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1.3. Features of demand and specifics of the offer in the international market of smartphones.

The comScore company carried out the analysis of users of mobile phones. Therefore it was found out that 42 percent of inhabitants of the USA use smartphones, in the European countries, such as Italy, Germany France, percent of users smartphones reaches to 50.

According to received from a site http://netgadget.ru/ it is possible to draw a conclusion on promoting of the media services offering different loading of a content. The success of development of this direction, first of all is connected with the new high-speed tariff plans offered by mobile operators for Internet access and annually increasing cover zones of a wireless communication of Wi-fi.

Despite that that more and more new companies enter the market of mobile phones with the smartphones and the operating systems, leading positions take on former iOS and Android, Symbian OS monthly yields the position in Europe. (Picture 1)

Most often smartphones use for access to social networks. According to more than 60 million Americans used smartphones for access to social networks only for December, 2012 and about a half of them is used by smartphones for check of the accounts every day.

2. Assessment of an environment of the concrete international market

2.1. Market scale

According to the statistics of DRAMeXchange (division of research firm TrendForce), in the first quarter 2013 of delivery of smartphones to the world market made 216,4 million units that is 9,4% more in comparison with a final quarter of last year. Experts note that release of smartphones quarterly grew since the beginning in 2012, despite influence of a seasonal factor. It speaks about a great demand on smartphones.

Leadership in the world market of smartphones the Samsung Electronics company from shares holds about 30%. The South Korean giant shipped 65 million devices whereas the closest persecutor of Apple prepared 37,5 million iPhone for sale. It allowed the Californian giant to receive a 17,3 percent share in the first quarter 2013, having reduced the indicator by 1,2 percentage points (items) concerning result of quarter prescription. About terms of emergence of the new iPhone version while it it is officially not known whereas competitors of Samsung, HTC, to Sony and some other already presented the flagman devices therefore, most likely, Apple presence in the market will decrease in the second quarter of 2013.

The third largest producer of smartphones is the HTC company which far lagged behind leaders. The share of the Taiwan vendor in the total amount of the market of smartphones made 4,4%. Further there is Nokia (4,3%), Huawei (4%), Lenovo (3,9%), Sony (3,8%), ZTE (3,7%) and LG (3,6%).

Analysts of IDC yet did not sum up in the market of smartphones for the first quarter. According to experts for the fourth quarter 2012, demand for devices in annual calculation grew by 36,4% - with 160,8 to 219,4 million pieces. Their share in the lump of the sold cellular devices made 45,5%. In a year 545,2 million smartphones that is 10,1% more, than in 2011 were realized.

Experts of Gartner counted 207,7 million released smartphones in the fourth quarter 2012 that for 38,3% exceeds an indicator of the similar period of last year. It is reported that more than a half of the market of smartphones is supervised by two companies: Apple and Samsung. In the fourth quarter 2012 they sold 52% from total of smartphones, in the third quarter 46,4% of a share of the market fell to their share.

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