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22 May-21 June

Their basic impulses are to communicate, to make connections and satisfy their curiosity. They are adaptable, versatile and communicative. They're always on the go, talking and finding things out. They're good at languages and mentally agile. They're light-hearted and don't take things seriously. Their moods can swing suddenly and sometimes they can be inconsistent and people may think they're two-faced. They don't like hard monotonous work. They love variety and change. They are witty and can't stand waiting.


22 June-23 July

Their basic impulses are to provide security, to protect and to bring out the best in people. They need to feel safe and secure. They like to stay in one place and they're not keen travellers. Their moods change quickly and they sometimes appear to be aggressive, but under the surface they're sentimental. They have long memories, like to live in the past and hate to throw anything away. They're artistic, imaginative and sensitive. They tend to take things to heart and get upset easily. They're protective and like to look after people they're untidy and good cooks.


24 June - 23 August

Their basic impulses are to shine as individuals and as leaders. They're stylish and they like to be the centre of attraction. They love power. They're generous and creative and good at encouraging other people to be happy and do their best. They are good organizers but some times they're too pompous and even conceited. No one could call them shy they're gregarious and they like nothing better than enjoying them selves. Sometimes their ambition and their need to be a success may lead them into underhand dealings, but they can be loyal and faithful too. They are playful and like the sound of their own voices. They are poor judges of character.


24 August-23 September

Their basic impulses are to be of service, to analyse, criticise and to discriminate. They're terribly fussy and like things to be perfect and places to be tidy. As perfectionists themselves, they don't suffer fools gladly, but they're modest and conscientious. They tend to suppress their emotions and worry about things. Some times they can be a bit hypocritical. They are practical people and good at remembering details. They're good learners and good teachers. They are calm and practical and find it hard to relax.


24 September-23 October

Their basic impulses are to seek harmony, balance and justice. They like to be liked and they are sociable and very charming. Although they are ambitious, they try to get what they want with a smile rather than threats. They're good at persuading people and they're diplomatic. They are sometimes indecisive and over sensitive, even remote and cold, but people like their unselfishness and considerateness and think they're charming. They find it easy to make friends. They love nice smells and they are very romantic. They're idealists. They find friends everywhere and are great entertainers.


24 October - 22 November

Their basic impulses are to bring about change, to investigate and transform. Their feelings are intense and they have a magnetic quality. They tend to be Jealous and stubborn. They're not prepared to trust people and they can be cruel and vindictive. They have a strong sense of purpose and they can be subtle and secretive. They are strong, silent types. They can be courageous but they can be dangerous too. They have good self control. They enjoy solving problems and can be difficult to live with.


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