at the Zoo last Saturday. 3. He was born in August. 4. My friends were at the theatre the other day. 5. My brother was very busy at the office yesterday.

Ex.4. А. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

1.I arrived home late last night. 2. She enjoyed the party a lot. 3. My younger sister was born in June. 4. He ate his lunch at one o‟clock. 5. We were 15 three years ago. 6. We tried to fix our car yesterday. 7. I was at the doctor‟s last week. 8. Ann wrote excellent compositions last year.

В. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым членам предложения.

1.Last year he didn‟t go to the South because of the exams. 2. They came to visit his friend yesterday. 3. He went to the concert two days ago. 4. He had breakfast at 8.30. 5. Our newspapers were on this table five minutes ago. 6. He wanted to learn the whole story. 7. Robert took his driving test last week. 8. Marry bought a lot of Christmas presents for her children. 9. She didn‟t tell him the truth. 10. The sea was only two miles away. 11. She was born in France in 1995.

Ex.5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1.We (have been; went) to Rome in summer. 2. You (have done; did) a lot of interesting things in your life. 3. Who (has invented; invented) the radio? 4. How many people (have died; died) in the Second World War?


5. I work in a bank now. I (have worked; worked) there for a year. 6. (Have you heard; Did you hear) the news last night? 7. When (have you bought; did you buy) your new car? 8. We (have seen; saw) the new film last week.

Ex.6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или

Present Perfect.

1.John (write) his report last night. 2. Bob (see) this movie before. 3. George (read) the newspaper already. 4. He (come) home a minute ago. 5. I (never/be) to Moscow. 6. (you/play) the piano yesterday? 7. Look at this bird-house! Mike (make) it himself. He (make) it last Sunday. 8. (you/see) Marry this week? - No. I (see) her last week. 9. He is not at school today, he (fall) ill. – When (he/fall) ill? – He (fall) ill yesterday. 10. They (not/come/yet) from the South. 11. (you/find) the money which you (lose) yesterday? – Yes, I (find) it in the pocket of my coat when I (come) home. 12. How long (you/know) him? – We (meet) in 1996, but we (not/see) since last autumn. 13. I (not/see) Nick lately. (anything /happen) ho him? – Yes, he (get) into an accident three weeks ago. Since that time he (be) in hospital.14. The last post (come)? - Yes, it (come) half an hour ago. 15. When (you /meet) him last? 16. You (ever/be) to Japan? – Yes, I (be) there the year when there was an earthquake. 17. It‟s the best novel I (ever/read). 18. He (see) this film several times.

Ex.7. Заполните пропуски соответствующими наречиями или обстоятельствами времени.

1.Helen was sick … (since last week; last week). 2. I haven‟t gone to the cinema … (for a few months; a month ago). 3. It rained much … (since morning; last spring). 4. The students have translated the text … (yesterday; already). 5. I haven‟t seen you …(for ages, three days ago).

Ex.8. В некоторых предложениях допущены ошибки. Найдите и исправьте их.

1.Who has discovered America? 2. We played tennis yesterday afternoon. 3. When have you passed your driving test? 4. It started raining on Monday. 5. I didn't read War and Peace since 1999. 6.Shakespeare has written many plays. 7. Do you know about Sue? She's given up her job. 8. Where have you been born? 9. I read this article in the morning.

Ex.9. Составьте предложения, используя Present Perfect или Past


1.it/ not/ rain/ this/ week

2.the weather/ be/ cold/ recently

3.it/ cold/ be/ last week


4.I/ not/ read/ a newspaper/ yesterday

5.I/ not/ read/ a newspaper/ today

6.Ann/ earn/ a lot of money/ this year

7.Ann/ earn/ a lot of money/ last year

Ex.10. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения. 1.Они вернулись домой в семь часов вечера. 2. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера. 3. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. 4. Где вы были час назад? 5. Я встретил ее позавчера, и она рассказала мне об этом. 6. Где ты купил этот словарь? 7. Кто обучал вас английскому языку? 8. Джон Кеннеди стал президентом США, когда ему было 43 года. 9. Он положил книги на стол, выключил свет и вышел из комнаты. 10.Ее семья в прошлом году переехала в Лондон. 11. Письмо пришло вчера? Кто принес его? Почему вы не отдали его сразу?


was/were + Ving

































was not




You were

You were not














She was working…

She was not working… Was







































You were…

You were not

















Past Continuous часто употребляется со следующими





обстоятельствами времени:






yesterday at 6 o’clock,



this time yesterday (last night),



morning (evening),

when something happened




Ex.1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого в Past Continuous.

1.It was raining at noon. 2. It wasn’t raining when I left the house. 3. What were you doing when I phoned you? 4. Who were you talking to when I saw you yesterday? 5. I was listening to the news when you came in. 6. While he was learning to drive he had many accidents. 7. He didn‟t say a word while we were eating. 8. While we were walking someone


came into the house and left this note. 9. While we were talking Beryl came out of the house. 10. I was reading while he was writing a letter.

