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Idioms and expressions

  1. small (block, capital, upper case, lower case) letters

  2. question (leading, rhetorical, direct, awkward)

  3. language class (activities, games)

  4. it's Greek to me

  5. to talk nineteen to the dozen

  6. to talk rubbish

  7. to talk a mile a minute

  8. talk of the devil

  1. to call a spade a spade

  2. the talk of the town (street)

  3. tall story (tale)

  4. rule of thumb

  5. a slip of the tongue

  6. tongue/ brain twister

  7. Hold your tongue!

  8. Alma mater

  9. to burn the midnight oil

  10. to be on the tip of the tongue

  11. to talk in broken (thick) Russian (English)

  12. to start from scratch

  13. stumbling block

Proverbs and sayings

  1. A man is never too old too learn. /Live and learn.

  2. Dot your i's and cross your t’s.

  3. Without rhyme or reason

  4. Practice makes perfect.

  5. There's no royal road to learning.

  6. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

  7. You're never too old to learn.

  1. A little learning is a dangerous thing. (A. Pope)

  2. A thing well said will be wit in all languages. (J. Dryden)

  3. Language is the dress of thought. (S. Johnson)

Culture words

The King's English (the Queen's) English, American English / British English /World English, Tower of Babel, British Council, Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Modern English-Russian Dictionary, CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning

Vocabulary work

Exercise 1.

Look up the English equivalents for the following Russian words

and word combinations.

Сокращенный текст, посещать занятия, прогуливать занятия, мертвый язык, официальный язык, эссе, идиоматическое выражение, значение слова, перефразировать, определение, понимание текста, неправильное написание слова, зубрить, говорить громче, сказать слово по буквам, шариковая ручка, маркер, дать транскрипцию, болтать, дубликат/ копия, перевести с русского языка на английский, заикаться, липкая лента, оговорка, неправдоподобная история, говорить на ветер, вбивать в чью-то голову, иметь хорошо подвешенный язык, в двух словах, лицемерная болтовня, говорить на ломаном немецком языке, объяснять/ излагать что-то, расставлять знаки препинания, аудирование, учебный толковый словарь, заглавные буквы, наводящий вопрос, прописные буквы, накапливать словарный запас, выучить наизусть, лингафонный кабинет, называть вещи своими именами, для меня это - китайская грамота.

Exercise 2.

Study the following examples illustrating the proper use of idioms and expressions. Render the sentences into Russian paying special attention to the translation of the italicized phrases.

  1. She rehearsed her speech until she was word-perfect.

  2. It is difficult to follow the script of "Transporting" for the characters speak thick, Scottish accent.

  3. It is all Greek to me.

  4. She was wearing a sweat shirt emblazoned with the name of her alma mater.

  5. The group burned its midnight oil this week preparing for the finals.

  6. John said he'd be coming - and talk of the devil, here he is now.

  7. I meant to say Friday, not Monday. It was a slip of the tongue.

  8. John's been the talk of the department since his affair with James.

  9. Jim was full of tall stories about his Safari in East Africa.

  1. What is your native language?

  2. I am paraphrasing, but this is honestly what he said.

  3. She recited a passage from "As You Like It."

  4. They were frightened at his dreadful habit of calling a spade a spade.

  5. Is rote learning still used to master grammar?

  6. What is the official language of the Netherlands?

  7. Typewriters, and lately, the word processors have become extended forms of writing implements.

  8. Although there are no lessons this week, the students are all cramming for the next week's test.

  9. Her shot-gun marriage is the talk of the street.

  10. If you read between the lines, this letter is really a request for money.

  11. Don't try to reason with them - you are wasting your breath.

Exercise 4

Match the Russian idioms and expressions on the left with their English equivalents on the right.


Говорить на ветер


Better ask than go astray.


Хорошо выраженная мысль звучит умно на всех языках.


To burn the midnight oil


Язык проглотил?


Without rhyme or reason.


Повторение - мать учения.


A tall talk


Учиться никогда не поздно.


Dot your i's and cross your t's.


У меня это вертелось на языке.


To talk rubbish


Сидеть за книгами до поздней ночи


To call a spade a spade


Язык до Киева доведет.


To waste one's breath


Притча во языцех


A thing well said will be wit in al languages.


Век живи, век учись.


You are never too old to learn.


Поставить точки над "и"


Cat got your tongue?


Ни складу, ни ладу.


Practice makes perfect




The talk of the town


Называть вещи своими именами.


I had it on the tip of my tongue.


Молоть чепуху


Live and learn.

Exercise 5.

Read the dictionary definitions of some words and phrases from the Topical Vocabulary. Deduce the meaning from these definitions and put them down in your notebook.

1. a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area

  1. a sentence or expression which is very difficult to say properly, especially when you try saying it quickly a number of times. 'She sells seashells on the seashore' is an example of the expression

  2. a group of words with a meaning of its own that is different from the meanings of each separate word put together: tall tale is an example of this type of expressions

  3. the study of the origin, history, and changing meanings of words

  4. to work or study till late at night

  5. very informal language that includes new and sometimes rude words, especially words used only by particular groups of people such as criminals, schoolchildren, or people who take drugs

  6. an exercise in language teaching to find out how well you understand a piece of spoken language

  7. to represent speech sounds with special phonetic symbols (letters)

  8. something that you say when you meant to say something else

  1. to start from the beginning or with nothing

  2. a school, college, or university which one has attended or from which one has graduated

  3. correct English usage and diction

  4. the English language as spoken in the U.S

  5. something that prevents action, advance, or development; an obstacle

  6. to form a word by writing or saying the letters separately in the right order

  7. a story which is difficult to believe

  8. to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said

  9. the marks used in dividing a piece of writing into sentences, clauses, phrases

  10. a room in which people can learn foreign languages by means of special teaching machines, esp. tape-recorders

  11. to enlarge one's vocabulary

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