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30. Назовите предложены, • жоторых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются • одной ю форм группы Perfect. Переведите предложения:

I.They have provided the laboratory with the modern equip­ment for carrying out experiments.

  1. These engineers have graduated from the college.

  2. The universities have advanced courses in rock mechanics and surface excavation.

  3. Mechanization and automation of underground mines and opencasts have advanced greatly.

  4. The research workers had made a lot of experiments before they received positive results.

  5. N. had worked in the mine for many years before he became a research worker.

31. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

  1. much time, the students, in, spent, today, have, the laboratory

  2. Moscow, for Great Britain, just, left, the scientist, has

  3. already, his, he, finished, work, has, laboratory

  4. never, the dressing plant, have, to, we, been

  5. has, the institute, graduated from, she, not, yet

32. Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите временную форму глаголов-сназуемых. Переведите предложения.

а) 1. The engineer has just graduated from the mining engineer­ing department.

  1. This year the college authority has introduced a new course in environmental protection.

  2. Have you ever been in the mine?

  3. The group of researchers has not yet solved the problem of using a new method in their work.

  4. Mining has now become a technically advanced branch of industry.

6)1. A group of experienced engineers began to design and construct anew, more powerful mining equipment for opencasts two years ago.This year they have finished their work. (The equip­ment is ready for use in industry.)

2. Some years ago coal was the only fuel available in Great Britain.

в) Until recently Britain's heavy industry was mainly in the cen­tre of England and in the London region. Such towns as Birming-

ham, Coventry and Sheffield produced heavy machinery, motor­cars and other equipment. These old industrial centres have devel­oped new branches of industry: electronics, radio, the chemical industry and others.

33. Найдите в тексте б предложения, в которых глагол-Сказуемое выражает законченное действие.

34. Выполните задание по следующему образцу;,

Образец: Say what the students have already done (to pass their examinations). The students have already passed their examinations.

  1. Say what the students (a group of students) have (has) al­ ready done (to pass examinations, to make experiments, to present a re­ port, to write a graduation paper, to have practical work).

  2. Say what the manager (the group of engineers, the authori­ ty) hasn't (haven't) done yet (to work out special methods, to design a new computer, to equip laboratories, to introduce automated systems of planning and control of underground operations, to provide the laboratory with necessary equipment).

  3. Say what the students (the geologists, the manager, the col­ lege, the miners) did (did not do) not long ago, last year, two months ago, last week, etc. (to keep in close touch with industrial enterprises, to discover new deposits, to extract many tons of coal, to replace old equipment, to touch upon the problem of labour productiv­ ity, to attend lectures and classes).

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