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Я думаю, что это время удобно для вас

Если действие в придаточном предложении предшествует действию главного предложения, оно выражается формой Past Perfect.

We didn’t know (that) he had left. Мы не знали, что он уехал.

Если действие в придаточном предложении будет происходить после действия в главном, оно выражается формой Future-in-the-

Past (будущее в прошедшем).


We hoped he would pass his exam.

Мы надеялись, что он сдаст



Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем времени, то в придаточном предложении сказуемое может стоять в любой временной форме.

I think the time is convenient for you.

Ex.1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1.I thought you spoke Russian. 2. The speaker said it was a historic discovery. 3. I was sure you knew everything. 4. We didn‟t know they were still having talks. 5. I thought they hadn‟t received our letter yet.

6.The director hoped that the film would be a success. 7. She thought we were waiting for her. 8. He said he would phone us as soon as he got to London.

Ex.2. Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в прошедшее время и сделайте соответствующие изменения в придаточном предложении. Предложения переведите.

Model A: I think I know it.

I thought I knew it.

1.They say the hotel is a mile from the shore. 2. They write they are going to the south coast of Spain for their holidays. 3. He knows we have similar views on the problem.

Model B: She says she heard it on the radio.

She said she had heard it on the radio.

1.I think he recognized me. 2. She says she didn‟t see it. 3. He knows she didn‟t say that.

Model C: I hope you have settled it. I hoped you had settled it.

1.She thinks she has lost the key. 2. She says she has never thought of that. 3. I think you have translated the text.

Model D: I‟m sure everything will be all right.

I was sure everything would be all right.


1.He says we‟ll have a short rest when we get to the river. 2. Everybody understands the new project will be very expensive. 3. He says that he will study English in the USA.

Ex. 3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на

согласование времен.


1. Фред сказал,

что занят.


что ждет звонка.


что уже все сделал.


что не видел меня вчера.


что приедет в воскресенье.

2. Приятель спросил меня,

где живут мои родители.


когда начнется лекция.


почему я пропустил (miss)


много лекций.


что я сейчас делаю.


почему я не разговариваю с Тедом.


сколько английских книг я уже



3. Мэри хотела узнать,

могу ли я ей сейчас помочь.


не знаешь ли ты их адрес.


не видели ли мы уже Джека.


не приходил ли он к нам вчера.


буду ли я завтра дома.


поедем ли мы за город, если будет



4. Мэри попросила Джека,

чтобы он принес мел.


помог ей с английским.


никому ничего не говорил.


не пел так громко.


закрыл окно.


приехал пораньше.

Ex.4 Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1.Peter didn‟t want to go the cinema because he (saw, had seen) the film already. 2. Mother was surprised that I (will not go, would not go) on the excursion with my class. 3. They didn‟t know that I (take part, took part) in the competition every year. 4. Peter says that we (go, will go) to the Zoo on Sunday. 5. We are glad that you (come, have come) already. 6. Nick said that he (will leave, would leave) at five. 7. Lucy said that she (doesn‟t agree, didn‟t agree) with me. 8. I was sure that you (would invite, will invite) me to your birthday party.


Изменение времени глагола в косвенной речи

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Present Simple

Past Simple



Present Continuous

Past Continuos

am/is/are writing

was/were writing

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

has/have written

had written

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

has/have been writing

had been writing

Past Simple

Past Perfect


had written

Past Continuous

Past Continuous

was/were writing

was/were writing




Past Perfect Continuous


had been writing

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

had written

had written

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

had been writing

had been writing

Future Simple


will write

would write

Future Continuous

Future Continuous-in-the-Past

will be writing

would be writing

Future Perfect

Future Perfect-in-the-Past

will have written

would have written

Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous-in-



will have been writing

would have been writing

Изменение модальных глаголов при переводе их в косвенную речь






must (had to)




Изменение обстоятельства времени, места и некоторых указательных местоимений при переводе прямой речи в косвенную

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь










this/these это, этот/эти


то, тот/те

today сегодня

that day

в тот день

tomorrow завтра

the following day, на следующий



the next day


yesterday вчера

the day before,




the previous day


next week на следующей неделе the next week,

на следующей



the following week неделе

last week на прошлой неделе

the previous week за неделю до

last year в прошлом году

the year before

за год до

Ex.5. Перевeдите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, обращая внимание на их тип.

Model A. Утверждения.


Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

She says, ”I am happy”.

She says (that) she is happy.

