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Учебник для сильной группы Barakova English.doc
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25. Уважите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста б.

  1. The purpose of preliminary exploration is to determine the mineral reserves and their distribution in the different sectors of the deposit.

  2. The properties of the surrounding rock and overburden should be taken into consideration during the preliminary explora­ tion.

  3. The purpose of the detailed exploration is to find out the quantity (reserves) of the deposit.

  4. Exploitation exploration facilitates the planning of current production.

  1. Both core drilling and non-core drilling are widely used.

  1. Recording control instruments allow geologists to get reliable ore samples.

26. Ответьте на следующие вопроси:

  1. What stages does exploration include?

  2. What is the main purpose of preliminary exploration?

  3. What should be taken into consideration by geologists during preliminary exploration?

  4. What exploratory openings do you know?

  5. Do you know how the quality of the mineral deposit is deter­ mined?

  6. What is the aim of a detailed exploration?

7. Is core drilling used in prospecting for loose rocks? 8.What is drilling equipment used for?

Unit 7


27. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

  1. bedded deposits

  2. core drilling

S.the angle of dip of the seam

  1. the thickness of overburden

  2. exploratory workings

  3. composition of minerals

  4. pits and crosscuts

  5. to exploit new oil deposits

  6. sampling

10. geological section

а) мощность наносов

б) разрабатывать новые место-

рождения нефти

в) шурфы и квершлаги

г) пластовые месторождения

д) опробование (отбор) образцов

е) угол падения пласта

ж) колонковое бурение

з) геологический разрез (пород) и) состав минералов

к) разведочные выработки

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

  1. буровые скважины

  2. по простиранию пласта

  3. равномерность распределе­ ния минерала в залежи

  4. водоносность пород

  5. карбидные и алмазные коронки

  6. детальная разведка

  7. использовать новые поисковые методы

  8. проникать в залежь

  9. коренная порода

10. свойства окружающих пород

а) ground water conditions

б) detailed exploration

в) boreholes

г) along the strike of the bed (seam)

д) carbide and diamond bits

е) the uniformity of mineral distri-

bution in the deposit

ж) the properties of surrounding rocks

з) to make use of new prospecting methods

и) country rock

к) to penetrate into the deposit

28. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя приведенные слова:




а) 1. Exploration of gently dipping ...deposits is performed by vertical pits.

  1. The principal indicator of the economic importance of combustible shales is the persistence (постоянство) of the ...s in thickness and grade.

  2. As is known, any change in the normal... of a seam is called a disturbance.

work workable working

6)1. The term "prospecting" covers the whole range of geological ... aimed at discovering ... deposits.

  1. Naturally, the prospector also finds non-... mineral con­ centrations more often than economic ones.

  2. Many countries have their own classification system of ... deposits.

180 Unit 7

  1. The type of exploratory ...s needed depends on the thick­ ness of overburden and the angle of dip.

  2. The thickness of the seam considerably influences the choice of the method of....