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30. А) Переведите следующие сочетания слов и предложения, обращая внимание на перевод прилагательных в сравнительной степени:

to observe the higher temperature at day time and the lower temperature at night

to become wider and deeper

130 • Unit 5

to cause more complex and varied changes

to penetrate deeper

to become more and more destroyed

to decompose at a slower rate

There are deeper and wider cracks.

The action of plants is even more destructive.

6) Переведете сочетаем слов с врвлагателшшв в варешмв в сравветелыюй стевевв, обравша вввмавве ва случав усвяеввл сраввеввв:

to be more than 0.5 mm

to intrude into older pre-existing rocks

to have even finer grains

less than 0.5 mm

to form smaller rock masses

to be much longer

to cool much more rapidly

to cool more slowly

to crystallize to a larger-grain size

coarse-grained intrusive rocks

31. А) Подберете вз сввсков а в б блвзкве во звачеввю слова:

А. 1. band Б. a) allow (let)

  1. cleave 6) size

  2. constituent в) fissure

  3. foliated г) take place

  4. be like д) speed

  5. permit e) layer

  6. crack ж) split

  7. occur з) component

  8. rate и) flaky

10. dimension к) be similar to

б) Подберете вз сввсков А в Б протввоволожвые во эвачеввю слова.

А. 1. deep Б. a) cleavage

  1. cool б) shallow

  2. slowly в) low-grade

  3. vast r) non-foliated

  4. extrusive д) rapidly

  5. like e) unlike

  6. high-grade ж) intrusive

  7. common з) deficiency

  8. excess и) small

10. foliated к) heat

л) uncommon

Unit 5 131

32. А) Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов с причастием прошедшего времени в функции правого определения и переведите их.

Образец: The equipment used is ...— используемое оборудование является ...

  1. New sources of fuel described included ....

  2. Modern colliery visited used ....

  3. Economic achievements written about are ... .

  4. Average coal output of the quarry designed will reach ....

6) Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу «подлежащее-сказуемое». Определите функции слов с суффиксом -ed:

l.The prospecting party provided with new equipment planned to begin its work in spring.

2. The prospecting party provided new data on useful minerals discovered in the region.

З.Тпе prospecting party is provided with new equipment. 4. The rocks described represented the oldest portion of the Earth's crust.

33. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив данный в скобках глагол в соответствующем времени н залоге:

1. Scientists and engineers ... computers in their work. Computers ... in different fields of science and engineering, (to apply)

1. Materials for sedimentary rocks ... fragments of pre-existing rocks. Conglomerate, sandstone and shale ... into the group of sedi­mentary rocks, (to include)

  1. Geophysicists ... the changes which take place deep in the Earth. Many of these changes develop at such a slow rate that they ... only with the help of modern instruments and computers, (to observe)

  2. Water greatly ... the decomposition of rocks. It is quite obvious that weathering ... by the action of water, (to facilitate)

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