She said, “I am happy”.

She said (that) she was happy.

I said to the nurse, “You haven‟t

I told the nurse (that) she hadn’t

given me my medicine”.

given me my medicine.

1.She says, “I‟ll join you in a minute”. 2. He said, “I‟m absolutely sure”.

3.He said to us, “The project will be finished by several companies”.

4.The air hostess says, “The plane is landing”. 5. The manager said to the interviewers, “The construction has been completed in record time”.

Model B. Приказания, команды, просьбы.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

The mother said to her children,

The mother told her children not

“Don‟t play with fire”.

to play with fire.

I said to Ann, “Open the box, please”. I asked Ann to open the box.

Предложения, советы, разрешения, предупреждения могут в косвенной речи вводиться следующими глаголами: advise (cоветовать), recommend (рекомендовать) , remind (напоминать), offer, suggest, propose (предлагать).

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

“You should take a holiday and

The doctor advised him to take a

have a good rest”, the doctor said

holiday and have a good rest.

to him.



“Don‟t forget to call Mr. Harris”, he said to his secretary.

“Let me give you a lift”, he said.

He reminded his secretary to call Mr. Harris.

He offered her a lift.

1.I said to Jack, “Please give me your dictionary”. 2. The doctor said to the sick man, “Don‟t go back to work for a fortnight”. 3. The old man said to the little girl, “Don‟t run across the street”. 4. She said to the children, “Don‟t make so much noise”. 5. “Please switch the light on”, she said to me.

Model C. Специальные вопросы.

Прямая речь

Jim asked, “Who has taken my pen?” I asked the farmer, “What is growing in that field?”

Mary‟s mother asked her, “Who did you see in the hospital?”

Косвенная речь

Jim asked who had taken his pen. I asked the farmer what was growing in that field.

Mary‟s mother asked her who she had seen in the hospital.

1.”How much time is left?” he asked. 2. She asked, “How far is the bus stop?” 3. I saw a cloud of smoke and asked, “What is burning?” 4. The policeman asked me, “Where did you lose your wallet?” 5. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the boys, “What are you doing?” 6. I asked Bob, “Why didn‟t you answer my letter?” 7. Jack‟s father asked him, “Who are you writing a letter to?”

Model D. Общие и альтернативные вопросы.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

The manager asked, “Does the time

The manager asked if (whether)

suit everybody?”

the time suited everybody.

I asked my brother, “Did you throw

I asked my brother whether he

away the letter or keep it?”

had thrown the letter or kept it.

Общие и альтернативные вопросы обычно вводятся следующими глаголами и оборотами:

I wonder …(интересно …), I should like to know … (хотелось бы знать …), сould you tell me …(скажите …), would you mind telling me …(будьте любезны сказать мне …)

1.I asked the old gentleman, “Are you feeling tired?” 2. The hotel manager asked the guests, “Did you sleep well?” 3. The teacher asked me, “Did you understand the question or not?” 4. The teacher asked him, “Do you spell “swimming” with one “m” or a double “m”?”

Ex.6. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи.

1.“We have a lift but very often it doesn‟t work”, they say. 2. “We have moved into our new flat”, said my aunt. 3. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun”, she said. 4. “Who put salt in my coffee?”, he


asked. 5. “Why did you travel first class?” I asked him. 6. “Don‟t argue with your father”, I said. 7. “Please don‟t leave the gate open”, the farmer said to the visitors. 8. “Don‟t climb that tree in your new trousers, Richard”, his father said. 9. The old lady asked, “Is this my seat?” 10. He said, “I must go and make some calls”. 11. “I‟m busy”, he said.12. “Please make yourselves comfortable”, she said to us. 13.She said, “It may be true”. 14.When I met him last week, he said, “I‟ll call on you tomorrow”. 15. “What are you looking for?” he asked the boy. 16. “Have you heard the news?” she asked me. 17. “Shall I repeat it?” she asked. 18.She asked me, “Are you hungry?” 19. She asked the doctor, “Shall I follow a strict diet?” 20. He said to Jim, “I‟ll be writing my report at two o‟clock tomorrow”. 21. The boy said to his mummy, “Don‟t worry. I‟ll have learned the poem by heart by five o‟clock”.

Ex.7. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на правила согласования времен.