Ex.2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1.It was snowing all day yesterday. 2. We were working at that time. 3.They were doing their homework at 5 p.m. 4. This time yesterday they were playing the piano.

Ex.3. Задайте вопросы с данными вопросительными словами.

1.Yesterday at 11.40 she was having breakfast at the canteen. (What? When? Where? ) 2.It was raining heavily yesterday morning. (When?) 3. She was cooking dinner yesterday evening. (Who? What? When?) 4. You were sleeping so soundly. I didn't want to bother you. (How? Why?) 5. John was testing the new car while his wife was cooking supper. (Who? What? What?) 6. This time last year we were flying to Boston. (Who? Where? When?)

Ex.4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past


1.We (listen) to the radio when the bell (ring). 2. What (you/explain) to him? 3. This time yesterday I (finish) my report at the meeting. 4. I (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be cold). 5. I (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 6. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 7.The day was marvellous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing), so we (decide) to go for a walk. 8. I (see) you last night. You (wait) for a bus. 9. When the teacher (look) at Fred he (not/listen) to her.


























She had worked…


had not worked…

Had she worked…?






















Past Perfect часто употребляется со следующими выражениями: by 4 o’clock , by tomorrow, before something happened

Ex.1. Найдите сказуемые в Past Perfect и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She had cooked the cake before the guests came. 2. Father rang up after I had finished my lessons. 3. I came home after it had grown dark. 4. They had gone to the skating-rink before the snow stopped. 5. The secretary had typed the document by 5 o‟clock. 6. By the end of the year he had learned to speak French. 7. As I hadn‟t got an answer, I sent him another letter. 8. This man had been ill for weeks when the doctor came; nothing could be done for him.

Ex.2. Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Perfect. Переведите предложения.

1.By the end of the year our neighbours (buy) a new car. 2. I (cook) dinner by 6 o‟clock. 3. My father‟s colleagues (phone) him by the afternoon. 4. We (finish) a big project by the end of the month. 5. I (translate) an article by the evening. 6. My cousin Jane and her friend (marry) by June. 7. After our friends (buy) a new country house, they invited us to the party. 8. After I (cook) dinner, I changed my clothes and did my hair. 9. We (have) a lot of work before we finished our project. 10.When my brother came home in the evening, I (translate) the article. 11. I (never in my life/ play golf) before a friend of mine invited me to a golf party. 12. When we (arrive) at the theatre, the play (not begin/yet).

Ex.3.А: Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.

1.Dave had written the test by 2 p.m..

2.Birds had flown to the South by the end of August.

В: Задайте все специальные вопросы к этим предложениям.

Ex.4. Составьте из двух предложений одно, употребляя Past Pefect в главном или придаточном предложении.

1.Tom studied French. He went to Paris. 2. We got to the cinema. The film began. 3.John ate all the cakes. Alice came home.

Ex.5. Выберите сказуемое в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1.The office was empty when the police arrived. The robbers had left/left.

2.When he opened the safe, the money had disappeared/disappeared.

3.We had just started lunch when the telephone had rung/rang.


4.Maria was late for school yesterday. When she got to the classroom, the lesson had started/started.

5.I had had/had breakfast when I had had a shower.

6.They left the cafe when they had had/had dinner.

7.I didn‟t laugh at the joke because I had heard/heard it before.

Ex.6. Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1.It … so that last summer we … a lot of free time, and we … it together in the country. Usually we … early in the morning, … , … breakfast and … to the forest (happen, have, spend, wake up, wash, have, go).

2.Last summer we …a lot of free time, but before that we … a serious project (have, finish).

3.Once we … to the cinema, but when we …there, the film … already

(go, come, begin).

4.Yesterday my sister … to show her pictures to her friends. She … her best clothes, … her hair and … , but then she suddenly … that she … the pictures at home (decide, put on, do, go out, remember, leave).

5.Before this manager …to our office, he … two foreign languages

(come, learn).

6.When I … my friend in the street, I … that something awful … to him

(meet, understand, happen).

7.When our chief … me to translate a business letter, I … afraid because I never … business letters before (ask, get, translate).

8.He … to know if we … his instructions (want, carry out).

9.We … five minutes late. The train … (arrive, go).

10.The room … in awful disorder. Someone … in it (be, be). 11.I … that I … the telly (remember, turn off).

12.They … us they … to solve the problem (tell, manage). 13.He … he … in 1980 (say, be born).

Ex.7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.К 7 часам утра они уже позавтракали. 2. Кейт позвонила на вокзал и узнала, что поезд уже ушел. 3. К концу месяца моя подруга рассказала всем о нашем секрете. 4. Майк сказал, что уже видел этот фильм. 5. Мы не знали, что они уехали за город.6. После того, как наш сосед потерял работу, он очень изменился.7. Ты закончил свою работу к 2 часам? 8. Генри сказал, что они уже пообедали. 9. К лету мы научились хорошо плавать. 10. Когда дети проснулись, мама уже приготовила завтрак. 11. Мой друг был очень бледен. Я понял, что с ним что-то случилось. 12. Когда Лена ушла, я вспомнила, что забыла вернуть ей журнал. 13. К 1 сентября мои