1.Я был уверен, что ты знаешь мой адрес. 2. Я не знал, что они уже все сделали. 3. Папа говорит, что он занимался плаванием, когда он был молодым. 4. Мы узнали, что она вернулась в Самару. 5. Мать сказала, что дети уже пришли из школы и теперь играют во дворе. 6.Она обещала, что ее брат позвонит, как только найдет время. 7. Я спросил, когда они собираются обсудить этот вопрос. 8. Он сказал, что не узнал меня. 9. Бабушка сказала, что дети гуляют уже целый час.10. Он сказал, что вчера они ходили в итальянский ресторан. 11. Мой друг сказал, что родители будут в это время смотреть фильм по телевизору.





be + V3



Present Simple

am/ is/ are


asked (told)

Past Simple

was/ were



asked (told)

Future Simple

will be



asked (told)

Present Continuous

am/ is/ are


asked (told)

Past Continuous

was/ were



asked (told)

Present Perfect

has/ have been

asked (told)

Past Perfect

had been



asked (told)

Future Perfect

will have been

asked (told)


Ex.1. Найдите сказуемое в страдательном залоге, определите его видо-временную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Newspapers are delivered regularly. 2. Dinner is being cooked. Wait a little. 3. The film will be shown from five till seven. 4. The telly hasn‟t been switched off, I am afraid. 5. The experiment will be described in several journals. 6. Only one of his books has been translated into Russian. 7. Fifty students were admitted to the faculty last August. 8. French is spoken in France and Canada. 9. I have been woken up by the noise in the street. 10. He was given a form to fill in. 11. When was your University founded? 12. Some pop singers were being interviewed when I switched on the telly. 13. The film is still being shown. 14. How many houses a year are built in our city? 15. All the questions must be answered. 16. These machines are going to be tested again.

Ex.2. Выберите сказуемое для следующих предложений. 1.Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

a) was being built

b) has been built

c) was built

2.Сейчас здесь строится новый супермаркет.



a) is being built

b) is building

c) is built

3.Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.



a) are being examined

b) is examined

c) are examined

4.Цветы уже политы.




a) are watered

b) have been watered

c) were watered

5.Такие столы делают из дорогого дерева.



a) are being made

b) have been made

c) are made

6.Этот фильм никогда не показывали по телевизору.

a) has never been shown b) was never shown


c) had never been





7.Мою квартиру отремонтируют к субботе.



a) will be decorated

b) will have been decorated

c) is being decorated

8.Списки все еще печатаются.



a) are typed

b) are being typed


c) have been typed

9.Вам сообщат об этом завтра.



a) will be informed

b) will have been informed

c) are informed

10.Когда я вошел, обсуждение было прервано.


a) was interrupted

b) had been interrupted


c) has been interrupted

Ex.3. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя страдательный залог.

A.1. They offered me a cup of tea. 2. I‟ll give you a cup of coffee if you want. 3. Students take exams at the end of each term. 4. Columbus


discovered America in 1492. 5. The doctor told him to lie in bed for three days. 6. The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes. 7. We don‟t use this old computer. 8. Our managers will discuss this matter this week. B.1. They are building a new school in our district. 2. We are listening to a new song by Sting now. 3. I was cooking fish when my brother came home. 4. They are discussing the possibility of new talks. 5. Are they sending for you? 6. The company was developing a new project. 7. Ann was delivering the documents to the department.

C.1. They had offered me a job at a local bank. 2. I have lost some secret papers. 3. Someone has stolen a picture from the museum. 4. John will have received the paper by tomorrow. 5. Have you warned them about the meeting? 6. They will have repaired my shoes by the evening. 7. The fire has caused considerable damage. 8. They haven‟t stamped the letter.

D.1. They can arrange all things. 2.We must look into the matter. 3. You could book the ticket later. 4. He may forget your invitation. 5. You should remember this telephone number. 6. You have to translate this text today. 7. Everybody must know traffic rules.

E.1. They decided that I would go to Oxford next year. 2. They agreed that I should speak to the manager. 3. They believed that I had to attend a family party. 4. They expected that the Minister would interview him.

5. They decided that he would return on Friday. 6. They said it hadn‟t been easy for him to do it.

Ex.4. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя страдательный залог.

1.Where is English spoken? (all over the world) 2. When is radio news listened to in your family? (every night) 3. Where are meals cooked? (in the kitchen) 4. Where are books sold? (in the bookshops) 5. When are exams taken? (in January and in June)

Ex.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлоги by или with.

1.These photos were taken … a very cheap camera. 2. These photos are taken … my sister. 3. The cake was made … dried fruit. 4. The cake was made … my aunt. 5. The garage was painted … a friend of mine. 6. The garage was painted … a new kind of paint. 7. The safe was blown open … the robbers. 8. The safe was blown open … dynamite.

Ex.6. A. Переведите следующий текст, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

About Books

First, books are written by writers. Then they are printed by printers. After that the books are sold by booksellers, bought by people and they are read by thousands of readers.


В.Опишите следующие процессы по аналогии с текстом А.

1. Films - to produce (by producers) to shoot (by camera-men) to show (at the cinemas) to see (by audience)

to criticize (by critics)

2. Houses - to construct (by builders) to accept (by commission) to tenant

to live in

3. Vegetablesto plant (by farmers) to grow

to pick up

to deliver to the shops to sell

to buy

Ex.7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в страдательном залоге соответствующего времени.

1.The new theatre (open) last month. 2. New Year‟s Day (celebrate) on

January, 1. 3. Andrew (arrest) a few days ago. 4. When I entered the classroom, my friend (examine). 5. By next summer the swimming pool (build) in this street. 6. When the taxi arrived, the things (still/ pack). 7.When the taxi arrived, the things (pack) already. 8. A new road (build) not far from here now. 9.At the party they (show) a very interesting film. 10.At that moment a very important question (discuss) and everybody was listening to it attentively. 11. He hoped that his answer (understand) correctly. 12. The construction of the bridge (complete) before winter comes. 13. Where is your watch? – It (repair). 14. I (just/ offer) an interesting job. 15. I didn't know that he (not/invite) to the party.

Ex.8. Выберите перевод следующих предложений.

1.The results of the experiment were influenced by the previous data.

A) Результаты эксперимента повлияли на предыдущие данные. Б) На результаты эксперимента повлияли предыдущие данные. В) Предыдущие данные повлияли на результаты эксперимента.

2. His business trip has been insisted on by the chief.

А) На его командировке настоял шеф. Б) Он настоял на командировке шефа. В) Шеф настоял на его командировке.

3. The report was followed by a lot of questions.

А) Много вопросов последовало за докладом.


Б) За докладом последовало много вопросов. В) За докладом следует много вопросов.

4. This scientist is often referred to by the authors of scientific papers.

А) Авторы научных статей часто ссылаются на этого ученого. Б) На этого ученого часто ссылаются авторы научных статей. В) На этого ученого часто ссылались авторы научных статей.

Ex. 9. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя предложную пассивную конструкцию.

Model: He takes care of her. – She is taken care of.

1.The guests looked for the ring everywhere. 2. He listened to the lecture very attentively. 3. They laughed at the joke. 4. You can rely on this person. 5. I‟ll look after your house while you are away. 6. They agreed upon the date of the conference. 7. They have just sent for the doctor. 8. Somebody is waiting for you downstairs. 9. Our teacher often refers to this example. 10. They talked a lot about this film.

Ex.10. Переведите предложения, употребляя предложную пассивную конструкцию.

1.Его ждут. 2.Не беспокойтесь, за вашими вещами присмотрят. 3.Об этой книге много говорят. 4. Его прооперировали на прошлой неделе. 5. За врачом уже послали? 6. Письма еще не просмотрели. 7.Не говори так громко. Нас слушают. 8. Разве ты не понимаешь, что над тобой смеются? 9. На этот факт часто ссылаются. 10. На него можно положиться? 11. В этом доме не живут зимой. 12. За лекцией последовал новый документальный фильм.

Ex.11. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1.Факс будет отправлен завтра. 2. Здесь говорят только на

английском. 3. Ей разрешили заниматься спортом. 4. Посетителей принимают каждый день. 5. Не говори это, а то (otherwise) над тобой будут смеяться. 6. Это здание было только что построено, когда мы сюда приехали. 7. Книга очень популярна у читателей и сейчас широко обсуждается. 8. Об этом событии много говорят. 9. Вас обслужат через пять минут. 10. За Рождеством последовали каникулы. 11. Вы знаете, из чего делают йогурт? 12. Все учебники были распроданы к началу учебного года. 13. Кого послали за границу? 14. Сколько времени демонстрируют фильм? 15. Испанский язык здесь преподают с 1990 года. 16. Где письмо? – Его отправили. 17. Фирма будет представлена несколькими специалистами. 18. Этот роман уже переведен на пять языков. 19. Эта опера была написана сто лет назад. 20. Произведения русских писателей издают во всем мире. 21. На этот метод не следует